Chapter 17

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Boses pov:
You: We aren't broken up though, are we?

Bose: No of course not y/n! I just had to think of something quickly, Mika is a very curious person.

Chapa: Did you get any information out of her?

Bose: Not really, just that she is VERY interested in me. Also she absolutely loathes y/n.

Chapa: My gosh! I almost forgot to tell you y/n,
Mika has a dart board with your face on it!

You: I was kind of expecting that...

Bose: Well at least now we have a working plan, phase 3 is definitely working!

Chapa: Let's hope nothing goes wrong though, this is our only option now.

*We arrive at the man's nest and sit on the couch, we talk about how we could make this plan last longer.*

You: Bose, I don't really care what you do, as long as it keeps me in Swellview.

Chapa: You don't think we should tell that friend of yours about all of this? (To you)

You: Gosh! I forgot that she doesn't know about this! Damn Ella's gonna be so mad at me!

Bose: Calm down y/n. We'll go later today, you can tell her everything.

Your pov:
*The 3 of you plan all day, later on in the afternoon you head over to Ella's house with Bose.*

Ella: Gosh y/n! I haven't seen you for so long!!
You: I've got so much to tell you!

*You go inside and begin to tell Ella everything*

You: This might be the last time I see you, there's this girl and she really hates me. She wants me to leave Swellview and I might have to...

Ella: What?!

Bose: Her name is Mika, she's ShoutOut, and she's like very convincing. She can manipulate ANYONE into believing her.

Ella: She can manipulate the police...

You: Exactly, I don't know what to do, Bose and I have already made a plan but I'm not sure how long it's gonna last.

Ella: Why are you telling me all this?

Bose: I think we might need your help...

You: We made this plan to try to get Bose to manipulate HER, if he somehow can't do it, you might be the only one left.

Bose: Chapa is helping too but she's just as gullible as all of us.

You: Mika doesn't know that you know any of this so she's not going to target you yet.

Boses pov:
*Y/n and I are trying as hard as we can to get Ella in on the plan, I suddenly get a notification on my phone*
You need to come back, now
What happened?
I think Mika knows
She must have found out!
I'm coming now
Bose: Uh, sorry I have to go.

You: Ok

*I leave the house and go back to the man's nest*

Bose: So, how does Mika know?

Chapa: She texted me 10 minutes ago! She said "I know what you guys are doing!", how could she know!

Bose: Whoa, calm down Chapa! Maybe she was talking about something else.

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