Chapter 4

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Boses pov:
*Its Wednesday morning and the day after the, uh, incident. No one knows that y/n and I kissed, well not yet, Chapa decided to sleep and my house because her mum was working late. She's my best friend and I feel like I should tell her now.*

Chapa: Uh Bose? You ok, you look a little distracted.

Bose: Chapa, you know that girl that kinda knows our identities?

Chapa: What? Did she expose us?! I swear if she did I'm gonna va-

Bose: We kissed!

Chapa: What?!

Bose: She was crying and sad so I offered her a kiss and she accepted...

Chapa: Gosh Bose, aren't you dating Glerp?

Bose: Well she went to her other planet so she'll never know. And y/n is kinda...


Bose: Well, I mean yeah, if you kiss a girl how would you not like her after?

Chapa: Whatever, I'm not going to be the one that comforts you when she finds out that Glerp is still with you.

Bose: Chapa, you know that eventually I'll tell Glerp that we can't really do this long distance relationship thing. You also know that since y/n is really smart that she'll eventually find out about Glerp.

*By that time it was 9am, we had to be a school.*

Your pov:
*You and Ella are sitting in maths, you realise that Bose was supposed to be in your class but hasn't arrived yet.*

Ella: Your boyfriends late.

You: He's not my boyfriend...

Ella: You wish he was though, I can see it in your eyes y/n. You love him.

You: HE kissed me Ella, HE chose to do that not me.

Ella: If you say so.

*The door suddenly opens and you know exactly who it is, Bose, and another girl? They head your way and sit next to you and Ella.*

Bose: Uh hi guys. This is Chapa, I just realised that you have both already met her but you don't know her name.

Chapa: I'm his childhood best friend
(Sorry, I love bapa and I'm planning on making a story of it but it's not in this story)

You: So your the one who knows like all his secrets or something?

Chapa: Yeah pretty much, your Boses girlfriend aren't you?

You: Well uh no I uh...

Bose: Chapa! I told you that we weren't dating I just said that we kissed!

Chapa: And that's how you get someone to admit their love.

Ella: Hey I like that! I'm gonna use that on y/n from now on.

Boses pov:
*I honestly can't stop thinking about what happened yesterday in the classroom, I loved it so much. Y/n had no hesitation and just straight up agreed to it. Now it's time for my next class and this time it's without anyone.*

Mika: Bose? You never told me you were in  Wednesday English with me.

Bose: Oh hi Mika. (Sitting next to her)

Mika: You look a bit pale Bose. Everything ok? Did something happen while you were in the toilets yesterday?

*If it wasn't obvious, I told Mika I was going toilet when I found y/n crying. She doesn't know about the kiss.*

Bose: Oh uh nothing really happened yesterday. I'm just uh tired.

Mika: Bose you can tell me! I won't tell a fly.

Bose: Ugh fine, yesterday y/n and I-

*The speakers go on and the announcer calls Mika, Chapa, Miles and I to the front.*

Mika: Ray probably wants us for some crime fighting.

Bose: Let's go then

Your pov:
*You've finished your classes and it's now lunch time, your heading to the cafeteria with Ella when you realise, the danger force kids aren't there.*

You: Ella, do you know where Bose is?

Ella: How am I supposed to know where your boyfriend is?!

You: Well I'm worried, this is the first time all of the new kids are gone this week. Not just Bose.

Ella: Oh look at you worried! Your worried about your little Bosey boo!

You: Shut up! There's people looking!

Ella: Whatever. Hey Tom is calling me!

You: Go go! Pick it up, be with your boyfriend!

*Ella leaves and you get a text of your own on your phone.*
Hey y/n
Who is this?
Who do you think
it is?
Bose? How did you get my number?
Chapa gave me it.
Ugh Ella probably told her it.
Where are you?
There was some crime, we had to fight it.   Will you come back to school?
Why, you miss me?
No, I just wanna know how the crime went
I'm coming now meet me next to the library
Ok, see you soon
Brainstorms pov:
*After Ray finally let us go, AWOL teleported us to Swellview Junior High. We quickly ran our different ways, I ran to the library, there standing outside was y/n.*

You: Why hello Brainstorm!

Brainstorm: Hello to you too y/n.

You: No seriously your Brainstorm.

*I then realise that I haven't transformed back yet*

Bose: Oops (blowing a gumball)

You: Wow, so you and your friends really ARE danger force.

Bose: Yeah. How did you figure us out anyway?

You: Well first of all, you looked like brainstorm and then you guys started leaving randomly. I followed you guys one time and saw you transform, and now you just came up to me as Brainstorm.

Bose: You are smart, you know that?

You: And your not as dumb as the others prove you to be.

*You both head to the bathroom and you know uh kiss? (Ok I'm just gonna say this straight up, you guys go into a stall and make out) You guys do this for about 10 minutes until someone steps in.*

Mika: My gosh Sissy is so annoying! (To herself)

*At the same time she says that you and Bose step out of the stall*

You: Uh

Bose: Hey Mika?

Mika: So that's what you wanted to tell me. (In shock)
Chapter 4 done. Sorry if I didn't post at my normal time I was just busy and forgot to write. Also that cliff hanger was kinda lame

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