15|| The Untold Story

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Rajvardhan's POV:

I don't know what the hell is happening to me, I'm known for being a ruthless man. Several men have wet their pants by just whispers of my name and when I start using my knife or many a times fist that's totally a different story to tell. 

But here I'm running like a coward from the woman I've started to feel comfortable enough to have a sword fight. 

"Raj, kya soch rahe hai aap?"

"Raj, what are thinking about?" said my father, breaking me from my deep thoughts of today's events. 

"Pranam! Pitaji" I greeted him by bending down to touch his feet and take the blessings. 

"May god bless you with all the love and happiness of this world." he said before patting on my shoulders. I love watching his eyes shine with pride whenever he looks at me, never letting me feel like I was messing up my life. Actually that shine has disciplined me to be the better person. 

"Ab bataoge bhi ke aisi to konsi chiz hai jo apko itna pareshaan kar rahi hai?" 

"Now will you let me know what's troubling you like this?" he asked again. Not even a fake smile could work infront of him, as if he had some kind of lie detector attached to himself all the time. 

I smiled a little. "It's new... I m-mean this whole marriage thing and sharing same space with a woman whom you've known for like a few days. I don't know it's making my mind fuzzy!" I finally spewed it out. 

He has that kind of magic... magic of making me and my brothers confess our guts out. Let alone if those are some serious mistakes we would've done or things that were really troubling us just like now, he made me finally speak my mind out. 

I've heard stories of great rulers who knew how to be a king but failed at being a good father to their sons. Our father was different, we know a very little about his past, we never knew our grandfather nor our grandmother but what I know is that he's definitely a great father to us and he always tries to be the best. 

Eventhough he was busy growing his kingdom, he was never busy enough to not pay attention towards his own family. I have heard many advisors ask him to be more ruthless towards shaping his sons into powerful and strong warriors but he always did what he knew was better for us. 

"I know it's hard to suddenly share your personal space with someone else and let alone a woman. But you know what that's the most beautiful thing that could ever happen to you." he said before he motioned for me to sit down and have a little talk. 

"How? I mean... well usually I'm the scariest person and look at me now I'm scared of my wife." I said with a sigh. 

"Beta, jab apki maa se humari shaadi hui tab sabko yahi lagta tha ke hum unhe maar dalenge!" 

"Son, when I married to your mother everyone thought that I would kill her!" I looked up in surprise, I could never imagine him to even raise his voice towards mother and let alone kill her. 

"Don't be surprised, yes I was a well known Assassin at that time who was assigned to kill your Nanaji which I eventually did when he tried to sell your mother to me just to save his own life." I couldn't even believe my ears right now. 

"Umm... So you are telling me that you were the one who killed Nanaji!" I exclaimed. 

"Yes I did" he confessed with a straight face making my mind go crazy. 

"So how did you marry our mother? I mean ofcourse not the rituals part but.... you killed her father then how did you convince her to marry you after that!" 

"He didn't convince me, he actually dragged me out of my chamber and filled my head with his blood infront of thousands of people." I heard my mother say this with a chuckle. 

"I can't believe this, I just... I don't know how to process this!" Well how can anyone process the two non-violent parents having such a ruthless past. 

"Trust me I was so scared that he would kill me too and what not, but after that show of making me his wife we didn't see each other for the next 20days." She said. 

"Because I had to take care of the kingdom since I killed its ruler." My father replied so calmly that I just wanted to wake up from my sleep and throw it behind as if it was just a nightmare. 

"Why haven't I heard about this ever?" I asked genuinely. 

"My father was a bad man, a bad ruler, husband and the worst father! It took almost a year for people of Aryagarh to see the good part of your father. He was the Maseeha (the saviour) to every single person of the kingdom." my mother replied. 

"You know son, I married her because I wanted to save your mother-." My father said just to be stopped by my mother mid way as if she didn't want him to proceed. I wanted him to continue I wanted to know what was he saving her from but the look on Maa's face didn't allow me to voice it out. 

"We humans just need love to be full of life. It might come in the form of passion, new titles and sometimes it also comes in the form of soulmates. I know you don't trust people so easily, but atleast give her a chance." Maa said before giving my fingers a gentle squeeze, her way of making me feel loved. 

"Just like you she might also feel like not trusting you enough to open up." Pitaji said, as usual taking her side. The moment Mishka came to Aryagarh, she became the second loved person of his after our maa. 

Actually both of them are obssessed with her, since they always wanted a daughter but ended up having me and my brothers. Hence getting a daughter in the form of our wives has been their ultimate goals of life. 

"Why don't you take her to Jodhpur with you? Show her around the kingdom and just start with getting to know more about each other!" Maa said with excitement. 

"B-but I'm going to Jodhpur for work, I'll be busy talking to our advisors and people. How?" I said. 

"Well then you need to manage your schedule accordingly, now you'll have to make time for her as well and that's my order." Pitaji said before walking towards the Darbar (Court room) with my mother tagged along. And ofcourse they were laughing at my misery. 

After listening to how things changed in my parents life I was now confident enough that things would eventually work out between me and Mishka as well. But first I need to figure out all the arrangements for her safety and travel as well. 

And the biggest task would be telling her that she's going to Jodhpur with me!! I just hope Maa's right about this visit. 


Heyoo Cutiees❤️❤️😍😍

Hurray!🥳 Another Update!!!

I know, I know that I have extended and dragged this chapter a little too much but trust me and the process. I want you all to be thinking about what all things would happen when Raj and Mishi would be all alone in Jodhpur!!! 😍😍

And ofcourse don't forget to vote and leave your comments to let me know howz it going for you guys!!!


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