Chapter 7

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During class the next day, Ji Wangshu came early alone, bought breakfast from outside the school, andsat down to eat slowly.

 When I went back yesterday, I found out that he was the only one living at home, and hisparents had already gone abroad, so he was left unattended.There were very few people in the classroom, and those who arrived early were either catching up onhomework or catching up on sleep, so it was extremely quiet. 

He was scrolling through his phone while eatingbreakfast. When he felt the shadow cast in front of him, he raised his head and saw Zhou Feiran looking at himwith a cold face. 

"Classmate Zhou, what do you want from me?" 

Ji Wangshu liked to see the lively look of this coldbeauty when she was angry, and found it particularly beautiful.

 Zhou Feiran looked at this classmate whom he had no impression of at all before yesterday, and his eyessuddenly became even colder as he thought about how he provoked him again and again yesterday and howclose he was to Cheng Kai. 

He didn't know why he felt angry, but he just didn't feel comfortable seeing thosetwo people standing together.

 "What is your purpose in approaching Cheng Kai? And where did you go to the last class of self-studylast night?"

 Yesterday during the third period of self-study, he found that Ji Wangshu was missing. While goingout to use the toilet, he started teaching Lou looked at the playground and found that Cheng Kai was alsomissing. 

"What purpose can it have?" Ji Wangshu seemed very confused,

 "It's just because I'm willing to helpothers. As for the self-study last night, I went to watch Cheng Kai train." 

"Liar, I didn't see you and Cheng Kai on the playground yesterday!"

 Ji Wangshu raised his eyebrows slightly and smiled, holding his chin and saying, "It turns out thatclassmate Zhou went peeping yesterday. You couldn't see us, of course because we were hiding secretly." 

Zhou Feiran was about to ask what they were doing hiding secretly when he saw the ambiguous smile onJi Wangshu's face and his fingers caressing his lips unintentionally. He immediately realized something and hisface turned pale." have only known Cheng Kai for a day and you are...debauched!"

In the last two words, Ji Wangshu could hear the contempt and disgust from the Flower of the HighMountain towards them. Uh-huh, it was just a kiss, how could he be so debauched?

 He was just following themost honest human instinct.He stood up suddenly, frightening Zhou Feiran so much that he unconsciously took half a step back.Under the horrified gaze of the young man, he directly grabbed the young man's collar and forced him to bendover, then connected their lips and gave him a lick. 

Zhou Feiran felt the wet touch on his lips and was so frightened that he pushed him away and hurriedlybacked away, looking particularly at a loss, "W-what are you doing?!" 

"It's nothing." Ji Wangshu shrugged, looking indifferent, "It's just a kiss. Haven't you and your girlfriendever kissed?" 

He just said casually that in his opinion Zhou Feiran might not be Hina anymore. Even in Qingshuiwen'sworld, not everyone is pure.But he didn't expect that just after he finished speaking, the young man's fair face would turn red,looking particularly ashamed. 

He lowered his eyes and returned to his seat without saying a word.Ji Wangshu, on the other hand, opened her eyes slightly in surprise. No way, she really hasn't even kissedher on the lips, so isn't this girlfriend lonely?

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