13|| Are you Jealous?

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Rajvardhan's POV: 

"So how's your married life going on?" Vaanya asked me after the dinner in my chamber. 

Vaanya had always been like this... clingy all the time and asking so many questions. But since I had no sister of my own I always treated her like one, even though her dream was to be my wife, stupid little girl!

"Great! I think she's beautiful inside out!" I said with a smile on my face while remembering all the private moments I had with my dear wife. I loved the way Mishka's cheeks would turn to a light shade of pink whenever we were close, something I have started to enjoy a lot. 

"But isn't she too weak to be your wife?" 

"What do you mean?" I asked in confusion. 

"You need a queen who could rule Aryagarh alongside you, who knows how to handle a palace and from what I've heard she was not even acknowledged by her own kingdom until Raja Suryadev decided to marry her off." Vaanya said before dragging me to the balcony and patiently waiting for my reply. 

"She might not know how to handle a kingdom as a queen yet! but from what I have learnt about her is that she is not weak." I didn't tell her about how good she was with her sword skills which I haven't yet discussed with my wife. 

Mishka is not an easy person to read, she is full of secrets, full of skill sets, I never imagined her to be this good with her cooking and at the same time being as good as Aditya with her sword fighting skills. 

"Is that Kunwar Aditya coming from the jungle with Princess Mishka?" Suddenly Vaanya's voice broke into my thoughts and I turned around immediately to see if she was right. 

I was almost shocked watching my wife coming from a jungle at night with my brother but got more surprised when I saw her laughing at something Aditya must have said. I rushed outside my chamber and towards the garden and stood there waiting for them to come into the vision and confirm what I saw was real. 

In a few minutes they entered the premises of our garden laughing together, I have never seen my wife smile let alone laugh at something and she was doing that so easily with my brother? Watching them was suddenly made me want to strangle Aditya to even be alone in the first place with my wife. 

As if sensing my stare Mishka looked straight into my eyes before siezing her laughter. Dead silence! I don't know whether I was angry or hurt but watching her stop laughing immediately as she saw me made me turn and walk away from the garden. 

I walked towards the sword practice room to vent out my anger. I was not sure whether I was even angry or not but something did shift inside me to make me want to kill someone. 

"At this pace you'll kill one of our soldiers Bhaisa" Aditya exclaimed stopping me in the act of practicing. I didn't even realise that I was being too harsh on these guys due to my anger. 

"Aap sab ja sakte hai!" 

"You all can leave!" I said to the soldiers who were practicing with me. The moment they left I walked closer to my brother and kept the tip of my sword near to his left earlobe. 

" What about a round?" I asked him to which he gave me a devilish smirk which I wanted to wipe it out of his face right this moment. 

Eager to begin, I raised my sword in salute. "Brother, today we hone our skills and bond through the dance of blades." 

Mirroring the salute he said, "Indeed, Bhaisa. May our swords clash with respect and our spirits grow together."

With a swift movement, Aditya lunged forward, his sword swinging through the air. I easily deflected the strike, the clash of steel resonating across the training grounds. Our eyes locked, a mixture of determination and familial challenge passing between them.

As the duel continued, the rhythm of our swordsplay became more intense. "Your footwork has improved, Aditya," I acknowledged with a nod.

"As has your precision, Bhaisa," Arjun replied, a smile breaking across his face. Amongst all of us he was the only one with the great sword skill set. He was our Lord Vishnu, the greatest swordsman of all times. Aditya named his sword Nandaki, afterall he had indeed killed many with his sword during war. 

"I can feel something is worrying you Bhaisa" he said with the same smirk on his face.

"Why were you with Princess Mishka all alone in the jungle, that too so late at night?" I directly accused him which eventually wiped his smirk off but replacing it with frustration. 

He forcefully swung the sword into the air making my sword fall on the ground with a thud. "Are you doubting your own wife?" He asked making me realise what did my words actually meant. Suddenly I felt ashamed of myself for even thinking it out loud. 

"Maybe Bhabhi Maa should be the one to ask what were you doing all alone in your chamber with Vaanya?" He asked again.

"I'm not doubting my wife and neither I'm doubting you. And I was just having a conversation with Vaanya, actually I was telling her about Mishka." I confessed. 

"Bhaisa, I'm your younger brother and it's definitely not my place to tell you this but since you're married you should think twice before doing something. I took Bhabhi Maa away since she had tears in her eyes when she saw you all alone laughing with Vaanya." The moment he confessed my body went rigid as if someone threw a bucket full of ice cold water over my head. 

"Why was she crying though? Vaanya is like my little sister and you know it very well." I objected. 

"Bhabhi Maa is like a mother to me and you know it very well, then why did you get angry while looking at us walking out from the jungle all alone? Think about it bhaisa!" he said before leaving me all alone in the trainning ground with a mess that I needed to clear up with my sweet little wife. 

I rushed towards my chamber only to find it dark with not a single Oil-Lamp or Candle buring to illuminate the room. Thanks to moonlight that which made it easier for me to walk inside the chamber only to find my wife gracefully sleeping on her side of the bed. 

Her body illuminating under the gentle embrace of the moonlight. The moonlight, like a tender companion, embraced every curve and contour, painting a portrait of calmness. The room itself seemed to hold its breath, enchanted by the peaceful spectacle of a my wife lost in the restfullness of dreams.

A gentle breeze whispered through the open window, causing the curtains to sway. As Mishka slept, her breath moved in harmony with the night, a soft lullaby that blended seamlessly with the nocturnal symphony.

I was mesmerized with her beauty, slowly dragging myself towards the other side the bed I gently laid beside her. Closer but no touching proximity. Her long hairs were sprayed across my pillow as well, sending a tingling sensation over my left arm. Her fragrance intoxicating the air making me feel dizzy but addicted to her scent at the same time. 

"I shouldn't have been with Vaanya alone by myself in our chamber, I never thought that it could hurt you since I always looked at her as my little sister. I hope you forgive me and don't stay angry." I said even if I knew that she was sleeping but I had to get my guilt of hurting her out. 

"I just want to throw my arms around you and slide your body towards my chest, holding you tightly and never letting you go but we still have a long way to get there. And I promise we'll get there soon Mishka" I whispered before gently working my fingers through her long wavy hairs, surprising finding it more peaceful than the sword fighting. 


Heyoo Cutiees❤️❤️😍😍

Hurray!🥳 Another Update!!! 


I hope you guys are enjoying the story line.... I would want you guys to read and let me know what new you want to make this more enjoyable!! 

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