First, watch Bai Lian having sex with a man, and then being watched by

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Music was playing in the banquet hall. Men and women danced slowly to the music, or exchanged business and chatted with each other. They were dressed in fragrant clothes and drinking glasses. It was very lively.

  Yan Wei never liked dancing, and with his current status, he no longer needed to please anyone, so he took his little beauty to the terrace on the second floor to enjoy the evening breeze, drink wine, and look at all kinds of people below. .

  Suddenly, he saw a somewhat familiar person standing behind the trees in the courtyard on the first floor. He was standing with a man, chatting and behaving in an ambiguous manner.

  After all, they only met once, and the other person's appearance was difficult to remember. Yan Wei asked with some uncertainty: "Shu Shu, do you think that is the person Bo Yi brought tonight?"

  Ji Wangshu followed Yan's instructions. Wei looked in the direction pointed by her chin, and sure enough she saw Zuo Ning hiding in a hidden corner with a man, seemingly arguing about something. The strange man kept pulling Zuo Ning into his arms, refusing to let him go.

  He nodded and immediately became interested. He moved forward to get a better look at the excitement. It's a pity that they were on the second floor and couldn't hear the content of the argument between the two.

  Yan Wei's expression became playful, and she even picked up her phone, "It's really interesting. Bo Yi's partner is having an affair with someone else behind his back, and it's unclear. I have to take a picture of it, so that he doesn't know."

  Zuo Ning was a little panicked and wanted to get rid of the man who kept pulling him. His tone was urgent: "Zhang Hao, don't pull me. I have something to do today. Can we meet alone next time to talk in detail?"

  But Zhang Hao couldn't listen at all. The young man had said what he said. He only knew that he had not seen Zuo Ning for a long time. If he let him go this time, he might never have the chance to meet again.

  "No, I won't let go. You tell me first what I did wrong to make you leave so suddenly without saying goodbye. Why don't I change it?"

  Zuo Ning couldn't get rid of the person he saw and was worried about being passed by. The person saw it and pulled the man to hide in a remote place, "You didn't do anything wrong, but I can't keep you by my side to give you hope and hang on to you even though I know you like me. We are together, so we should keep distance between us."

  Zhang Hao's expression became disappointed and asked: "Is it Bo or not? I just saw you two being together."

  "Yes, we are already dating. Yes."

  Zhang Hao looked at the young man's admission, feeling a little unwilling to do so: "But that guy is so cold-blooded and ruthless, even his fiancé who grew up together..."

  But before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by Zuo Ning: " There is a reason for Bo Yi to do this. I know him better than you, and please don't slander my partner."

  Zhang Hao obviously didn't get enough of the melon because of his lack of class. He only knew that Bo Yi sent Ji Wangshu away When I arrived at the club, I didn't know who it was because of. Now that he is still mentioning it in front of the parties concerned, he naturally doesn't get a good look.

  He lowered his head and said, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do it. Mr. Bo is indeed much better than me, and I hope you can be happy. But... we were friends once, and I promise we won't go overboard. Don't hide like this anymore." How am I?"

  Zuo Ning looked at the silly and sweet man in front of him for just a moment.

  There was a turmoil in his mind, but he finally nodded and said: "Okay, but I hope you don't appear in front of my boyfriend, I'm afraid he will be angry."

  Zhang Hao forced a smile, "That's good, thank you, Zuo Ning. "

  Then he said cautiously with some hesitation: "Then, can I hug you one last time? I promise, this is the last time!"

  Zuo Ning looked around, there were only two of them, in order to completely comfort the person. , he agreed: "Yes, but you can leave first after hugging me."

  Zhang Hao was so happy that he got the permission, and he didn't care about being driven away. Excitedly, he stepped forward and gave her a gentle hug. Before the person in his arms became impatient, he quickly let go and said goodbye.

  Zuo Ning watched the person finally leave and breathed a sigh of relief. He really didn't expect to meet Zhang Hao here. After all, although Zhang Hao is a rich second generation, his family background is far from the standard of this charity dinner.

  But now that I have calmed him down, there should be no chance of meeting him in the future. As long as he's careful, he shouldn't be exposed.

  Little did he know that there were already people watching everything on the terrace on the second floor, and they were even recorded on video.

  Ji Wangshu looked at the strange man from a distance, but he really couldn't find him in the original owner's circle. But since he could sneak into such an occasion, his family background shouldn't be too bad. He was previously curious about how Zuo Ning, from an ordinary family background, came into contact with Bo Yi and others. Now it seems that I have found someone to serve as a springboard.

  He looked at Yan Wei who had just finished recording the video next to him, "Are you planning to send the video to Bo Yi now?"

  Yan Wei shook his head and put the phone on the table, "No, I just plan to watch it for myself. Yes. Why should I remind Bo Yi? Wouldn't it be more interesting to watch them get married and fall in love?"

  Ji Wangshu also laughed, thinking about that scene she found it very interesting. Bo Yi thought he had found the love of his life and the perfect soul-matching partner, but in fact the other person approached him with a purpose from beginning to end. On the surface, she smiled at him gently and kindly, but secretly she was seeking status, power, and wealth. The affectionate look she held against him was full of greed.

  However, Yan Wei was amazed by the scenery of the beauty lying lazily on the wicker chair, smiling brightly under the dim light. As soon as her mind moved, she came closer, and the two of them breathed very close, "Baby, in front of the flowers, under the moon, on a good day. Beautiful scenery, shouldn't we waste time on other people?"

  Ji Wangshu was suddenly enveloped by the man's aura, looking at the lust in his eyes, he tilted his head: "Mr. Yan, this is at the dinner, you Aren't you afraid that people downstairs will look up and see you, or someone will come over and see you?"

  "No one will come, they are all dancing and chatting downstairs." Sniffing the smell of the young man, Yan Wei's breathing became He became heavy and moved his big hands down the close-fitting dress skirt, "Don't worry, I won't fuck you here, I just want to make you feel good."

  He pushed the dress up and piled it on his lower abdomen, and his lower body was almost naked. in front of him. " Ah

  ..." The clitoris was pulled painfully and pleasantly. He couldn't help but scream, but he couldn't control his body at all.

  Because I don't know when a man has been standing next to the terrace.

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