Chapter 7

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Your pov:
*You all teleport to the man's nest, you feel your stomach shrink when you see Glerp. Her reaction stays in your head until you appear in a new place, "the man's nest."*

Ray: Ok kids, wait here while I find Schwoz.

Mika: Ugh, we'll be here

*Ray leaves and you are left alone with the danger force kids*

Miles: Why'd you bring her here? (Pulling Bose by the arm)

Bose: She's a nice person! (Whisper- shouting)

Mika: And cause you guys kissed!!

Chapa: MIKA!! You know Bose is trying to keep that a secret!

You: Well it's not really a secret anymore if she just blurted it out.

Miles: Wait, you two kissed?!

*You and Bose nod your heads slowly*

Mika: Dear brother, you have missed a lot since when y/n first met us!

Miles: What else could I possibly miss? What, are y/n and Bose dating now?!

*You and Bose look at each other, then you both turn back to the others*

Chapa: No way!!

Bose: Don't tell Glerp though! I swear if one of you does I will literally rip your heads off!

Miles: Whoa! Chill buddy, none of us are gonna tell her, plus we don't even like her.

Boses pov:
*Ray suddenly comes in with a mad looking Schwoz*

Schwoz: I told you not to interrupt me while I'm taking my wireless shower!!

Ray: Yeah yeah, can't you just make me a memory wiper so we can get this girl out of here!?

Chapa: Her name is y/n and she's not having her memory taken!

You: Wait, you want to erase my memory? Why, I swore on my life that I wouldn't tell anyone.

Mika: We know but it's just a... precaution.

Bose: Mika! We are not erasing y/n's memories and that's final! Now I'm taking her home whoever wants to protest please do now.

*I pull y/n by the arm out of the room and start walking her home*

You: Wait wait! Bose you don't know know where I live, and we have school now, I can't miss it!

Bose: Listen, I just wanted to get you out of the room, Ray is a VERY chaotic person and I couldn't afford for you to loose your memory.

You: Well thanks for your concern but I assure you that I am fine!

Bose: Why are you mad at me now?! I was trying to help you and now you're yelling at me.

Your pov;
* "Bose is right, I've lost my mind by yelling at him." You try to walk away but Bose grabs your arm and pulls you in for a kiss, you accept and then wrap your arms around him for a hug*

Bose: That was, unexpected.

You: I'm sorry, I just panicked, I didn't know what to do.

Bose: What do you mean?

You: Bose, your ex, Glerp, she saw us teleport. She knows your identities now and if she reveals it then I might be blamed for it! The others had no idea she was staring at us.

Bose: She knows what?! Hey y/n (seeing you panicking) it's gonna be ok, I'll walk you home then I'll come back and tell the others.

You: But what if they don't believe you?

Bose: Nonsense, they always believe me.

You: Ok, I trust you.

*Bose walks you to your house (you tell him it) and you walk inside with him. No one is home so he sits down on your bed with you for a few minutes. Then he leaves.*

Bose: I'll text you once I figure out something.

You: Ok (kissing him)

Boses pov:
*I run back to the man's nest to tell the others what y/n has just told me, once I get there the others are already yelling at each other for no reason,*

Bose: GUYS! Hey um when I was walking y/n home she told me something.

Mika: What is it, she wants to break up with you?

Bose: No, Glerp watched us teleport, she knows our identities. I'm pretty sure she's gonna tell the whole school.

Chapa: Really?

Miles: Come on Bose, y/n was just trying to get you to stay with her, which you obviously did.

Bose: She's not lying! Glerp really knows about us and she wants the whole school to know it!

Chapa: Are you sure Bose? What reason would she have for that?

Mika: She knows about you and y/n, doesn't she!
Bose: I don't know how but maybe, yes.

Chapa: You said she wouldn't find out!!

Bose: I know! She just found out!

Miles: Does y/n know that Glerp knows?

*Thats when the realisation hits me, y/n is in danger*

Bose: No. Guys we have to get to her house now! She's alone, what if Glerp goes to her!?

*The others begin to panic a bit, I then get a message on my phone*
What's wrong y/n?
She's here
Don't panic, we're coming
Danger force?
Just stay calm
Come quick Brainstorm
And that's chapter 7. Lame ending and it's short, I promise the next one is gonna be longer. 1000 words

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