Chapter 13

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Boses pov:
*I wake up in the morning and head to the man's nest, it's Saturday so there's no school and I get to spend the whole day with y/n. Once I get to the man's nest everyone is there on the couch.*

Bose: What happened?

Chapa: Y/n tried to uh do something to herself yesterday...

Bose: What did she do?! And why are you two here, I though you were mad at me!

Miles: I'm not mad at you man, Mika just told me not talk to you yesterday.

Mika: Miles! You told me you didn't want to talk to him, uh hi Bose.

Bose: Hey Mika.

Chapa: Bose, you need to go to the infirmary. (Whispering to me)

Bose: Is y/n hurt badly?

Chapa: Look for yourself.

*I make my way to the infirmary and see y/n on the bed, there's cuts all over her legs and arms.*

Bose: What did you do to yourself!?!

You: I cut myself in the shower, i couldn't stop after that. I looked good bleeding out.

Bose: Are you crazy?! Why would you do this to yourself? You know I love you right?!

You: I know, but I just felt so bad and guilty, Mika deserves you and not me. I barely even know you that much.

Bose: But you love me and that's all that matters, I never liked Mika, she's always been teasing me for being "dumb".

Your pov:
*You felt like poop all morning, now that Bose is right next to you, you feel better.*

You: I'm sorry, I just didn't want to do it anymore.

Bose: Don't apologise, you're safe now with me. Please promise me that you won't do this again though.

You: I'll try not too do it.

*Schwoz comes into the room and does a few tests on you and puts some antibiotics on your arms and legs. Bose is right next to you the whole time.*

Schwoz: You should go to the couch, there's a few people waiting for you.

You: Who?

Bose: Let's go see together.

*You grab Boses arm as you walk to the couch, there is the rest of danger force, Chapa, Miles and... Mika. She looks you dead in the eye and you try to look away but her stare stays on you.*

You: Hi Chapa. Miles... Mika...

Chapa: Are you ok?

You: Yeah, I think

Miles: Why did you do that to yourself?

You: I uh

Mika: Was it cause of me?!

You: What? No no way! I would never try to guilt trip any of you guys, I just uh did it.

*Mika looks at you in anger, you notice a tiny hint of guilt in her eyes*

Boses pov:
*I notice the looks between Mika and y/n and try to ignore it. "Why did Mika have to admit her love to me now?!" .*

You: I'm gonna go back to my bed, I feel a bit sleepy.

Chapa: Ok! Sleep good!

*I watch as y/n goes to her room then I turn to look back at the others.*

Miles: Did she tell you why she did it? (To me)

Bose: Yes but I don't think she wants me to reveal it.

Chapa: Oh look at you protecting your girl!

Mika: Yeah your...girl.

Bose: Listen Mika can we talk in private?

Miles and Chapa: Oooooo!

Mika: Shut up! Yeah uh let's go the the other room.

*We walk off to the next room and Mika starts to talk*

Mika: If this is about what happened yesterday I'm completely over it.

Your pov:
*Youre lying on your bed when you hear footsteps then voices, Mika and Bose. "Why would they come to talk right in front of my room?"*

Bose: This is about yesterday, listen I don't mean to offend you but I don't like you the way you do with me. I'm with y/n and I love her more then you.

Mika: Wow! Great way to tell me nicely! I don't care about you and y/n together I'm just trying to warn you! She's a bad person, she told her friends about us and made Glerp attack her so you can save her!

Bose: Mika, if she was made Glerp do it then why would she be in pain?

Mika: See Bose, she's tricking you, she's not in pain at all! She's acting for your attention!

Bose: She would never!

Mika: You met her a week ago! You don't know her!

Bose: I know everything about her! Like how she never wanted to date in the first place!


Bose: She would never.

Mika: But she is.

*You listen in horror as you hear Mika and Bose yell for like 5 minutes about you*

Boses pov:
*After Mikas little fit I stomp into y/n s room/ the infirmary and sit on the bed*

You: I heard you and Mika.

Bose: Oh y/n, she was just trying to make up excuses.

You; Do you think I'm craving attention?

Bose: Well, it's been 2 days since you were attacked and your family hasn't said anything so, no you don't crave attention, you just don't get enough.

You: I love you Bose

Bose: I love you too y/n (Slowly grabbing your arm)

You: Are you looking at my bruises?! (Pulling away)

Bose: I was uh checking on you.

You: The bruises aren't fake! Your crazy ex really attacked me!

Bose: I know, I was just looking!

You: I can't believe you would actually believe Mika over your own girlfriend!

Bose: Y/n! This is exactly what she wants, for you to turn against me and leave. Don't get mad at me, she's very convincing sometimes and I'm just the "dumb one" and I can't resist it.

You: Your right. (Calming down) I really don't like her, she's too jealous of us.

Bose: It hurts sometimes.
There you go! A 1000 word chapter, ok now I can go back to 900. You guys don't deserve this much princess treatment

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