Chapter 3

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Your pov:
*As you follow the group of kids to an empty classroom, you get death looks from all of them, well except for Bose. You finally enter the classroom and one of the girls locks the door.*

Chapa: What do you know?!

You: I-I- I don't know anything

Mika: You know the secret don't you?!

Miles: Guys chill! What if she doesn't know?

You: Know what? That you guys are Danger Force?

*They look at each other*

Bose: How do you know?!

You: You guys are really bad at hiding secrets, you know that?

Miles: W-well we weren't SO obvious.


You: Well you guys didn't.

Chapa: Ok listen. (To you). If you keep our secret then maybe we won't hurt you.

Bose: Wait, hurt her? Chapa we didn't agree to doing that! We only said we would warn her not hurt her.

Boses pov:
*I look into the girls eyes and see terror. Y/n I think her name is?*

Bose: Listen let's just give her a warning a get on with our day. We don't have to hurt anyone.

Chapa: Ugh fine! But if you tell a single soul about this you will get vaporised! (To you)

*I watch as y/n leaves the room and runs back to the cafeteria*

Miles: Don't you think you went a little to hard on her girls?

Mika: Not at all

Chapa: If she knows our identities then we have to know that she's not gonna tell anyone.

*We all leave the room and head back to the cafeteria. We talk amongst ourselves while we walk and sit down at our table.*

Your pov:
*You rush back to the cafeteria as fast as you can. Those kids are danger force and you just proved it right, now your the only one in the school that knows.*

Ella: Hey y/n! What did those kids want to talk to you about?

You: Oh nothing. They uh just wanted to know why I was staring at Bose.

Ella: So you admit it! You like him!

*Your trying to convince Ella that you need a bit more time to think about who you like when your phone starts to vibrate. You pick it up and sees its your mum*

You: Hey mum, what's up?

Mum (on phone): Sweetie I need to tell you something alright?

*You notice that your mum is sobbing on the other side and she sounds stressed*

You: Mum what happened?

*Your mum stays quiet for a bit, the only sounds are of her sobbing and heavy breathing*

Mum: Sweetheart grandma passed away

*You couldn't believe it, you were frozen in shock, you drop your phone and run to the bathroom. You breaks down in tears the second you step into the cubicle, crying uncontrollably. A while passes and you wash your face in the sink before leaving.*

Boses pov:
*I was standings in front of the girls bathrooms cause I'm weird like that when I hear sobbing. Suddenly a girl walks out of the toilet, y/n, she leaves and sees me outside looking at her worriedly.*

Bose: Y/n, what's wrong?

*She looks at me, tears swelling up in her eyes once again.*

You: My grandma passed away

Bose: Oh Y/n, come on let's go somewhere else alright?

* Y/n nods and follows me to an empty classroom.*
(That whole scene was made by Ella -my friend- so shoutout to her)

Bose: You seemed fine a few minutes ago.

You: Well, that was before I found out my grandma died.

*Y/n begins to sob more*

Bose: Hey hey. It's ok (hugging her) Your safe with me.

You: I feel safe with you...

*We hug for about 5 minutes then the door barges open*

Ella: THERE YOU ARE Y/N! Wait oh my gosh are you crying?

Bose: Her um, her grandma died...

Ella: Oh y/n. (rushing over to y/n s other side) Don't worry we're here for you.

You: We?

Bose: Uh yeah, I'm here for you too.

Your pov:
*Your heart warms up when you hear the words "I'm here for you too." *

Ella: Ok I'm gonna leave you two here, I'm gonna get some tissues.

*Ella leaves and it's just you and Bose in the classroom, alone...*

You: I- I think I feel a bit better, thanks for helping.
Bose: You sure? Cause I do have another thing that could help you get over this news...

You: Well what is it?

Bose: Kiss me

You: WHAT?!

Bose: What, you don't want to do it anymore? You seemed like you did a few minutes ago?

You: You insist?

Bose: I insist

You: Ok then.

*You lean in as Bose grabs your hand and kisses you, she put your hands over his neck and continue the kiss. Sparks fly as the moment goes on and on and on and on? You stay like this for a few minutes getting a few breaths in between then you pull away.*

You: That DEFINITELY helped more.


Bose: Uhh

You: Um he was just uh helping?
*************************************************Thats Chapter 3. Sorry if it was short I'll try to make the next chapter longer. Also that last bit was me, Ella kinda gave up at the end with that kiss bit

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