Chapter 18

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Boses pov:
*Its now Monday and I'm walking to school, I've been trying to text y/n but she hasn't replied. Chapa is next to me and I'm pretty sure she's sick of my complaining*

Bose: She hasn't talked to me since Saturday! I'm worried about her Chapa.

Chapa: Just give her a break, she could have been busy.

Bose: All weekend? Y/n isn't like that, if she was busy she would text me first. Do you think she's mad at me?

Chapa: I don't know, what did you do that made her mad?

Bose: Nothing! She just isn't talking to me!

Chapa: I don't know what to tell you Bose, try going up to her today.

Bose: Ok, whatever I did wrong I'll promise her that I'll fix it.

*We walk to our first class and sit next to Mika and Miles (the group is sorta ok now).*

Miles: Why so down Bose?

Chapa: Y/n won't talk to him.

Miles: I thought you guys broke up, Mika told me that.

Bose: We uh, we did but we're still friends.

Your pov:
You: I can't believe he would do that to me...

Ella: Y/n, I know you're sad but you have to get over him.

You: I can't! I just wanna know why he would do that to me, we made a whole plan.

Ella: I know y/n but maybe he just got, distracted.

You: He can't have! The plan was working and I almost didn't have to leave.

*You were crying in a toilet stall, Ella was on the other side of the door trying to get you out*

Ella: You have to come out y/n, maybe we can talk about this while we're walking to class.

You: I don't want to go to class! I want to stay here and dieee.

Ella: Don't do that to yourself, Bose doesn't deserve for you to sob over him.

*You finally get out and calm down a bit before going to class. Unfortunately you have the same class as Bose, you and Ella walk to the other side of the class and sit next to a boy*

Ella: Mind if we sit here?

Boy: Yeah, I don't really mind.

Ella: Thanks.

Boy: Hey, why are you crying? (Noticing you)

You: Oh me, I-I'm not crying...

Boy: Yes you are, what happened?

Ella: Heartbreak, uh what's your name?

Boy: Oh sorry! My name is Louis (I WANTED TO ADD PARTRIDGE SO BADLY)

Boses pov:
Mika: Great timing, look who it is Bose! (Pointing to you)

Bose: Maybe I could go up to her no-

Chapa: Slow down there Bose! She might not want to talk to you right now.

Bose: I could still try, wait, who's that?!

Chapa: Looks like it's her new boyfriend.

Miles: No way dude! She dumped you.

Bose: She wouldn't have, could she...

*The class finishes after an hour of agony and I try going up to y/n but she leaves to quickly. I head to my next class and this time I'm alone with, Mika*

Mika: What a surprise!

Bose: Uh hi Mika.

Mika: What, you don't want to see me? Come on Bosey, you gotta stop thinking about y/n. She chose to ignore you.

Bose: I know, but she's still my friend.

Mika: Bose, cut the act, I know what you guys have been planning. But, I'm willing to make an agreement with you, forget about y/n and I won't reveal any of your secrets.

Bose: Oh please, you don't know any of my secrets.

Mika: You're Brainstorm, that's all I need to know.

Your pov:
*You have a free period and you're spending it in the library with Ella and, Louis?*

Ella: Why ARE you with us?

Louis: I had nothing else to do, plus I didn't want your friend to cry all day.

You: My name is y/n by the way, that's Ella. Thanks for the support but I'm sure I could've handled it myself.

Louis: Oh please, we both know that you wouldn't survive if someone else had seen you.

Ella: I'm gonna go get tissues, I'll leave you two for a minute.

*She leaves and you and Louis are left, alone (y'all already know how this turns out)*

Louis: You doing ok?

You: I'm fine.

Louis: Are you eventually gonna tell me who broke your heart?

You: Bose, I saw him kiss another girl...

Louis: Geez, that's rough. You know, maybe we could get some revenge on him.

You: How?

Louis: Well, he kissed another girl so why don't you kiss another boy?

You: Well who am I supposed to kiss, you?

Louis: Maybe?

*You reluctantly agree and lean in for a short kiss*

Louis: Better?

You: Much, better


Boses pov:
*"Its now lunchtime and I've officially lost it, y/n has been avoiding me all day and I want to know why. Y/n is now leaving the cafeteria, nows my chance"*

Bose: Hold on guys, I'll be right back. (Walking out of the cafeteria)

Chapa: You better not be trying to talk to y/n, just leave her alone!

*"I leave the cafeteria and head to the direction that y/n is heading, I quickly grab her arm and pull her into an empty classroom"*

You: W-What are you doing?!

Bose: We need to talk.

You: Yes we do! You think I wouldn't see you and Mika having a little make out session?!

Bose: What?

You: That's right! I saw you and Mika kiss and this time it was you! How could you do this to me, you know how much pain you caused me?

Bose: Y/n y-you don't get it, Mika threatened me. She told me to kiss her or she would reveal that I was Brainstorm! I didn't mean to hurt you at all, I didn't even know you would see it.

You: That cunning evil bi-

Bose: I missed you y/n! I love you and I would never try to hurt you!

*I grab her and pull her in for a kiss, she wraps her arms around my neck and continues the kiss*

You: I missed you too Bose. (Catching her breath)
Good endinggg, also that kiss was kinda cringe, just imagine it like a whole make out session.

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