The end starts to begin (Im so great at titles)

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Tim POV:

    Jason had got to Tim's newly dubbed romantic interest, it was fine, he was fine. Tim sighed in relief. Now he only had to worry about two things: escaping the GIW, possibly blowing them up, to get to the watch tower and have the Justice league give the agency whatever punishment was worse them the death sentence and figure out how to ask Danny out. And not get killed by Jason. Maybe that was more than two things...

    For once in his life, Tim begin to question if he could handle something. How could he ask out a ghost super hero who was infinitely more powerful, and beautiful, then him and not get killed by said ghost superheroes older brother who was also his brother who had tried to kill him. He really hoped that wasn't incest. Nah. B hadn't even adopted Danny...yet.

    He started to hyperventilate. He could hear the static-y voices of his siblings over the coms, it sounded like something important was happening, but he couldn't make it out. He was to worried about what Danny Todd would think of him. What if he thought he was just trying to get with him for the fame or power. Wait. That was stupid. He was the son of a billionaire, goddamn, he shouldn't be worried. Still his brain provided more reasons to worry. Stop one worry and two more shall take its place it seemed.

    Listen to the coms, he told himself. Something could be happening. Your brothers or, god forbid, Danny could be hurt!

    "I need backup!" Hood yelled. " I have Danny but there are too many agents to take out and protect him!"

    He heard a crash from far into the building. Dick's worried voice soon followed. "They got Robin! There taking him further into the building for some sort of experimentation. Something about high exposure to ectoplasm? There's to many for me to fight off, I can't get to him!" Dick's voice became strangled towards the end.

    Fuck, he couldn't save his brother and his crush at the same time. If only Cass were here, he suddenly wished she was back from her mission very very badly. And he couldn't call in B, he would give them a lecture about being reckless and would bench them.


    He reached into his pocket. "Siri, call Superman and Lex Luther's Lovechild."

Yes, I know, short chapter...but...uhh...I got distracted writing other shit...and drawing...and reading...and doing nothing...


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15 ⏰

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