Role play: tricky customers and salespeople dedicated to performance

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         It was already afternoon when Ji Wangshu woke up the next day. He opened his eyes with difficulty and tried to get up, but found that his whole body was as weak as if he had been run over by a car, and he could not move at all.

  The person next to him seemed to notice his awakening, and immediately moved his face up excitedly, "Shu Shu, you're awake, are you feeling uncomfortable? Are you hungry?"

  He opened his mouth to speak, but heard The voice he spoke was very hoarse, and it didn't sound like his voice. Looking at the face in front of him, his consciousness gradually returned, and he gritted his teeth and said slowly: "What do you think?"

  Last night, this man was like an animal, and he was fucked over and over again. The back hole had just been opened, and he had swallowed countless semen, and the front hole was the hardest hit area. No matter how much he cried and begged, he would not be let go. By the end, his uterus and stomach were filled with semen, and his lower abdomen was slightly bulging.

  But fortunately, there is no sticky or uncomfortable feeling on his body now. It must have been cleaned last night. All I can say is that he still has a conscience.

  Cheng Kai rubbed the boy in his arms guiltily. He was indeed crazy last night. Now looking at the bruises all over the boy's body because of him, he felt very guilty.

  "I'm sorry, Shushu, I was so excited last night that I couldn't restrain myself. It's afternoon now. You must be hungry. Can I help you get dressed, wash up, and then eat?"

  Ji Wangshu responded lazily from his throat, and then Just watching the boy busy himself. I couldn't help but lick my lips. In fact, it felt quite good to do that last night. I just can't experience it often, just come once in a while is enough.

  After being served and finished eating, he lay on the sofa in the living room, watching TV and playing with his mobile phone. Because the flower hole was still red and swollen, and he didn't want to be rubbed and hurt, he didn't even wear underwear.

  While playing, he suddenly remembered something. He looked at Cheng Kai who was feeding him fruit and said, "Today is the weekend. Don't you have to work part-time on weekends?"

  Cheng Kai smiled and said, "I'm taking leave this week. Now." Because Friday was Wang Shu's birthday, he planned to spare a weekend to spend time with him.

  Ji Wangshu nodded, and then said: "I heard that you are going to the city to participate in a competition next week, right?" "

  Yes, if you can get the top three rankings by then, there will be more schools to choose from. "

  Then before we go back to school tomorrow, let's go to the mall. I want to buy something."



  Because it's the weekend, the mall has a lot of people, and you have to wait in line for a long time to eat at the restaurant. Cheng Kai kept holding the boy beside him tightly along the way, for fear that he would be swept away by the crowd.

  Ji Wangshu came today to help Cheng Kai choose a better pair of professional sports shoes for him to use during the game. But the price shouldn't be too expensive, otherwise Cheng Kai probably wouldn't accept it.

  But when he walked to the door of the luxury store and saw that there were new products launched, he couldn't help but walk in. Because he used his family's VIP membership, he was received into a separate VIP room.

  The salesperson pushed a bunch of clothes, jewelry and shoes over: "Hello, Mr. Ji. My name is Alex, and I will be at your service today. These are our new products for the season., do you think you want to try it? "

  Those two pairs of shoes look okay. You took them for me.

  "No, I don't care about you. Don't worry, I bought everything here, and the performance will be credited to you. Now go out and lock it for me." Good job, just leave us alone."


  Ji Wangshu didn't answer any more, but just said to the staff: "Ahem, Alex, we don't need your service here anymore, we can just try it ourselves."

  Chapter After the three people left, there were only two people left in the VIP reception room. Ji Wangshu looked at the person next to him, and Cheng Kai saw that the door was closed tightly, so he said a little embarrassedly: "Shu Shu, let me help you try on the shoes."

  Alex still smiled and nodded, and said: "Yes, we We must implement the best service concept to our customers, especially since Mr. Ji is still our VIP customer."

  Ji Wangshu kept a straight face and said in a deep voice: "What Shushu, don't forget your current identity, you want to call me Mr. Ji . Quick, Xiao Cheng, change my shoes."

  Cheng Kai no longer felt strange when he thought about the price of the album, which easily exceeded 10,000 yuan. But seeing Alex holding Wang Shu's feet in his hands as if they were treasures, carefully wiping them and changing shoes, he still felt a little weird.

  He whispered unhappily: "I can also help you try on shoes."

  But Cheng Kai didn't pay attention to this. He just found that the prices of the things in the album were ridiculous, and he bought even the cheapest ones. Sorry. He was thinking that he would have to work harder in the future to be able to support Wang Shu.

