6|| Brewing Emotions

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Rajvardhan POV:

I don't know what was happening to me! The ride back to Aryagarh was making me out of breath... And what nonsense was I spewing out of my mouth???

 'I wouldn't want to lose you when I've not even got the change to know you!' Rajvardhan Rathore what were you thinking while spewing those words out of your mouth? Ofcourse I was not thinking!!!

"Prince, we are about to reach the palace." The driver said through the small partition between him and me. Finally!!!

The whole ride I was so engrossed in thinking about what was happening with me that I didn't even notice that Princess Mishka has dozed off and her head was lightly touching the window of the carriage. Her duppatta was on her head with her beautiful and mesmerizing face on display for me devour. Her long and thick lashes were enhancing her features even in her sleep. 

I had seen her in the morning when I had teased her but every single time I'm awstruck with her beauty. My gaze slowly lowered to her Nath (Nose pin), which was big enough to partially hide her lips which were in shade of deep red. Uff! those lips were so tempting that at some point I had a thought of just eating it up.

Ugh! Not again... I think I really need to see our head of physicians and get myself treated. I was still focused on her face when she moved her head in a more comfortable position making me freeze in my place as if I was caught in the act of doing sin. 

Her shifting made her Duppatta fall from her head revealing those long black hairs with orange coloured vermilion filled in between. That one particular symbol which made her mine, but I was starting to feel like I was becoming hers more and more. I just want to be as close to her as possible, that much effect she was having on me.

The carriage finally stopped with a jerk waking Princess Mishki up a little disoriented but in an alert mode as if she was ready to fight. I slightly touched her shoulder which was a wrong move, she immediately held my hand and twisted it and with her other free hand she tried to reach for my neck. I was fast enough to stop her hand in the air, this made her realise what she had done. 

I could see the fear dripping through her body along with a fight and flight mode on. I could hear her heartbeats in the silence. "I'm sorry I didn't realise... I thought... I just... " she stuttered before losing her hold on my hand and adjusting her Duppatta to its place. 

"What just happened Mishka?" I asked in a very polite way, this fear was not normal for a princess to have. From what I've heard Raja Suryadev never took her to any of his battles and never was he secretly attacked in his palace that could create such severe fight or flight reactions. 

She tried to release her other hand from my hold but I gripped her even more, I wanted answers. Has something happened that made her develop such instincts or it's just normal battle skill training. 

"I..." she was about to say something when the door to my side opened and I immediately released her hand. 

"Raj, now she's all yours to look at but right now you need to come out so that we can go and take some rest. Mishi might be tired from all the travelling and we still need to perform certain rituals." Maa Sa said before taking my wife's hand into hers and taking towards the main door of our palace. 

A maid was already standing beside the door with big plate in her hand filled with red liquid. "Mishi, dip your hands in this liquid Vermilion and stick it to both the sides of the wall. Since you are the Goddess Lakshmi of house your hands will bring prosperity to our family." Maa Sa instructed and Princess Miskha dipped her hands to print it on both sides of the wall. 


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