The beginning (I'm already failing at titles)

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Hi. Welcome to what may be your entertainment at 3 am...
If you see any errors... please tell me, I can't spell. I'll try to edit to the best of my ability tho...
Some things I may have changed from cannon for story convenience.
Remember to eat food, drink water, and get sleep...I will know if you don't...

Danny POV:

    I sat, staring at the TV, eyes wide. The news was on, the headline reading, Billionaire Bruce Waynes son, Jason Todd, now labeled as dead by GCPD. He couldn't believe it.

    The investigation of his brothers disappearance had only been going on for half a year, and they had given up. Jason was the son of Bruce Wayne, a man who could pay less than 0.001 percent of his fortune to have almost any one do anything; how was he allowing this?

    Danny reached into his pocket, fishing out his phone. Jason Todd. He searched his brothers name.

    Jason Todd, death confirmed. The press had already wrote hundreds of articles on the topic, guessing that his brother would never come back, he should know, he read them all, but none had hit him as hard as this article's title.

    Jason Todd, death Confirmed.

    Apparently the police had only kept the case open at Bruce Wayne's insistence, the GCPD said there was no way the boy wasn't dead, all of the evidence was there...except the body.

    Danny knew that there was nothing more the police could do, they had no leads, no reason to assume Jason's survival. He had even gone to Gotham on nights when his parents stayed out later, but found no more then the police could. The investigation seemed to be hopeless.

    Through blurry eyes, Danny looked down at his phone once again. He decided he would continue to check on Gotham's news stations daily, just in case there was a chance his brother would come home.

Jason POV:

    Jason was not dead. When he looked in the mirror, he may have mistaken himself for a sleep deprived zombie, but he was almost certain he was alive after his stomach growled, begging for food. He yawned, washing his hands and face.

    He walked into the kitchen of his small apartment (2 rooms plus a bathroom, one a bed room and the other a family room/kitchen). The only decoration in Jason's apartment was a small framed photo of a young boy, around ten. The boy was smiling, hugging a book on stars, and Jason, at 12 years old, was next to him, seeming to be holding the phone.

    The picture had been taken only a few days before Jason had begun to plan Danny's escape. There dad would be dead one day after the picture had been taken and there mother became abusive only days after. Jason had prepared for months, making sure to steel school records of Danny and preparing him with a new identity, even if they couldn't get official documents.

    Danny Starlight, he had told his brother to call himself when he was taken in by an orphanage; the name was cheesy, he knew, and he still couldn't believe how anyone had believed the backstory he had made up, but he wanted Danny's love of the stars and all things space to continue into his new life, and this was the best thing he could think to do.

    Jason had made sure that the people to adopt him were good, or did the best he could anyway. Jason cried for hours the day when Danny was adopted by the Fenton's (supposed "ghost hunters" who were looking for a brother for there daughter, but couldn't have time to take care of a younger child), even though he knew it was for the best. Danny would be happier far away from there parents and Gotham, and Jason planned to join him one day, but first he had to take care of there mother.

    Despite there mother's almost constant yelling and insults, he couldn't bring himself to leave her, no matter what she did. She had gotten even worse when Danny left, drinking more, and blaming Jason for anything that went wrong. Even when she begin to hit him and scratch him with her nails, he couldn't leave. He knew she wouldn't survive without him, and he couldn't just let someone die.

    It turned out he was right, she wasn't able to survive without him. After coming home from school one day, he found her, seemingly sleeping on the couch, a bottles of various alcohol types scattered around her and a bottle of pills in her lap.

    He checked her pulse, nothing. She was gone.

    Jason looked away from the picture.

    Since his death and resurrection, Jason had checked on Danny once, digitally of course. He seemed to be doing ok, even if his grades weren't the best. (The low grades slightly confused Jason. Danny had always been very smart, even helping him with his own homework on occasion, and loved to read, although maybe not as much as Jason, and learn, but Jason decided his brother must simply have other priorities.) From what he could get from the schools profile, Danny didn't get in trouble much and, although he wasn't very social, still had a few close friends.

    With that in his mind, Jason let a small smile creep onto his face as he begain to prepare microwave ramen... for breakfast... unfortunately, his ramen was burnt.


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