Chapter 10

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Boses pov:
*I watch as y/n rushes to pull out her phone and call her friend, she picks up and they start their frantic conversation*

You: Oh my gosh Ella hi!

Ella: You're not here, where are you!

You: I'll explain after school! I'm ok, I'm with Bose right now!

Ella: Oh my gosh you're with Bose?! How and why?!

You: I'll tell you later! Meet in front of my house after school today!

*They hang up*

Bose: Was she frantic?

You; Yes yes of course she was.

Bose: Well that's a good friend then, If she worries about you then she's good.

You: Yeah you can say so, oh my gosh I almost forgot she sends me good morning texts too!!

Bose: She sounds more of a boyfriend now.

You; I get that a lot, she's like my own personal boyfriend other then you know, my boyfriend.

Bose: One day I'm gonna talk with her, I don't know what she has been doing with you before I came along.

You: Chill out Bose, she's just like a protector, she loves to protect me from my aggressive friends and some other people.

Bose: I'll chill if you promise me that Ella will never replace me.

You: It depends, if you cheat then I'm going back to her.

Your pov:
*You have to admit, Bose looks hot when he's stressed or angry. You laugh a little at how red he looks, he begins to laugh with you until you walk into a room...*

You: What is that?

Bose: This room looks like a cave

You: There's so many gems in here! There's diamonds over there and look there's a ruby!

Bose: I'm pretty sure this is where Ray gets all the money for his trash rockets.

You: Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

Bose: No no! We are not taking one! I could get kicked out of danger force if we get caught!

You: Come on! Just one won't hurt!

Bose: Which one do you want?

You: That one! (Pointing to a big purple amethyst)

*Bose reaches out for the gem and pulls it out of the little hole it's in. It comes out easily and he hands it to you*

You: If we sell this we could get millions!

Bose: Are you sure Ray won't find out about this?

You: 500% sure, he won't notice one tiny gem gone.

Bose: Very well then, let's go and explore the other rooms maybe there's something else that's interesting.

*Suddenly the rock begins to rumble and then it explodes! You and Bose are knocked unconscious for a minute then you wake up feeling...weird*

Boses pov:
Bose: Y/n? Are you ok?

You: I feel weird, I'm scared Bose

Bose: Do you think the gem explosion did something to you?

You: I think so, can you get me to Schwoz?

*We practically limp the whole way back to the infirmary, Schwoz is already there, all I had to do was lay y/n on the bed and he went right to it*

Schwoz: Y/n I have some good news and bad news

You: What's the good news?

Schwoz: You have developed superpowers!!

You: Wow really!? What's the bad news?

Schwoz: Your superpower also comes with a weakness, you can't use it for long otherwise you will pass out.

Bose: Wait, what's her superpower?

Schwoz: She has (choose between minding reading, invisibility or hyper mobility).

You: Now what do I do? I don't know how to control powers?!

Bose: I can help you with that, it took me a while to get used to my powers too.

Your pov:
*You and Bose work all day to perfect your powers until you get a notification on your phone*

You: I have to go, Ella texted me that school just ended.

Bose: Be safe!

You: I will!

*You leave and meet Ella in front of your house and you begin to explain what happened*

You: Listen Ella, you need to sit down for this.

Ella: Why are there bruises all over you?! Did you get hurt? Who did it?

You: It was that new girl, Grace, her real name is Glerp and she's an alien. Turns out that she really wanted Bose and would do anything for him, she attacked me yesterday but danger force helped me.

Ella: The new kids are danger force

You: You know?

Ella: It was obvious, after you started leaving for stuff I tried to figure out why. Then I found out that the new kids were leaving a the exact same time danger force goes to fight a crime.

You: Wow, I didn't really look into it like that.

Ella: It doesn't matter! Why would you date Bose in the first place?!

You: I didn't know that there was an alien following him and I definitely didn't know that she would attack me!

Ella: Are you safe now?

You: Uh yeah I have danger force protecting me.

Boses pov:
*After y/n doesn't come back for a few hours I decide to go to her house just in case she was in trouble. Once I got there I saw her and Ella talking*

Bose: Hey you two!

Ella: Oh my gosh Bose! Thank you for protecting y/n! I swear I didn't know any of this happened before she told me now!

Bose: Uh your welcome?

You: Bose, she knows.

Bose: About what? About me and the others?

You: Yes, she figured it out.

Ella: Wait, I was right? They are danger force?!

Bose: Yeah you got me. If you tell anyone though, both you and y/n will be in big danger. Hey, y/n did you tell her about the other thing?

You: Not yet

Ella: Tell me what?

You: Some explosion happened and I managed to get superpowers...

Ella. What?!

Bose: I think she might need to join danger force
Ella: What superpower do you have!?

You:( whatever you chose)

Ella: Are you gonna leave me to join danger force?

You: I would never leave you Ella! Plus Ray won't even let me join
Let's see if Ray wants her to join...

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