Chapter 9

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They didn't leave the dance room until a few minutes before the bell rang, knowing that the teacherwanted to call their names. When I came out, I happened to bump into my classmate, who looked at them withsome confusion.  

"How long have you been in the dance studio just now? What are you doing in there?"Cheng Kai blushed and did not dare to look directly into the probing eyes of his classmates. Ji Wangshusmiled slightly and said calmly:

 "Cheng Kai is a little hungry, let's eat something inside." 

The classmate didn't think much and said clearly:

 "Oh, eating, why are you hiding? We are afraid that wewill snatch it together." 

The three of them simply left the gym together and lined up to gather. It's just that the slight blush onCheng Kai's face couldn't go away. Wang Shu's talk about eating made him immediately think of himselfholding Rurou in his mouth and wanting to devour it. 

When Zhou Feiran saw these two people returning to the team, he began to scan them directly, trying tofind any clues. As soon as they disbanded, the two of them ran away together and disappeared, and now theyappeared together again. 

He didn't believe it when they said there was nothing fishy.Sure enough, when his eyes fell on Ji Wangshu's lips, he noticed very keenly that the lips were slightlyswollen. Okay, it seems that the two of them must have hidden somewhere and kissed secretly. I just kissed himin the morning, and now I kissed Cheng Kai until my mouth was swollen. 

It was really wanton.As for why he noticed the redness and swelling of the boy's lips so keenly, of course it was because afterhe was kissed in the morning, even though it was just a touch, the soft and moist touch at that time still madehim stare at it involuntarily during class. Look at Ji Wangshu's lips. 

After the assembly, it was time to disperse, and this physical education class was over. After returning tothe classroom, we have to continue the class, because the midterm exam will be in two days, so the teacher can'thelp but talk too much. The teacher dragged the last class before lunch to the point where the class complained. 

When get out of class was finally announced, all the students in the class rushed out. Cheng Kai waiteduntil everyone left before standing up: 

"Wang Shu, I'm going to buy you... clothes and lunch. What do you wantto eat?

Ji Wangshu thought for a while and reported five or six kinds of food, then handed her wallet out, notforgetting to bring back a cup of nai tea.Cheng Kai refused to accept it. In his opinion, the two had already done something so intimate, andWang Shu was already his partner. 

How could he let his partner spend money.Ji Wangshu glared slightly in dissatisfaction: 

"What's wrong? I asked you to run errands for me. Do Istill want to take advantage of you like this? If you don't use my money, I won't eat it if you buy it."

 Cheng Kai had no choice but to take the wallet and run out of the classroom, hoping to buy something toeat quickly.As soon as Cheng Kai left, someone sat in his seat. 

Ji Wangshu saw it from the corner of his eye, butpretended not to see it and was playing with his phone until the person next to him spoke uncontrollably: 

"Hey! How far are you and Cheng Kai?"

 Zhou Feiran didn't even bother with his girlfriend asking him for dinner, just to seize the opportunity tocatch Ji Wangshu alone.Ji Wangshu looked a little confused and raised her eyebrows slightly: 

"Well, what does this have to dowith you, classmate Zhou? It seems to be between me and Cheng Kai."Zhou Feiran couldn't stand Ji Wangshu's pretentiousness and said displeased: "Cheng Kai and I wereclassmates from elementary school to high school. Of course I can't stand your deceiving his feelings like this!You'd better stay away from him!" 

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