Overlapping bodies, playing with four hands, soiling the school piano (h)

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At the end of that night, they made it to the end of the evening self-study at school, until he could only cry for mercy, and his body was at the mercy of the two of them, unable to resist. Then, they were sent home together.

  Ji Wangshu thought that after what happened that night, Cheng Kai would have recognized his true nature and would stay away from him. But he didn't expect that the boy would still treat him as usual, as if what had happened didn't exist. She would still stay by his side, and she was equally repelled by Zhou Feiran's approach.

  But when he occasionally needed to go to the music classroom to rehearse with Zhou Feiran, even though Cheng Kai knew that the two of them were likely to do something intimate if they were alone in the same room, he still didn't stop him. When I came to pick him up, I would stand guard outside the classroom door and never push in directly like last time. It's like, if you don't see it, you can pretend it didn't happen.

  It is almost ten o'clock in the evening, and senior high school students always finish their evening self-study very late. There was no one on the road anymore. The two of them walked side by side on the quiet road, and the street lights stretched their shadows into a long shadow.

  Listening to the steady breathing of the people around him, Ji Wangshu couldn't help but speak, "Cheng Kai, I think we should break up."

  The air was still quiet, as if no one heard what he said. After a while, he heard Cheng Kai ask him calmly: "Why do you want to break it off?"

  Ji Wangshu didn't dare to look at the boy anymore, and only looked at the flat road ahead, "You know me, it was just for fun. That's all, we've had enough fun, so it's time to stop."

  He was originally a scumbag, not only playing with his body, but occasionally also liked to play with his emotions. His usual style is to throw it away when he has had enough fun. As for how broken, sad or desperate the people he abandoned were, that was not within his scope of consideration.

  But... maybe because Cheng Kai was similar to that person in some aspects, he couldn't bear to drag the other person deeper into it. Anyway, the pollution value is almost 80 now. It had increased a lot when the three of them were together that day, and his mission is almost completed.

  The pace of the two of them still didn't stop, and the boy still looked quiet and calm, but his sudden erratic breathing still revealed his true emotions.

  Ji Wangshu heard Cheng Kai's tone of voice that was trying not to tremble and asked him,

  "Have I let you have enough fun?"

  "Almost, and I'm going abroad soon. You know, my parents are both there. So. , we will end sooner or later." Ji Wangshu had already asked the system that he could choose how to leave this world, and there was even an option of direct accidental death, but he still chose a relatively reasonable and peaceful way to leave.

  "Did you go abroad to avoid us? I, I won't care about you anymore. Shushu, please don't go abroad, okay?" Hearing Ji Wangshu said that he wanted to go abroad, Cheng Kai panicked instantly. Because he knew that once there was such a long distance between the two of them, there might not even be a chance to see each other again.

  "It's not to hide from anyone, it's just that my parents have already settled there. They have wanted me to go abroad for a long time, and I can't delay it any longer."

  Cheng Kai didn't say anything anymore

 I have been to Wang Shu's house many times. There is only one person living in such a big house. Without the company of my parents and family, I will definitely feel lonely. Since Shushu's parents are waiting for him abroad, who has the right to stop him.

  Ji Wangshu's hand was suddenly pulled, and the broad palm could easily wrap his entire hand. He stood there, watching the tall boy bend down and bury his head on his shoulders. For a long time, a muffled sound rang in my ears.

  "Shu Shu, before you go abroad, can we stay the same as before?"

  "I..." Ji Wangshu muttered and wanted to speak, but the next moment his unfinished words were blocked back in his throat. The lips were caught, nibbling and sucking gently, and the rough tongue invaded his mouth, licking his warm gums and wrapping the fluid in his mouth. He had to tilt his head up and passively bear the long kiss full of sticky saliva.

  After an unknown amount of time, his legs were so weak that he could no longer stand, and the lips that held him reluctantly left. Panting heavily due to lack of oxygen, the boy rubbed his neck, seeming to be coquettish.

  "Okay? Shushu."



  "I think we have almost practiced. We don't need to practice anymore. We will just have another rehearsal when the time comes."

  "Yes, indeed." Zhou Feiran Although there was no expression on his face, there was a smile in

  his eyes, "I didn't expect us to have such a tacit understanding." Ji Wangshu was too lazy to pay attention to him. He did not intend to tell Zhou Feiran that he was leaving at that time, and was ready to run away directly. After all, unlike Cheng Kai, it was very easy to fly abroad with him.

  "Now that we've finished practicing the piano, we can have time to do other things." Zhou Feiran grabbed the boy's hand and put it between his legs. There was a slight bulge there, which

  Zhou Feiran could clearly see. Small goosebumps appeared on the soft flesh of the inner thigh. He moved his head slightly closer and took a breath of hot air towards the pink pussy. He watched with satisfaction as the tightly closed flower hole shrank again.

  The flower hole was suddenly exposed to the cold air of late autumn, and it was so cold that it couldn't help shrinking twice, looking very endearing.

  He stretched out his fingers and touched the crotch of the underwear, only to find that it was dry. "Tsk, it's really not wet. Why is your cunt so obedient today?"

  "Is Shushu's cunt cold? I'll give it to you." Why don't you use some hot air to warm yourself up?"

  Because Zhou Feiran deliberately leaned close to his neck when speaking, all the hot breath he exhaled while speaking was sprayed on the side of his neck. Ji Wangshu tilted her head slightly as she felt itchy, a little uninterested, "I don't want it." "

  Well, it's so sweet." She looked with satisfaction at the young man's body that started to tremble slightly after just being poked by the tip of his tongue. Zhou Feiran lowered his head again, and this time he opened his mouth and took the entire fat hole into his mouth.

  "You..." Ji Wangshu was speechless. He watched the young man buried his head between his thighs, opening his mouth to breathe at him in a playful manner. The slightly hot and humid air kept hitting his vagina and labia, intertwining with the cold air and attacking him. Under the heat and cold, his sensitive body soon couldn't bear it anymore. He could already feel that the vaginal flesh inside was shrinking and began to secrete liquid.

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