Chapter 20

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Boses pov:
*"Im getting a bit worried about y/n, she texted me an hour ago and still hasn't replied to any of my frantic questions. I drive up to the mall and see that Chapa and Mika are fighting crime without me"*

Bose: What happened?

Volt: There was a psycho running around with some sort of weapon.

Shoutout: We've calmed down everyone but the person is still around here.

Bose: Ok, I'll chew a gumball and try to find them.

*I blow a bubble and transform into Brainstorm*

Volt: Be safe! We don't know what weapon they have!

*"I look around the mall and spot the bathrooms, the door is open and I check inside. I see Ella by herself"*

Ella: Thank gosh you're here! Y/n left to see what was going on and hasn't came back yet.

Brainstorm: She texted me, I replied but she just went awol.

Ella: She's missing?!

Brainstorm: I don't know but wherever she is, she's in big danger.

Ella: Do you think that person took her?

Brainstorm: Maybe, she hasn't texted in an hour and it's worrying me.

Ella: Well what am I supposed to do? You're the superhero so YOU have to look for her.

Your pov:
*You're trembling in fear, you walk in an alleyway with a knife to your neck. The person holding it is masked so you have no idea what they look like, suddenly they smash you into the wall. You fall to the ground and wimper in pain.*

You: Why me?

MM (masked man): You have something that I just need.

You: And w-what is that?

MM: You know the identities of danger force.

You: W-what makes you t-think that?

MM: Don't play dumb with me! You know who they really are and you're gonna tell me.

You: And w-what if I d-don't?

*You feel the knife dig into your neck, tiny drops of blood begin to drip.*

MM: If you don't then I kill you.

You: P-please, I d-don't know a-anything.

MM: Oh save me your excuses! Now tell me...

*The knife digs a little more and you begin to choke a little.*

MM: Who is behind the mask of Volt?

You: P-please...

MM: Tell me!

You: F-fine! Her n-name is Lula e-elena ch-chapa de s-silva.

MM: Very good, now what about Brainst-

Boses pov:
*"I've done it, I found y/n. Gosh she looks horrible, why would someone do that to her"*

Bose: Stop that!

MM: Make me.

You: B-brainstorm?

Bose: Y/n...

*I run up to her but a sudden force stops me*

MM: Step one more centimetre closer and I slit her throat.

You: P-please I don't want to d-die.

Brainstorm: You won't die, I'll make sure of it.

MM: Listen here, she knows who you really are. I'm gonna find out from her because we both know you and the rest of danger force won't.

Brainstorm: How did you find out that she knows danger forces identities?

MM: She's always around you guys, seemed pretty obvious that she knew.

Brainstorm: So your plan was to put a knife to her throat and hope that she would spill?

You: P-please help me b-brainstorm, this h-hurts. (Whispering)

MM: That's it!

*I watch in horror as he grabs y/n by the jaw and sliced the knife across her throat, she falls to the ground and the man walks away.*

You: B-brainstorm please h-help. (Grabbing her throat)

Brainstorm: Y/n! Gosh, uh let me uh...

*I panic a bit then take out a handkerchief and place in on y/n s throat. I hold it down as she winces in pain*

Brainstorm: I know, I know it hurts but you have to stay strong for me. I'm trying to get help.

*I call Volt and she comes rushing towards us with Shoutout.*

Your pov:
*It hurts, you're scared but feel safer with Brainstorm. You clutch his hand tightly as he slowly  lifts you up to sit upright.*

Volt: Oh my gosh! What happened?!

Brainstorm: That psycho got to y/n.

Shoutout: Why though?!

You: C-cause I k-know your identities, B-Brainstorm please, it h-hurts.

Brainstorm: I know y/n, but you have to hang on tight. We're gonna get you fixed up.

Shoutout: Lay her down flat, I think I can slow down the bleeding just until the ambulance arrives.

*Volt takes her phone and goes off to call 911/000. You close your eyes, the pain is getting to much for you. Brainstorm tightly holds your hand as Shoutout begins to put pressure on the wound (I DONT KNOW HOW TO STOP A SLIT THROAT MAYBE THIS IS HOW ITS DONE?)

Volt: They should be here in 5 minutes.

Brainstorm: Please stay strong for me y/n

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