Chapter 5

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Your pov:
You: Uh hi?

Mika: Bose why would you?! If you break her heart then she's definitely gonna reveal us! (Pulling Bose aside)

Bose: Well then I'll try not to break her heart.

Mika: I'm going back to class, you two finish whatever it was you were doing.

*She leaves and you and Bose look at each other, then he burst out into laughter. You can't help it, his laugh is infectious, you begin to laugh as well.*

Bose: She looked so shocked! Haha

You: Haha. She's probably traumatised.

*Suddenly you hear footsteps again, this time you were prepared,sort of.*

Teacher: What are you two doing in here?!

You: Uh Miss Betty, we were uh just hanging out?

Miss Betty: Well it's class time right now! Get to class you two or I'll give you detention!

Bose: Ok ok.

*You both go to your separate classes and end up not seeing each other for the rest of the day :(
It's now the end of the day and you're walking home.*

Ella: So did you find out why your boyfriend wasn't there most of the day?

You: Yeah kinda...

Ella: There's something you aren't telling me and I need to know what it is.

You: I tell you everything, what makes you think I have a secret now?

Ella: Cause I just do, and your gonna tell me by tomorrow! (Entering her house, leaving you alone)

*You get home and eat dinner, now it's 9pm and your chilling in your room when you get a text*
What's up?
Wanna come over?
Yeah you know where I live
Isn't it the vice mayors house?
See you do know
I'll be there by 9:30
Boses pov:
*Its now 9:30 and y/n has just texted me that she's here. I text her that my parents are asleep and to climb in through my window, surprisingly she agrees and now she's climbing in.*

Bose: Hi y/n! (Whispering)

You: Hey Bose! Why'd you text me to come here?

Bose: I wanted to warn you.

You: About what?

Bose: There's a girl, well she's not really a girl. Ok I'm just gonna be straight with you, there's this alien.

You: Your joking? An alien?

Bose: Yes, I know it's hard to believe. Her name is Glerp and she likes me A LOT. Like she wants me so badly that it almost killed me one time.

You: Wait, your being serious? How could she have killed you?

Bose: Listen I'll explain more later on but you have to promise me, if you see her DONT tell her anything about us. You won't need to worry too much cause she won't be back for a while but theres still reason to worry. She thinks she's dating me but I don't like her at all.

You: Oh really? Then who is this special girl you DO like?

Bose: You

You: Me? Really? But you can't trust me, if I get heartbroken then I could reveal your secret. You heard it too your friend said it herself.

Bose: Y/n I've liked you since you bumped into me. I didn't tell anyone cause I knew that they would tell me no.

You: Oh Bose. (You lean in for a kiss and he accepts it)

*You two end up having a whole make out session and lie on Boses bed just enjoying the moment, this continues for like 10 minutes then Bose gets a call.*

Bose: Hello?

*Someone talks on the other line*

Bose: What?! No she can't, it's too early!

*Some more talking and then Bose hangs up*

You: Who was it?

Bose: It was my friend Miles, he said Glerp came back to earth...

You: Well she can't have, could she? You told me she wasn't gonna be back for more!

Bose: Well that was before I found out she was!
You: Well what do we do?!

Bose: I think right now we better hide you from her. She tried to kill my boss when he told her that I didn't like her, so who knows what's she's gonna do to you know that your my girlfriend?!

You: Girlfriend?

Bose: Why, do you not want to be?

You: I do.

Bose; Good. I was hoping you'd say yes.

Your pov:
*You're absolutely swoon by the fact that you are now dating Bose O Brian aka Brainstorm. This feeling doesn't last long though, you then hear a bang from the door.*

Bose: Uh who is it?

Person: It's your mum! You know you should be in bed now! Who is in there, is it a girl?

Bose: You gotta leave y/n! (Whispering)

Boses Mum: I swear I'll kick the door down!
(Sorry if this fanfic doesn't match his mum in the show, I just couldn't really imagine a dumb mum finding a girl in his room)

*You quickly climb out of the window and run home. You sneak in through your window and surprisingly don't wake anyone up. It's now 1am and you needed to sleep. Maybe in the morning you can try to figure this out.*

You: How am I supposed to run from an alien? She could kill me with one zap of her finger! (Muttering to yourself)

*You sleep and wake up at around 6am for school. You get ready and meet Ella at the front gates of Swellview Junior High.*

Ella: Hey y/n!

You: Hi!

Ella: You look tired. Did you sleep well?

You: Not really, let's just get to our first class.

*You walk to class and meet Boses eyes as you walk over to him and Chapa. The teacher stands in front about to introduce something.*

Teacher: Students! Everyone meet our newest student, Grace!

Bose: Y/n! (Whispering to you) Make sure she doesn't see you! That's Glerp!
Chapter 5! Lol that cliff hanger was lame. Anyways, whoever is reading this, please give me suggestions on what I should put next!!!!

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