Chapter 8

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Your pov:
You: Uh Glerp, you don't need to do this...(backing into a corner)

Glerp: Yes I do, you took my Bosey You deserve this.

You: I didn't take him. Bose came to me, he kissed me and he told me he didn't want you...

Glerp: LIAR

*You beg for her not to touch you but she still does. She uses her alien powers to hit and punch you, you beg and cry for her to stop. You're praying that any second now, danger force would barge in and get Glerp away from you.*

You: Please, I won't go close to him! You can have him! Please stop!

Glerp: That was easy wasn't it? Now, I'm willing to leave you alone if you tell me where he is right now.

You: What are you gonna do if I tell you?

Glerp: Win him back.

*Suddenly a bang comes from the door and you see sparks fly as it swings off its hinges. Danger Force rushes into the room and you barely get to see what happens when you pass out...*

Brainstorms pov:
*As the others search the room I turn to the corner and see, y/n, unconscious.*

Brainstorm: What did she do to you?! (Slowly lifting you up)

*The others find Glerp in another room and bring her out to take her away, they leave and it's just me and y/n.*

You: S-she tried to k-kill me. (Slowly waking up)

Brainstorm: Hey hey it's ok. Your safe with me now, she's gone and she's never gonna touch you again.

You: I love you Brainstorm

Brainstorm: I love you too y/n. Now, let's get you out of here, you're obviously not safe anymore.

You: I never was.

*Slowly we get to the man's nest, step by step. I sit y/n on the couch and call Schwoz to help nurse her back to health*

Schwoz: Well, she looks badly abused so it will take me a couple of weeks to get her back to normal.

Bose: Do we have to take her to the hospital?

Schwoz: No no, we have an infirmary in the man's nest, we'll just put her there.

*I go back to the couch to carry y/n {bridal style ;) } as Schwoz leads us to the infirmary. I lay y/n on the bed and sit next to her as Schwoz checks her body for any cuts.*

Schwoz: Its mostly just bruises, there are a few cuts here and there but she'll be fine in less then a month.

Bose: Good, I was worried that she was horribly hurt.

Your pov:
*You feel so protected with Bose right next to you the whole day. He doesn't leave your side for anything.*

You: Bose, you do realize that Glerp really liked you and only hurt me because she was jealous.

Bose: I know, but if she really wanted me so badly then she wouldn't have hurt you. She knew that it would be hurting me too.

You: I'm pretty sure her emotions just got the better of her. Where is she anyway?

Bose: Ray sent her back to her universe with one of his trash rockets.

You: So she's gone for good?

Bose: Yep, and that means that we can do whatever we want with each other.

You: Bose, I'm in a hospital bed right now, I can't go out on a date with you.

Bose: I wasn't saying that we should go out for a date, maybe we could do some Netflix and chill?

You: I would love that

*You two spend the whole day watching Netflix shows and chatting and kissing. To be completely honest, you have more fun lying in bed with Bose then you did with your normal life*

You: I missed when my life was just ad simple as this.

Bose: What do you mean?

You: Ever since you started Swellview high, I've been doing more and more research on crushes and love. I loved you at first sight Bose.

Bose: And I've loved you since you crashed into me in the cafeteria.

*You two kiss once again*

Boses pov:
*As I get up to leave y/n grabs my arm. She begs me not to leave and I tell her that my step dad and mum would get sus if I come back late*

You: Come back tomorrow.

Bose: I'll skip school just to see you.

You: Oh, can you tell the principal that I will be off school for a month?

Bose: Anything for you y/n

*I catch her blush a bit*

You: See you soon Bose

Bose: See you soon Y/n

*I leave the room and head back home, my parents don't assume a thing so I head upstairs. In my room I start to text y/n*
Hi Bosey
Watching TV, thinking about you
I'm thinking about you too
I miss you
Can I come over?
Yes please
Is anyone there?
No, Ray is sleeping
I'll be there in 10
The new danger force episodes are coming today so I didn't want to make this too long so you can watch them

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