Chapter 12

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Boses pov:
Bose: Is she jealous of her looks?

You: Is it my personality?

Chapa: No, she wants to be the one dating Bose

You: She likes Bose?

Chapa: Yeah, she came to me yesterday and said to me: "I don't really like y/n, she's like a pick me and we both know that Bose was supposed to be with me! She's going around and kissing him now and I hate it."

Bose: I didn't know she had those feelings for me. I thought she only liked me like a friend.

* "Now I feel bad, if Mika felt like that then why didn't she go to me?" Y/n decides that we should go visit the twins to see how they were. We all start walking to their house and chat on the way*

You: Bose is gonna go first and I'll go last into the house. Mika might not want to see me.

Miles: Hey guys? What are you doing here? (Opening the door)

Chapa: We wanted to check on you guys.

Bose: We haven't talked for a bit, we barely talked when we were getting y/n back.

Miles: Did Chapa tell you already? Mika is really sad right now

You: I'm sorry that she feels that way

Miles: Oh guys! Why'd you bring her? (Pulling Chapa and Bose closer)

Bose: She deserves to know too.

Your pov:
*You feel a bit sad, it wasn't your fault that Mika was sad, you never knew about her feelings.*

You: Is she ok?

Miles: She's fine, you can go now

Mika: No I'm not! (From up the stairs)

Miles: Just leave.

Chapa: No, I'm staying to talk to Mika, she needs to know something.

Miles: Fine! You stay, but you two are leaving! (pointing to you and Bose)

Bose: We'll leave when Chapa comes out of Mikas room.

Chapas pov:
Chapa: Hey Mika. You doing ok?

Mika: No! How could Bose do this to me, y/n isn't even that good looking! And she just met him a week ago, I've known Bose for like 2 years!

Chapa: Hey Mika, I know you might not want to hear this but, Bose is in love with y/n.

Mika: What?! I thought he was just with her because she annoyed him to the point where he had to to make her stop! Now you're saying he likes her now!?!?!

Chapa: Listen, I'm bad at comforting so I don't know how to cheer you up but, o promise you that while you're like this, I'll be right beside you the whole time.

Mika: Thank you Chapa, you really are a great friend!

Chapa: Now can we get you cleaned up a bit?

Mika: Yeah, I want to glam myself up for Bose, maybe I could win him back?!

*We go to the bathroom and Mika washes her face, there's mascara dripping from her eyes and smudged lipstick on her lips.*

Mika: I want Bose back!

Chapa: I know but you do realise that the only way your gonna do that is getting y/n to leave Swellview?

Mika: Then that's what I'll do! I'll make y/n leave!

Chapa: Wait Mika, you don't actually want to do that? I was just joking.

Mika: Chapa, if you're not gonna help then you can just leave!

Chapa: What?! Mika, you can't do that to y/n she's just as innocent as you!

Mika: I don't care! Leave please!

*I run out of the house and the others are already waiting for me.*

Chapa: Let's go

You: Wait, is Mika better?!

Boses pov:
*I can see the pain in y/n s eyes. We both know that she didn't mean to hurt Mika.*

Bose: Let's just go (to y/n)

Chapa: We'll check on her again when she's feeling better.

You: Bye.

*We leave and y/n begins to tear up a bit, we arrive at the man's nest and y/n just goes straight to her bed*

Chapa: Im pretty sure that y/n feels a bit guilty, I mean Mika really liked you and now that y/n has sorta gotten in the way, she can't have you.

Bose: I just don't get why so many people want me? Like what is it about me that they like, is it the hair or my gross dimples?

Chapa: It's both.

Bose: We should talk to Mika tomorrow, she needs to know how I feel about her.

Chapa: YOU are gonna talk to her tomorrow, I'm not going to comfort her when you tell her that you don't like her.

Your pov:
*You lay on your bed, crying. "Did I hurt her that badly?" , you didn't mean to do those things to her, if you'd known that she like Bose then you would never have stepped foot in the same room as him. You get up to shower for a bit, when you step in a razor falls to the ground, when it falls you get a small cut and it begins to bleed. You can't help to think that it feels kinda good...*
Ok I promise you that the next chapter will have at least 1000 words. Give suggestions!!

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