26|| Please Forgive Me

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Rajvardhan's POV: 

Though I was very much thankful to Aariz for not letting any other personal detail out loud, but at the same time I had no idea how to explain them as well. My mother has been crying continuously since the moment she arrived and my father has been trying to console her. 

I know the moment they settle down a little bit and grasp everything I'm going to get bombarded with questions and disappointments of not being able to protect Mishka. 

"Oh Raj, I'm so sorry this happened. The moment I got to know how critical the situation is I decided to join the King & Queen to see if you are okay or not!" Vaanya said before hugging me with tears in her eyes. I was too stunned to realise that she had been in the room as well. I gently accepted her hug and patted on her head before asking her to not cry and have faith in god. 

"I can't even imagine what you must be going through. I just hope she doesn't die otherwise it'll break you down" Vaanya's voice wobbled due to crying, her tears soaking my kurta. 

"You know, if there's anything I can do to help, anything at all, please don't hesitate to ask. I'm always there for you Raj." She said before placing her palm over my chest and wiping her tears with another hand. She was completely shaking and soon started to hiccup. 

"Paani laye!!!" 

"Give me some water!!" I ordered to one of the maid and she rushed to bring the glass filled with water. "Here have some water, Vaanya. Please don't cry I know nothing is going to happen to my wife." I said with confidence, more like consoling myself to have faith in God along with Aariz's treatments.

"Maa, Pitaji aap kab aye?" 

"Mom, Dad, when did you arrive?" Yuvraj said hesitantly making me suddenly realise that how did they know that Mishka was poisoned. 

"Itni badi baat nahi batayi aap dono ne? Woh to bhala ho Vaanya ka jinhe pata chal gaya warna hamari bachi ko hum mil bhi nahi pate!!!" 

"Why didn't you both inform us about this anytime soon? Thankfully Vaanya informed us about what has happened otherwise I wouldn't have been able to see my daughter!!" my mother yelled at us while caressing Mishka. 

My mother has never been the person who get's easily attached and trusting towards a stranger let alone a family member but it was totally opposite in Mishka's case. In such a short period of time my mother has got so attached with my wife that she'll burn down the palace if anything misfortune happens to her. 

But right now watching her helpless just like every other person in this room was making me more and more responsible for not being a continuous present person in my wife's life. It was my duty to look after her needs and wants along with safety but I lacked in that too... Am I even the right person to be a crown Prince when I can't even find the culprit who tried killing my wife?

"Ek minute! Vaanya ko kaise pata chala jabki Mahal ke sirf kuch logon ko hi pata tha Bhabhi maa ke baare main?" 

"Wait a minute! How did Vaanya get to know about Bhabhi Maa when only few selective people were aware about her condition?" Yuvraj asked suspiciously making me stop in my thoughts and look towards my brother, who actually had a good point. 

My brothers along with my father never liked Vaanya's presence, though they never said it out loud but it was quite evident on their faces. I always thought it was due to her being clingly girl just like little sisters are, and me being the person who doesn't care about anything unless it's hurting someone never minded her being clingy. 

But now when Yuvraj put the question like that it did get my attention though. "He's right how did you get to know about Mishka when very few of them knew about the exact situation?" I asked her out of curiosity and that was when I saw something which I've never seen before, well not seen before from her side. 

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