28|| Flames of Revenge

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Author's Note: 

I know I'm not updating that frequently but I almost had a writer's block🥺. I was scared that I won't be able to create but I'm trying hard to write more and more for you guys!!!

Please show some love and do let me know how the plot's going so far!


Aariz's POV: 

"Aap andar nahi ja sakte Rajkumar, Sultan abhi Namaaz ada kar rahe hai!" 

"You can't go in Prince, Sultan is offering the prayers!" I heard Hamid's voice. He is the only one who can stop a king from entering my chambers with no worries of getting killed by his sword. The courage and loyalty of his towards me was why I didn't let him die on the hands of outsiders. 

"Hamid miyan, Rajkumar ko andar aane se na roken." 

"Hamid brother, don't stop Prince from entering my chamber." I said while folding my mat on which I was performing my prayers. 

"Maaf kijiyega, agar hume pata hota ke aap Namaaz ada kar rahe hai to hum abhi nahi aate"

"Please excuse me, if I had known that you were offering prayers then I wouldn't have disturbed you right now!" Rajvardhan said. 

"No worries, please take a seat." I offered him to sit on the sofa in the seating area of the chamber. I was born into royalty but never stayed behind to enjoy all the luxury it gave. This was the longest since my father's death that I've stayed at one place where there are helpers for everything. For the last few months I've been either fighting against the enemies are finding ways to keep my people alive. 

"How is Mishi?" I asked breaking the silence. The moment I saw her falling into my arms I was so damn scared that I'll lose the only person who saw the good in me. Since I was a kid I was taught that all Rajputs were our enemies, ofcourse there have been exceptions in the history where Rajput women got married into our families. 

But that was only to bond certain treaties or for protection but never for Love. For us rulers Love was never a topic for education. It was worthless, the duties and responsibilites we were bound to would never allow us to even breath the word Love let alone fall in for one. 

"She's fine and breathing perfectly, all thanks to you!" he genuinely meant that since it was visible not only on his face and tone but his gestures showed everything. 

"It's all thanks to the supreme power, I was just the medium." I said with a smile, Mishi was the reason we were even talking like normal human beings... leaving behind the stress of taking over or war. 

Prince nodded in agreement before calling his Chief of Minister and getting straight to business. One thing I liked about Prince Rajvardhan was that he was a man of Power. The reason behind me approaching him was to clarify the facts about him being one of the worthiest crown Prince among all Rulers of Hind. 

"I never thought I would be having a conversation with an Afghani Sultan, let alone joining hands with him but let me clear one thing... this treaty has no relation with what you did out there. I'm thankful to you and still in debt to you for saving my wife, but I'm also a ruler at the same time." I nodded. 

"I belive you, and I respect you for that. When I met Mishi, she took away my sadness and gave me hope of seeing the bright future. Even if today you would have declined the treaty I would have never attacked you in future. Not because you are not a threat to me but because I would never hurt my sister let alone it would lead me to my death bed." I said it out loud and the moment my words were out I could see the surprise on Rajvardhan's face. 

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