Chapter 11

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Seeing Zhou Feiran leave, Ji Wangshu immediately returned to normal. I didn't wear any clothes, so Iwent into the bathroom with bare legs and took a bath. When I went back to bed, I also received a message fromCheng Kai. 

"Shu Shu, I think you went to some banquet today. Are you home now?" 

"Well, it's my cousin's birthday party. After drinking some wine, I just went to my cousin's house to restfor the night."

 After sending it, he took another selfie and sent it.

 "Does it look good?"Cheng Kai had just gotten off work and was staggering in the bus waiting to get home. When he saw thephoto sent there, his first reaction was to press the phone to his chest, and then looked around nervously, for fearthat the photo would be seen by others.

 Fortunately, he was tall and raised his phone slightly higher so that no one could see him around.Looking at the young man in the photo, who had a slight shiver on his forehead and was full of moisture fromjust getting out of the bath, making him look particularly charming, his earlobes turned red inadvertently. 


 "Then you should go to bed early after taking a shower. It's not too early now."After saying this, the bus just arrived at the stop. He held his mobile phone in his hand and returnedhome with a very warm heart despite the chilly autumn wind at night.

 After all, he had drank. Although he was not drunk, he was a little sleepy now. Ji Wangshu was too lazyto play with his mobile phone. He only left a desk lamp and lay down. 

But before she could fall asleep, the door to the guest room was opened again. Ji Wangshu looked atZhou Feiran walking in without surprise, and said in a cold tone: 

"What are you doing here?"

 Zhou Feiran frowned in displeasure and said, "Why do you have two different faces when you are drunkand when you are sober? Or you are not so annoying when you are drunk."

"I'm going to bed, it's time for you to go out." 

Not only did Zhou Feiran not leave, but he sat directly on the bed, "Sorry, I'm sleeping here tonight too.There are not enough rooms in the villa." 

Ji Wangshu acted very unwelcome, "Can't you go home?" 

Zhou Feiran only responded with a cold glance, "Why don't you go home?"

 "Okay, whatever you want. There should be a quilt in the cabinet. You can get it yourself. I don't want tosleep in the same bed with you." After saying that, Ji Wangshu wrapped herself in the quilt and lay down withher back to the person. 

This made Zhou Feiran even more convinced that Ji Wangshu must have some ulterior secret. And whenhe finds out the other party's secret, let's see how this guy shows off his power in front of him.After taking a shower in the bathroom, he put on the brand new pajamas provided in the guest bedroom,and then lay down next to the boy with a quilt. 

It was the first time he slept with someone in the same bed. Evenif it was someone he hated, he still couldn't let go. His body froze and remained motionless.After an unknown amount of time, he noticed that the breathing of the boy beside him gradually becamesteady, and he must have fallen asleep. 

But he still waited uneasy for another half an hour, then sat up verygently, leaned close to the young man's face, and whispered:"

Ji Wangshu? Ji Wangshu...hey! Scumbag, liar..."Seeing this, Ji Wangshu still didn't wake up, and was motionless and breathing steadily, so he feltrelieved.Carefully lifting the quilt, the young man in the quilt was wearing the same set of pajamas as him. ZhouFeiran immediately took off his shirt, thinking there must be something hidden under the white cloth. 

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