Chapter 1

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Your pov:
*It's a Monday morning and you and your friend are both heading to your first class of the day. Your both chatting about how the boys are just so annoying when you suddenly spot a group of kids you don't recognise. There's a bunch of other people who stop and watch as the new kids make their way to their lockers. The kids seemed pretty normal to the the other people around you but you knew from the first second that there was something off about them...*

You: Hey Ella (your friend)? Don't you think there's something quite off about those new kids?

Ella: What like the ones that just got here today? Give them a break y/n they probably just don't like it here. I mean I totally agree with them, Swellview High is just straight up boring.

You: No it's not that. These kids seem, off, like they seem like somethings wrong.

*You and Ella watch as the 4 kids talk amongst themselves. You try to get closer to hear what their saying but then the bell goes for class.*

Ella: Come on y/n, stop staring at them and come to class before Mr. Greenman gives us detention!

Boses pov:
*As I walk through the door into Swellview Junior High with my friends I begin to get more and more nervous. What if there's a new fan girl that's gonna want me but I don't want them back? What if I don't pass a class? But most importantly, what if someone finds out I'm in danger force?*

Miles: What are you thinking bout buddy?

Mika: Don't worry baby it's just a new school we can do this. All we have to do is stay together and we can make it.

Chapa: Ugh, Mika I hate your little inspirational speeches; there just so cringe. Also stop calling Bose "BaBy" it's just weird.

*The 4 of us all reach our lockers and start to chat about what the day will bring and what we have to be careful for.*

Bose: I say we just wing it and hope that no one finds  out.

Chapa: I do whatever he does (lol iykyk)

Miles: I say we just sit back and let the universe provide for us. We dont have to make this harder on us if it's not necessary.

Mika: I say we get to class before we get detention on our first day. Hello? The bell rang people we should get to class!

*Eventually we all manage to get used to the schedule and survive our first few classes before lunch. We all make our way to the cafeteria to eat when I feel a bump on my back.*

Your pov:
You: Oops sorry! I'm just in a rush their handing out Mac and cheese today.

*You and your friend walk off as quickly as you can to avoid any more conversation. You and her sit on an empty table and begin to talk.*

Ella: You totally looked at that dude funny,

You: What? No. No way, I did not!

Ella: Ooo do you like him now?

*Blood begins to rush into your cheeks as you realise that, yes, maybe you do have someone for that new boy. You begin to deny it though, "I can't like someone I just met and let alone bumped into and then made a fool out of myself, 'their handing out Mac and cheese' what was I thinking?"*

Ella: See that's where I know your lying. You totally looked at that dude in a "love" way.

You: Love way?

Ella: Yeah love. You love him now, tell me though, what do you see in him? He looks kinda ugly to me.

You: Ella, I don't like him, he just seems weird and I want to find out what it is.

Boses pov:
*After me and my friends finally find a spare table we sit down and begin to chat about how we can pull this school thing off.*

Mika: I'm pretty sure we've done pretty good so far. No one really thinks much of us so that's good.

Chapa: Yeah no one thinks much of us, that's the thing. We're superheros at a junior high! No one is gonna take us seriously while we're here.

Miles: Chapa, we're only here because of those stupid bugs in SWAG. We'll be out of here soon to fight crime-

*His phone begins to ring*

Miles: -See emergency.

Bose: Let's go then!

*We leave the cafeteria to blow a bubble into danger force. That girl that I bumped into earlier keeps staring at me, it kinda creeps me out like what if she knows? Once transformed we head to Nacho ball where the crime is. Some police officer was there pulling apart a teen girl from her friends.*

Shoutout: Shes fine! She wasn't doing anything!

*The officer doesn't get it.*

Volt: Hey stop!

*At the sound of her demanding voice he stops*

AWOL: Well that's one crime sorted for a day, we'll be off now.

*Then he teleports us back to school to finish off our day*

Your pov;
*As the new kids leave the cafeteria you get more and more suspicious about what their doing. You decide to follow them out and you surprisingly don't get noticed by anyone. You walk out and notice that the kids are chewing what looks like gum, then it happens. They transformed into- DANGER FORCE?!*

You: I knew that there was something off about them!

*You run back to your friend to tell her the shocking discovery you just found*

You: Their in Danger Force!!!

Ella: They can't be!? Why are they here then?

You: Yeah, your right, why ARE they here?
*************************************************And that's Chapter 1. Hope you guys like it :)

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