Chapter 15

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Your pov:
*After a few hours of planning and movies you and the others finally come up with a decent plan to stop Mika and her manipulation. You start to review the plan while the others tick off the different phases.*

You: Ok, phase 1.

Bose: Chapa does another "girl talk" with Mika trying to change her mind.

Chapa: Tick.

You: If Mika doesn't change then we move to phase 2.

Bose: Y/n confronts her.

Chapa: Tick.

You: And lastly, if all else fails we go to phase 3...

Bose: I tell her "I love her" and manipulate her into changing her mind.

Chapa: Tick.

You: Do we really need phase 3?

Bose: Do you want to leave Swellview?

You: No but I just don't like the idea of you going to her and telling her that you now like her. What if it goes wrong? What if you actually fall in love with her while doing this?

Bose: I won't fall in love, you are my one and only.

Chapa: Ok lovebirds, take that sweet talk to the other room.

You: Well sorry that your allergic to love?!

Chapa: I am not allergic to love! I've just never experienced it before.

Chapas pov:
* "Phase 1 is now in session, Bose is driving me to the Macklins House, let's hope that I am able to convince Mika to quit her plan so we don't have to put y/n in danger" *

Chapa: Ok, let's do this (leaving the car)

Bose: Try as hard as you can!

Chapa: We'll see.

*I knock on the door and Miles answers.*

Miles: What now?

Chapa: I want to talk to Mika

Miles: Is Bose or y/n with you?

Chapa: No, their at the man's nest

Miles: Fine, she's in her room

Chapa: Thanks (Going upstairs)

*I find Mika crying in her room*

Chapa: What happened?

Mika: I just realised that I've gone crazy!

Chapa: You haven't gone crazy, you just over-freaked.

Mika: Say that to the gallons of ice cream I've ate and the darts I've put into that photo of y/n over there (pointing to a dart board)

Chapa: You've just gone through major rejection, I don't blame you.

Mika: Why are you here?

Chapa: I wanted to talk to you about reconsidering that thing you told me about y/n.

Mika: That I want her to leave Swellview?

Chapa: Yeah, that. I want you to reconsider that decision, y/n seems nice to me and I don't think she deserves to leave. I think that she just got to Bose before you could.

Your pov:
*Your waiting in the car with Bose when you see Chapa run out of the house.*

Bose: What happened?

Chapa: She's officially gone crazy!

Bose: Tell us when we get back to the man's nest.

*We drive back to the man's nest and sit on the couch*

You: Ok, so what happened?

Chapa: I was just trying to convince her and then she went ballistic! She has a dart board with y/n s face on it and hasn't showered in days!

Bose: Disgusting

Chapa: Then she yelled at me for being friends with y/n and supporting you guys dating!

You: She's just jealous.

Bose: I guess we have to move on to phase 2. Y/n, you ready?

You: More then ready

Chapa: Let's quickly go over how this gonna work.

You: First I text Mika that I want to meet...

Bose:... then y/n tries to convince Mika that she doesn't need to leave...

Chapa:...we hide in the back in case something happens...

You:...if we fail, then we have no choice but to go onto phase 3...

Boses pov:
*We are now at park, where Mika is gonna meet y/n. Let's hope that Mika doesn't freak again, I do not want to confront her.*

Chapa: Make sure your being safe, Mika is a bit of a wildcard.

You: I'll try

*Y/n walks up to a bench and there's Mika next to her, talking. *

Your pov:
*You're now sitting on a bench, Mika is right next to you and you guys are, talking?

You: So, I was thinking maybe you could reconsider the fact that you want me to leave.

Mika: You deserve to leave.

You: No I don't, we both know that I got to your boy before you could and I don't need to be punished for it.

Mika: Listen here! You are gonna leave Swellview or I will tell everyone that you are manipulating Bose!

You: But I'm not and you know that.

Mika: I don't care, you stole my boy so you deserve to leave!

You: Please calm down, I will leave if you do something for me.

Mika: I won't do anything for you! You are leaving and it's final!

You: I wont!

Mika: I'll tell everyone you are manipulating Bose and you know that I can convince anyone that I'm right!

You: You can't do this to me! I got him first and I don't deserve this!

Mika: Whatever! (Walking away) You're gonna regret this y/n!

*You run back to the car where Bose and Chapa are still waiting.*

Bose: How'd it go?

Chapa: Did we do it?!

You: We have no choice, phase 3 is going to have to happen.
I swear I hate that I have to write that Bose "loves" Mika.

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