  Just as he was thinking about it, he discovered that Alex was kneeling on one knee beside Wang Shu, gently raised one foot, then took off his shoes and socks, and placed the white and small feet on his thigh.

  He stood up suddenly, and the sudden movement attracted the attention of two people. Cheng Kai frowned and said, "Is this how you serve customers here?"

  As a staff member of a luxury jewelry store, no one can escape the beauty of handsome men and beautiful women. law. The same goes for Alex, who is tall and handsome, and always has a polite smile on his face, which makes people feel good just looking at him.

  Only then did Cheng Kai realize that Wang Shu still wanted to play role-playing. He had to imitate Alex's appearance just now, leaned over slightly and said, "Okay, Mr. Ji." Fortunately, he had also worked as a waiter, and when he really dressed up, he also Quite similar.

  Cheng Kai was a little moved by the scene described by the young man, so he coughed and said, "Is it really okay?"

  Ji Wangshu reached out and pulled Cheng Kai's sleeves, asked him to sit down, and then whispered in his ear and explained: "Okay, luxury stores are like this. Otherwise, why would you think things are so expensive? Look, I don't even have to try on the shoes myself." Unexpectedly, the

  young man beside him raised his eyebrows slightly after hearing these words, and his tone Everything has changed, "Are you serious? Then I have to let him go down. You can't cut corners then. You have to kneel on the ground to help me change my shoes."

  Alex raised his head in fear and said in a panic tone: " What's wrong, Mr. Ji, is there something I can't do well?"

  Come on. "

  Putting those smooth feet on his thighs, he found that he had never noticed Wang Shu's feet. Well, they are as beautiful as him. The ankles are so thin that he can wrap them around with two fingers. Please keep the toes

The nails are all light pink.

  Alex seemed to understand something when he heard this. He glanced at the two people in front of him, and then lowered his head with some disappointment: "Okay, Mr. Ji, just call me if you need anything."

  Because he helped someone change his shoes. , so his movements were a bit unskilled, and the design of the shoes was a bit complicated and difficult to put on, so he couldn't put them on properly after wearing them for a while.

  Then, he was kicked by the foot in the palm, and Wang Shu's somewhat unhappy voice came from above: "What's going on? Are you a newbie? It takes a long time to put on shoes. Where is your store manager? I I want to complain to you!"

  "Yes, I'm sorry, Mr. Ji, I am indeed a newbie. Sorry, I will change it for you right away. Please don't complain to me." Although it was a bit strange, Cheng Kai still felt sincere and fearful as he cooperated with Wang Shu. Apologizing.

  "Humph! I'm sorry and that's it! Do you know how much money I can make in those few minutes I wasted just now?" Ji Wangshu perfectly interpreted a recalcitrant and unreasonable customer.

  "I'm really sorry, I..."

  "Don't tell me to apologize. How much is your apology worth? You've wasted my time and affected my money. If you don't want to be complained, you have to come up with some remedial measures. Come out."

  Cheng Kai looked up in confusion: "How, how to fix it?" Didn't it mean that he was just acting as a service staff to help change shoes? How did it end up like this?

  But the next moment, when he felt the little foot on his thigh slowly testing the base of his leg, he immediately blushed: "Shu Shu, this... hiss!"

  Before he could finish speaking, his thigh The flesh was pinched by his toes, and it hurt so much that he immediately changed his name: "Mr. Ji, what are you trying to do? I'm just a service worker."

  Now, he finally knew what Wang Shu was planning to do. There seemed to be such role-playing in the movies he had watched with his classmates before, but he never thought that he would do this one day.

  Ji Wangshu had already put her foot between the boy's legs and stepped lightly through the fabric, "If you don't want to be like a waiter, then be obedient. It's your honor that I can take a liking to you." "

  Cheng Kai's face was completely red. He could only stare blankly at the white feet against his pure black pants, not knowing how to react.

  But the body is always much more honest and direct than the brain. He soon felt that his genitals began to slowly swell and become excited uncontrollably, and his breathing was no longer so steady.

  Cold ridicule came from above the head again: "Tsk! You got hard so quickly? You just got stepped on by my feet. You are too coquettish. Are you really just selling clothes, not your body?"

  Cheng Kai was led into the play by the young man, and he gradually understood what kind of reaction the young man wanted from him. He clenched his fists and said angrily: "Mr. Ji, please don't humiliate me."

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