Chapter 11

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Your pov:
*You come back to man's nest when Ella gets a shocking last minute date text and has to leave. You plan to stay at the man's nest for the next week so you can heal properly and also hang with Bose.*

You: I've just realised that you've only joined Swellview Junior High this week and we've already went through to much drama.

Bose: It's only been a week? It feels like 10 years.

You: I know, the week has gone so slow, also where are the others?

Bose: I don't know, let me call them

*He calls Chapa and then instantly hangs up*

Bose: Chapas in trouble, i don't know what happened but while the others were walking home from school, Chapa got separated at is now in danger.

You: What am I supposed to do!?

Bose: You're coming with me to help her!

You: But I only got my powers today and I'm still unsure how to use them!

Bose: It doesn't matter! Chapa needs us now!

*You follow Bose as he rushes to the man buggy, you buckle yourself in as he blows a bubble and transforms into Brainstorm*

Boses pov:
*We both drive off to see if we could find Chapa.*

You: Give me your phone! I think I can get a location.

Brainstorm : Ok be quick!

*2 minutes later, y/n yells that she's found a place, she puts it up on the gps and we're off*

Brainstorm: See, your not as useless as you thought you were! Now we can get Chapa and it will be you that got us there.

*We get there and Chapas being surrounded by Mitch and his gang. She's not frightened at all but neither is Mitch.*

Brainstorm: What are you doing here Mitch?!

Mitch: Cause this girl thinks that she is better then me because she's not afraid!

Chapa: I don't need your help Brainstorm! Mitch is an easy target.

Mitch: Really?! (Stepping closer to Chapa)

Chapa: Yeah, your not as tough as you think you are.

Mitch: That's it! (Trying a punch)

Brainstorm: Hey hey! (Blocking it) Listen I'm just gonna take Chapa and we don't have to have a fight.

Mitch: I don't care! I can fight!

Chapa: If you say so (Punching Mitch right in his jaw)

Mitch: Hey! Listen punk! You don't touch me! Only I can throw the punches! (Actually punching Chapa this time)

Your pov:
*You watch in horror as you see Brainstorm trying to get Mitch away from Chapa and failing. Mitch actually manges to beat up both Chapa and Brainstorm, now your the only one standing.*

Mitch: This one is gonna be easy (Stepping closer to you)

You: You really don't need to beat me.

Mitch: Oh but I do.

You: Suit yourself (Kicking him to the face)

Mitch: How the-

You: Don't underestimate me dude!

Mitch: I may not be able to hit you but my bros can! (The gang starts advancing on you)

*Youre fearing for your life now, you didn't know how you managed to take on Mitch Bilsky but it definitely was a bad decision.*

You: Please, no more!

Goon 1: You scared now?!

You: Ugh (Knocking him over)

Goon 2: Try me now! Bet you ca-

You: I swear I don't know how to fight! (Punching him in the face)

*Now Chapa and Brainstorm are up and ready to leave, you all hop into the car and drive away*

Chapa: What was that y/n?!?!

You: I... don't ... know

Brainstorm: That was incredible!

You: But I swear I don't know how to fight!

Chapa: It's called fight or flight instinct y/n, I guess you just chose fight this time.

Brainstorms pov:
*We get back to the man's nest and I lead y/n back to the infirmary to rest. Once she's down I go back to the couch and transform back*

Chapa: Is y/n ok?

Bose: She just had a long day today, that's all.

Chapa: What exactly, happened?

Bose: Don't freak out.

Chapa: I won't. Tell me!

Bose: Today me and y/n were exploring the man's nest and we came across the mining room. When we were in there, one of the gems exploded and it, gave y/n powers.

Chapa: What?! What power?!?!

Bose: (the power you chose) but she also has a weakness

Chapa: What is it?

Bose: If she uses her powers to much she could pass out.

Chapa: Did you two do some power training today? She seems like she can control her powers really good.

Bose: We did a bit of training

Chapa: You know, you aren't as dumb as the others play you out to be.

Bose: That's exactly what y/n said

Chapa: Are you and her together now?

Bose: Maybe a little bit.

Your pov:
*Youre left alone in your room to rest a bit but you just can't sleep. You get out of bed and go to the couch where Chapa and Bose are talking.*

You: Hey guys.

Chapa: Oh hey y/n

Bose: Did you rest?

You: Not really, I can't sleep (coming to sit next to Bose)

Chapa: We were just talking about how you absolutely kicked ass today!

You: I know! Where are the others?

Bose: I think they went home, they barely hang with us at the moment?

Chapa: I think I know why

You: Why?

Chapa: Mika is jealous, of you y/n
900 word long chapter because you guys already got to much princess treatment with several 1000 word long chapters.

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