9|| Let's be friends!

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Mishka POV: 


"Ahmm!" I slowly opened my eyes to look in the direction of the sound, and immediately I jumped to stand when I saw Hukum standing near the swing with his arms crossed and my book in his hand. 

The moment I tried to stand, my legs got stuck in my skirt. I got disbalanced and instantly my eyes closed with a gasp releasing my mouth when I felt myself falling backwards. 

I was ready for the fall when a hand scooped around my waist to hold me steady and prevent me from falling backwards on the swing. I knew it was Hukum, but when he pulled me towards him with his hand and my face burrying into his chest I felt my heart beating faster than it normally does. 

The moment I got full body slammed to his hard and muscular chest I got a whiff of his scent... woody mixed with spice and some kind of herb mixed. His masculine scent was intoxicating, I could feel my senses going numb and drowing in this deep ocean of his masculanity. 

I took a deep breath to take his scent in before realising what I just did. Slowly I backed my head a little and opened my eyes only to find him watching me closely. He was tall to my 5.6 ft height, hence I needed to look up to watch him perfectly from my position... stuck in his arm! 

The moment my eyes met his I felt get lost in them. I don't know why and how? but looking into his eyes have always made me feel safe. As if they are telling me that we'll protect you all the time, I was so lost that I raised my hand just to caress Hukum's eyes with the tips of my fingers. 

My fingers slowly moved towards his face with a beard, not too long just the perfect cut & trim. Then my fingers moved towards his lips... I was jealous of his lips though. How can a man have such a beautiful lips, perfect bow shaped! 

The moment my fingers touched his lips, they parted a little only to take my index finger into his mouth and nibbing a little before sucking it. I snatched my hand away as if I got burnt but this was a very different type of burn. 

The burn which I've never felt but only read... the burn of desire! I could feel my breasts going up and down due to heavy breaths and something happening to me between my legs. It was as if I wanted him to touch me there and do something to release the pressure. 

My brain was going wild and crazy at the same time and when his fingers tightened around my naked waist I wanted to burst into flames. I can feel wetness in my core. Coming back to senses I tried to unbind myself from his tight grip but the more I struggled the more he brought me closer to his chest. 

He lowered his face a little to touch my nose with his. I could feel his hot breath on my lips with eyes closed, he inhaled deepely as if he was trying to memorise how I smelt. At some point I thought he would kiss me by looking at the way he was moving his head forward, but muttering a curse under his breath he moved his face closer towards my earlobe. 

"You have no idea what you're doing to me!" Hukum exclaimed before darting his tongue out and licking my skin just below the earlobe. His hand started to move upwards towards my bareback sending waves of sensations through my body. 

My body shivered at his voice, the roughness in his voice made my knees suddenly feel weak. I was about to open my mouth to say something when he licked his way down towards my exposed collarbone making me freeze a little and stop breathing. 

"Breathe Mishka!" he said in his rough and very intimate voice before moving back a little. I immediately felt cold without his touch, steadying myself a little I pulled my duppatta on my head which was long forgotten. 

"Hukum..." I tried to say before he put his finger on my lips and moved forward closing the distance between us. 

"Shh..! Raj, that's what you'll be calling me from now on." He said it like an order. 

"B-but... I cannot take your name! It's not a good sign." I replied hurriedly, I was suddenly feeling out of breath due to the tension between us. 

"Maa always call Pitaji by his name whenever they're alone. I want us to be friends before being husband and wife. Which means you'll be calling me by my name, Raj!" 

"Friends? I mean I don't know how!" I asked with confusion, I have only been friends with Suman and that was also a sister type of relationship but I never knew how to be friends with someone. 

"Let me give you an example... Let's start with getting to know some basic things like what do you do in your free time. Ofcourse other than sleeping on Swings!" He teased with a chuckle which made my cheeks turn red with embarrassment! 

"Hume kitabe padhna acha lagta hai" 

"I love to read books" I said still breathless from the closeness. 

"Kitabe? Acha to aisi kitabe pasand hai apko padhna!" 

"Books? Oh! so you like reading books just like this one!" Hukum said before holding the book I was reading in his hand making my eyes almost pop out. 

"Hukum! H-How did you get this book? Please return my book back." I exclaimed before reaching forward to grab the book. If Hukum tries to read this book then I'll be dead! He would behead me for reading such books with so many intimate scenes. 

"Raj! it's Raj my dear wife not Hukum... and I'm curious about this book though. I wanna learn more about your tastes in books so that we can read it together and have a good discussion.... that's what friends do right?" he said with a smirk on his face and keeping the book out of my reach. 

"R-r... Hukum, hum apko Hukum hi bulayenge aur rahi baat kitab ki to hume wapas de den!" 

"R-r... Hukum, that's what I'm going to call you, Hukum and about the book then please return it to me!" I said in frustration as he was holding the book above his head unreachable for me. 

"I want to know my wife's preferences and tastes in books so that I can buy you more of those!" he said before backing a little and starting to move away from me. 

"No... no I agree but not this one, I'll tell you what I like reading but just give me my book back." I said still trying to get to the book above his head. Ugh! Why does he have to be so tall? 

I jumped a little to catch hold of the book and got disbalance which caused me to fall and a sharp pain shoot through my right ankle making me cry a little in pain.

"Mishka! Let me see." Hukum immediately bent down to scoop me up into his arms and placing me on the bed before reaching out to take my leg into hands. I backed my leg before he caught it and starting looking for any breaks. 

"Hukum please don't touch my foot it's not a good sign." I said 

"Nothings more important than looking after you, and I don't think so that its broken." Hukum said before massaging my leg. 

Never in my dream I would have thought of getting such a caring husband who wouldn't even think twice before kneeling down in-front of his wife. I have watched men treating their women like a slave and here I'm with my husband massaging my leg. 

"Hukum... I think you are right Let's be friends!" I said in a low voice almost inaudible if you wouldn't pay attention. But the moment I saw him smiling I knew it's gonna be alright. 


Heyoo Cutiees❤️❤️😍😍

Another Update!!!


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