Chapter 16

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Boses pov:
* "We're now at the man's nest just preparing for phase 3. None of us want to do this but it's our only option now"*

You: Phase 3...

Chapa: Bose if you fail to do this then we will never be able to see y/n again.

Bose: How though? I mean Mika just keeps threatening to make her leave it's not like she can actually do it?

You: She can though...

Chapa: If she convinces an important person, which she most probably will, she will be able to make y/n leave Swellview.

Bose: Dang, now I have a big responsibility to fulfill.

You: Don't worry there's "no pressure" at all!

Chapa: You got this Bose!

*After a while of planning we finally head out for phase 3 to officially start*

Chapa: I can't believe we're about to do this, Bose this all rides on you.

Bose: I'm feeling the pressure now.

You: Do we all know the final plan?

Chapa: I'm pretty sure, it starts with Bose going up to Mika and "confessing his love for her".

Bose: Right, then I try to get information out of her while simultaneously trying to get her annoyed with me.

You: I know it might seem difficult but all you have to do is play dumb. (To Bose)

Your pov:
*You hate to admit it but you're terrified about what's about to happen. You watch from in the car as Bose makes his way to the front door of the Macklins house and this time Mika is the one who answers.*

Mika: What are you doing here?!

Bose: I wanted to tell you that, I like you...

Mika: What?! Aren't you and y/n together? Does she know you're here?!

Bose: Well uh no, she doesn't know. I was thinking maybe you and I could be together?

Mika: I mean yes but are you sure you're not prancing me?

Bose: My feelings are real Mika.

* "Geez, Bose is really good at this. What if he did it to me and I didn't know?!" *

Chapa: Damn, Mika sounds so happy. She must really hate you y/n. (Whispering)

You: I know that Chapa, I don't like her very much either.

Chapa: Do you reckon this will actually work?

You: We can only hope...

*You turn to look back at the door*

Mika: Do you want to come on? We can talk more about this in my room.

Bose: Uh, ok.

Boses pov:
*As I walk up to Mikas room I get a bit more scared, wondering if this plan will actually work*

Mika: Are you sure y/n doesn't know about this? Did you two break up?

Bose: Uh, yes, we broke up.

Mika: Ok so it's fine if I do this...

*She grabs me and leans in for a, kiss...*

Bose: Whoa whoa! Too fast Mika!

Mika: Geez sorry! You said you liked me and I've been waiting for this moment for so long!

Bose: You, did?

Mika: Of course! Bose, I've wanted to get with you since we first met fighting Drex.

Bose: Wow, I didn't know you liked me that much.

Mika: Well I do, now may we continue?

Bose: Uh I don't kno-

*She kisses me again!*

Bose: You need to calm down!

Mika: But-

Bose: Just stop.

Mika: I thought this was, what you wanted?

Bose: Mika, I haven't even asked you to be my girlfriend! Can't we just take this slowly, I'm still trying to process the breakup.

*"Damn who knew I was this good at acting"*

Mika: Oh, yeah of course. I understand that the breakup might have taken a lot out of you but just to let you know, I would be way better then y/n.

Your pov:
Chapa: You think Mika has tried to manipulate Bose yet?

You: I don't know, he seems pretty easy to manipulate so Mika has definitely tried.

Chapa: Let's hope he isn't as dumb as he acts and doesn't get convinced.

You: Bose isn't dumb, he's just, dim witted. Gosh I miss him, I want to ask him how it went, hopefully he was able to get phase 3 started.

Chapa: Well here he comes now so we can ask him.

*Bose enters the car and begins to drive us away from the house*

You: What happened?!

Bose: She kissed me! She actually had the nerve to kiss me!

Chapa: No way!

You:What did you tell her that made her kiss you?

Bose: I told her that you didn't know I was there.

Chapa: And?

Bose: What, that's all I said!

Chapa: No that isn't! You said something else and I know it!

You: What else did you say?

Bose: I didn't say anything!

Chapa: Spill!

Bose: Ugh fine, I told her that me and y/n broke up...

You: What?!
Lame ending again, I got some great ideas from some of my followers on tt so I think we might have a few more 1000 word chapters.
(My tik Tok if anyone's wondering:@mandy._.wandyyy)

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