Chapter 2

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Boses pov:
*Its Tuesday and the second day at Swellview Junior High. The group (danger force kids) makes its way to the courtyard, we had a few minutes before our first class and we decided to talk while we waited for the bell.*

Chapa: Don't you guys think we were putting ourselves out there when we blew a gumball in broad daylight? I'm pretty sure there was a girl who saw us turn into d force.

Miles: You sure? I saw no one.

Mika: Wait, I'm pretty sure I saw that girl who bumped into Bose yesterday. I swear I saw her stare at us while we transformed.

Bose: I saw nothing, let's hope no one really did see us otherwise we'd be in so much troub-

*The bell rings*

Mika: -And that's the bell. I have English first, see you guys

*Mika leaves*

Chapa: I'm pretty sure I have Maths right now.
Miles: Same, let's go together.

*They both leave and I'm left alone in the courtyard.  I look at my schedule and see that I have Art first. As I walk to the art block I see the same girl that bumped into me yesterday.*

Your pov:
*You're walking with Ella to class when you stop that new kid, alone.*

You: Ella, look it's the new kid, he's alone.

Ella: I can see that. (sarcastically)

You: Why is he alone? I'm gonna go see why, maybe he's lost or doesn't know his schedule.

*Youre about to walk up to the boy when you feel Ella pull your arm the other way.*

Ella: You have GOT to stop looking at that boy. He's not even that interesting to look at.

You: I wasn't staring. I just feel bad for him.

*You struggle to get to the kid, Ella just pulled you to hard. You reach the classroom and sit in your seats. The teacher walks in and tells the class to start their artworks, you zone out, art has always been a boring class for you. Then suddenly the door opens and a student walks in.*

Boses pov:
*As I walk into the classroom I try to find an empty seat. I walk to the back of the class and spot 2 girls.*

Bose: Uh can I sit here?

You: Um uh-

Ella: Yes, she wants to say yes, you can sit here.

*"The girl sitting next to her shoves her, why is she so worked up? Am I to obvious about who I am?"*

Your pov:
Ella: So what's your name? (To Bose)

Bose: Uh my name is Bose O Brian, you might recognise me as the vice mayors stepson?

You: Really?! Uh I mean, yeah I knew that I've seen you before.

Bose: Have you now?

*"Omg his voice is so deep and nice I could just melt-"*

Ella: Y/n!

You: huh?

Bose: Uh I was just asking you what we are supposed to be doing right now.

Ella: Sorry about her she gets distracted A LOT. We're just drawing something that makes us happy. Just look at mine, I'm drawing my bf and I together, he makes me happy. I'm pretty sure y/n is drawing- uh you?

You: Wait what?! No uh I was drawing someone else! Uh it's it's brainstorm! You know from danger force?

*Bose gets a bit red*

Ella: Whoa there tomato, what are you brainstorm or something?

Bose: Well uh no. Of course not!

*The bell rings*

Boses pov:
*As I walk to my next class I try to calm down a little bit. "They didn't suspect anything, well except for the quiet one, those girls still don't know the secret.*

Chapa: Hey Bose! You ok? You look a little pale.

Bose: Yeah I'm fine, I just, you know that girl that bumped into me yesterday well she sat next to me in art today. We talked a little bit and she seems like she knows something.

Chapa: Like our identities?

*I nod as Mika and Miles walk up*

Mika: Well how could she know that? It's not like she saw us transform yester- Wait, Chapa you said you saw her yesterday.

Miles: You don't mean?

Bose: She knows...

Your pov:
*Its lunchtime right now and you are walking to the cafeteria with Ella. You both chat between each other while you wait in line for the food. Once you get the food you both sit on a table and chat.*

You: So wait, who's this boyfriend your talking about?

Ella: Tom, remember? He's the boy with the braids, he's also a race car driver. Omg he's so dreamy.

You: I bet

Ella: You're just mad that precious Bose hasn't noticed you yet. Anyways onto Tom, he's part of the gang that's like feared by everyone and also he's like super gross rich. I love him.

(Lol my friend who this character is written from told me to write about Tom Kaulitz in my living nightmare)
You: Listen I'm not that into Bose over there I'm just, interested by him. Also doesn't Tom sound a bit creepy?

Ella: There is nothing wrong with Tom, I mean yes he is in a gang but he's like super starstruck around me. He's like a cinnamon roll when he's with me. I love how unique he is.

You: I want to meet him one day, you haven't let me see him yet. I wanna know what is so interesting about him.

Ella: There's so much that's interesting about him! I want to know what you see in Bose!

You: I don't like-


*You turn your head to see the group of new kids heading towards you, they finally reach your table.*

Mika: Are you y/n?

You: yes?

Chapa: Can you come with us?
************************************************* And there is Chapter 2. Gotta love a cliffhanger

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