The tragic tale of Danny and shit.

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Danny POV:

    I am done for it, Danny thought. Jason and Dick had just seen the result of his and the Joker's toarcher (Some one please tell me how to spell that) session and, worst of all, they called there dad. Batman. Now not only would Danny have to explane how he escaped and mammed the Joker, but would also have to convince the world's greatest detective that he wasn't insane and, in fact, did have a conscience. 

    "Uhh, Jason you ok?" Jason had been quite for a bit to long than Danny was comfortable with.

    Jason shrugged, "Are you?"

    "Yeah, I'm not hurt or anything, so," Danny trailed off.

    "You know that's not what I meant."

    "He kidnapped me and I fought back. Most people would do the same if they could."

    "Why were your eyes green?" Jason said quickly, as if the statement burned his throat to say.

    Fuck, he had let his ghost powers out. "What'd you mean?"

    "Your eyes," Jason said slowly, "They were the color of the Lazarus pit."

    That name sounded familiar. Danny wondered where he had heard it before. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

    The sound of an engine cut through the air. Danny sighed in relief. He was glad to procrastinate on telling his brother about his powers and his less-than-aliveness.

Batman exited the Batmobile.

"What happened," Batman said stoically.

"You might want to see for yourself," Dick muttered. He pointed Batman in Danny and Jason's direction.

"Is he ok?"

"Yeah," said Jason, "It's not him you sould be worried about." He turned of a flashlight pointing it in the direction of the Joker.

"What did you do, Jason." It wasn't a question, it was a statement.

"He didn't do anything," Danny said quietly.

Batman looked at Danny. "What happened than?"

"Well, the Joker kidnapped me and I didn't really like that," Danny said. "I think you can tell what happened next Mr. Wayne."

"You told him our identity's?"

"Again, THAT'S WHAT YOU'RE WORRIED ABOUT?!" Jason yelled, feeling bad as he saw Danny cover his ears.

"I didn't kill him," Danny muttered.

Batman looked across the crime scene again, seeming to have come to a conclusion. "Nightwing, drive the Joker to the hospital. You can take the Batmobile." Dick nodded. "Jason, Danny can ride home with you. Meet me in the cave and tell the others to come too."

Jason nodded, as Bruce got onto Dick's motorcycle.

Danny climbed on to Jason's motorcycle after him.

He knew they wouldn't accept him when he told them the truth. He wasn't human, the Joker was right. He held onto Jason tightly, knowing that this may be the last time his brother would even consider calling him family. They would all hate him, especially when they found out about Dan. They would put him in Arkham where every one would attack him, hoping to avenge the Joker. Maybe he should be there. Dan had done horrible things. He deserved to be there just as much as any other Gotham psycho.

They arrived at the cave.

Batman moved to sit in front of the Bat computer. Soon the rest of the family arrived, Tim and Damian looking confused, it seems they hadn't been updated on the situation.

Bruce took a deep breath. "Tim, Damian, since you weren't there, I'll update you." He showed a picture of the Joker on the screen.

Both boys gasped.

"What did Todd do this time?"

"It wasn't Jason," Batman said. "Danny claims to have done this to the Joker."

Everyone looked at him.

"It was his fault for kidnapping me," he mumbled.

Batman looked him in the eyes. "How did this happen."

"I got out of the cuffs, punched him, took the crowbar, and beat him up." Danny could have sworn Jason smiled at that.

"No. You specifically chose to paralyze him. Why."

"I didn't want him to hurt anyone else," Danny said, taking anxious, shallow breaths.

Jason spoke up. "Danny, why-why did your eyes glow green."

Everyone else, not knowing this detail, looked shocked.

"I-I, umm, there was an accident. A few years ago. Some of my parents lab equipment, well, I got near it, and tried to make it work. I got it to work, but there were consequences."

"What sort of equipment," Batman said.

"Well my parents are ghost hunters and, uhh, it was a portal to the Ghost Zone, the place where ghosts live." Danny took a deep breath. "It turned on with me inside."

Sorry for this chapter being a little short... I was watching John Mulaney-I mean doing my home work...


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