Chapter 9

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Your pov:
*As the time passes you get more and more worried that Bose will never come. It's now almost midnight and Bose said he would come hours ago, then the door begins to open.*

Bose: Hey there.

You: You're late.

Bose: I know, my mum caught me trying to sneak out.

You: It's fine, you're here now.

*Bose comes to sit next to you on the bed and you two cuddle and kiss for a bit*

Bose: Are you feeling better?

You: Way better.

Bose: Good, now move closer, I'm getting cold.

*You lay your head on Boses chest as he puts his arm around you, you two talk for a while until you both fall asleep. Suddenly the door barges open*

Ray: Why hello lovebirds!!!

Bose: Ray?

You: Uh hi?

Ray: Hi you two! Time to get up, your little friend has lots of treatment to get through today! (To Bose)

Bose: I'm staying here for the the day? Is that ok with you?

You: I don't want to do any tests by myself.

Ray: Fine you can stay today Bose, but tomorrow y/n is doing her tests by herself!

You: Fine

*You two get up and while your getting dressed Bose calls his mum to tell her that he wasn't going to school*

Boses pov:
* "I feel so happy right now, I get to spend the day with y/n doing tests and there's no one here to yell at me for it"  once I hang up with my mum I go back to the infirmary and Schwoz is already there*

Schwoz: She looks ok right now, the bruises are slowly healing and the cuts have closed up.

You: So I'll be able to go out soon?

Schwoz: Not yet, give it a week, right now you can move around the man's nest. Why not explore the 900 rooms it has?

Bose: I'll accompany you.

You: Let's go then!

*Y/n gets up from the bed and hooks her arm around mine, we walk through the halls talking about life*

Bose: What did you mean yesterday when I picked you up?

You: What do you mean?

Bose: Yesterday, when we found you on the ground you said you never were safe, what did you mean by that?

You: Oh I meant that as soon as you told me about Glerp I knew I wouldn't be safe anymore. (Sounding a bit unsure)

Bose: I know you're lying to me y/l/n, tell me what you meant.

Your pov:
*You didn't want Bose to find out this way but you had to tell him*

You: Before you there was this other boy, he was so nice when I first met him, then I got to know him and he just changed.

Bose: There was another guy before me?

You: Yeah, I won't say his name (cause it was an actual person and they might see this) but he was just so cool in the beginning, then he grew up and started being nasty to me and my friends. He called Ella names and made up a rumor that I dreamt about him every night.

Bose: And this dude made you uncomfortable?

You: I was young, I didn't know what it meant, I liked him and I ignored all the red flags. Ella liked him more, he was the nastiest to her and I don't know why.

Bose: How nasty?

You: He called my friends fat and sent all the texts we had between each other to his friends.

Bose: Wow, this boy must be a real jerk!

You: I know, but none of my friends saw it, they only saw his looks not his personality. (Little 4th Wall bit here) He just kept hurting them and getting away with it because of his looks.

Boses pov:
*After y/n s little rant about this guy I begin to wonder, are all men like this? "Surely I wouldn't be like this?" *

Bose: That boy seems really horrible but I still don't get how it made you unsafe?

You: He was in my driveway one day, the next he was my neighbour or at least visiting my neighbour.

Bose: So he watched you?

You: Not necessarily, I mean he stalked my socials but that was really all.

Bose: Oh! Now I get it!

You: Yeah, every since him I've been a little worried about boys, but ever since I met you I've completely forgotten about that feeling.

Bose: I've never seen a girl who has fallen so hard for me she has bruises all over her body.

*She shoves my arm a bit and giggles a bit*

You: I guess you could say that. Hey, I never asked, who are some other girls that you've dated slash liked?

Bose: There are too many, more then I can count.

You: You've really had that many girls?

Bose: Well I'm pretty sure it started with Glerp and then it was this other girl...

Your pov:
*You never knew that Bose had so many girls cling onto him before, what if he's already experienced a girl like you and isn't surprised that you're "new" ?*

Bose: I'm pretty sure that there was about 1000 girls who paid $1000 each to go on a date with me.

You: You gained $1,000,000 for dating girls?!

Bose: No wonder I live in a mansion!

You: Ok tell me more about these "1000 dates"

Bose: Well I was on a date with I think 5 of them at one time, there were also these two Aussie girls named Sydney and Melbourne.

You: Can't you memorise every girls name?

Bose: If I did then I would be singing like Eminem.

You: Haha, there's really that many?

Bose: I have charm, what can I say?

*You two laugh and talk all day exploring the man's nest rooms, you guys get to know each other more during this walk. You even laugh more then you've every laughed in your life, but then you realize*

You: Shoot! I haven't texted Ella all day! She's probably worried sick about why I'm not there!
Lol my friend Ella is actually like this in real life. Lame ending again, I just can't find anything good to add.
Give suggestions!!!'

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