27|| The Dreamy Kiss

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Mishka's POV:

The moment I felt myself gain conciousness, the first thing that came rushing towards me was Dizziness. I was slowly getting aware of sensations passing through my body and as conciousness gradually returns all I feel is disorientation and confusion. It felt more of like I had been sleeping for a long time and emerging from dreamless sleep. 

I tried to move but it seemed surreal like I had steeped into a hazy fog where everything was still. Slowly and gradually when the fog began to lift and awareness sharpened my senses the first thing I become aware of is the warmth. 

I suddenly felt heated, ignited throughout my body but strangely comforting enough that I subconciously snuggled towards the source. The moment I squirmed a little more to make myself more comfortable, a low groan rubmled from my side making me stop and open my eyes in shock to see what was that sound. 

Opening my eyes, they meet with the sight of Hukum's face. It felt like time has stopped when my eyes met his, I was drowning in those dark orbs. So much power they held that made me raise my hand to touch his face. It can't be real right? Hukum would never be this up close, I believe it's the most beautiful dream I'm watching. 

By the glow of dim lit diya beside the bed, I could see his features softening under my touch. His expression is a mixture of relief, hope and maybe unspoken fear. I gently guided my fingers from his sharp cheek bones towards the beautifully carved lips. 

This is definitely a dream since the man infront of me was sporting a stuble which I've never seen on Hukum's face. But this version of him seemed beautiful in it's own way. Yet, beneath the rugged exterior lies a tenderness, I could feel a vulnerability that beckons to be explored. His one-day beard, like a veil of mystery, invites one to unravel the layers of his soul, to discover the depths of his passion and the warmth of his embrace. 

I find myself captivated by the peaceful expressions of my dreamy husband, lying beside me with one hand beneathe me holding me in place while the other one over my body and very close to my breasts. Even if this is a dream everything felt real, every touch every moment and I could even feel his uneven breath whenever my fingers touched his skin. 

With all the tenderness I reach out, my fingertips tracing the curve of his lips with a silky touch. I have always imagined being passionately kissed just like the ones explained in those romance books of mine. I gently stroked my finger over his lips, my declaration of how much I adore him and how much his mere presence affects me. 

I suddenly wanted to know whether he was getting affected from my touch? I slowly dragged my hand down his neck towards his chest and as my fingers lingered against his naked chest, I could feel the gently rise and fall with each hypnotizing breath. A rhythm which ultimately was soothing my soul at the same time. I lean further closer to only find myself lost in the beauty of his calmness, his heartbeats a lullaby to my ears. 

Taking one last long breath of his masculine scent I moved back a little only to do something I would never do in real life. "It's just a dream!!" I said to myself before closing my eyes and leaning further to press a feather light kiss against his lips. 

Hukum released a murmered sigh, before I felt him respond to my kiss. Stunned to the sensation I would have almost backed out if Hukum wouldn't have pulled me closer. His lips moved magically against mine filled with passion, just like I've read. I now understand the greed of wanting more and more and never getting satisfied with just one kiss. 

Hukum's lips sensuously engulf mine, fueled by the tender affection flowing between us. I could feel his chest going up and down faster than before and when he again pulled me closer I could feel our breath mingling in the stillnes of the room. I don't want to let this moment finish ever, I just want to be here laying in my husband's arms and kissing him even more until we couldn't breathe. 

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