Chapter 14

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Your pov:
*Its now midday and Bose is still next to you, Chapas also with you. You 3 are eating lunch when Chapa starts talking.*

Chapa: So, what happened in the hall? I heard lots of yelling.

Bose: Oh, your friend just made up more excuses for me to break up with y/n.

You: She said I was craving Boses attention and making up the whole "me getting hurt" story.

Chapa: That's dumb, those bruises are real.

You: I know! You told me she was the smart one.
Chapa: I guess her brains don't kick in when it comes to boys.

You: Do you think she's still mad at us?

Bose: Of course she is

Chapa: Let me inform you in a little secret, Mika doesn't get over anything.

Bose: No matter what it is, she never let's go of it. She can remember everything!

You: I'll try to remember that about her.

Bose: We're we that loud?

Chapa: You were so loud that my deaf uncle could hear you (she didn't have a deaf uncle!!)

You: Ha, you know I caught Bose looking at my bruises? (To Chapa) he was checking if they were real.

Chapa: Really Bose? You believed Mika over your own girl?

Boses pov:
* "It warms my heart that Chapa and y/n are getting along, Chapas been my best friend since we first met fighting Drex and she has never liked any of the girls I dated, but now she does." We finish eating and decide to do a movie marathon.*

Chapa: Which marathon do we do?

You: Star Wars!

Bose: Oh my gosh yes!

Chapa: That's gonna be quite long, you sure you can stay up that long?

You: I'm perfectly fine. Let's do it!

*We make it up to the 2nd movie when an emergency alert comes on.*

Bose: Shoot, we have to go.

Chapa: There's an emergency, we'll be back in 30 minutes.

*We blow a bubble and transform to our super selves and then me and Chapa leave to see the crime. We leave y/n in the man's nest, completely safe.*

Your pov:
*The others are gone now and your alone in the man's nest, you're just chilling on the couch when you get a text from an anonymous number.*
Who is this?
Why not you guess?
No, try harder
Ding ding!
How'd you get my number?
You don't need to know
What do you want?
I want to know why you tried to ruin my life.
I wasn't trying to ruin your life. Bose told me he loved me and it's not my fault he doesn't feel the same for you.
Now you listen here Bose was mine and then you had to come along and take him from right beneath me. I just want him back.
And how am I supposed to "give him back?"
Just leave Swellview
No, I live here too
Then I'll have to make you leave
*You get a bit creeped out and head to the door to lock it but someone has already beat you there...*

You: What are you doing here?!

Mika: I told you I'd make you leave.

You: Please, just leave me alone

Mika: No! You took my boy and you deserve to know how it feels to not get what you want!

You: I already told you that Bose came to me and that I feel sorry that he doesn't feel the same about you! Just leave it alone, try a new boy!

Mika: Why not you leave Swellview and I get my Bose.

Brainstorms pov:
*I was just walking back to the man's nest with Volt when I notice 2 figures at the door, one being y/n and the other... Mika*

Volt: What are you doing here?!

Mika: Just, talking with y/n, right?

You: Mhmm just talking (in an unsure voice)

Brainstorm: What are you two talking about?

Mika: Just, life. I'm leaving now, bye! (With one last death glance at you)

*She walks away and we head inside, me and Chapa transform back and y/n begins to explain what happened.*

You: First she started texting me and then she was at the door, she said she would "make me leave"

Chapa: Oh no, uh I forgot to tell you guys but when I was in her room she said she wanted to make a plan about making y/n leave. I didn't agree to it and that's why we left but I'm pretty sure she's gone psycho and is now doing whatever she can to make you leave.

Bose: See that's why I don't like her! She's smart but she uses it for unnecessary things sometimes

You: Can we try to stop her? I don't want to leave

Chapa: Ok, let's make a plan.
Give me suggestions for more stuff I'm running out of ideas!!

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