Brothers 😎

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Jason POV:

What did the kid mean by kidnapped two times in one night? Jason sighed, he could ask when they got to an old apartment and old base of operations for when he just started being Red Hood.

The stairs up to the apartment were not fun to climb with a random kid in his arms, but Jason managed. When the two got to the apartment door, Jason looked down, realizing that the boy had fallen asleep in his arms. Great. Now he would have to ask the kid questions later.

He looked down at the kids face, he couldn't shake the feeling that there was something familiar about that face.

Jason gently sat the kid onto his couch, it was a bit dusty but still quite comfortable, and grabbed a blanket to drape over the kid.

Despite not wanting to wake the kid, Jason's curiosity got the better of him. He turned the lights on, luckily the kid didn't awaken.

Jason moved from the light switch over to the boy, his messy black hair was somewhat similar to Jason's own style of hair. The boy looked much less angry then he did in the alley as he slept. But his face was strikingly familiar.  It reminded Jason of what he had looked like only a few years prior. He gasped quietly. Danny. It was his brother.

Danny POV:

Danny woke up very unhappy. The sunlight was seeping in from a crack in the curtains of the window and his leg hurt like hell. He also had no idea where he was.

He sat up yawning and tip toed out of bed, then he remembered his hurt leg and fell to the floor with a crash. "Fuck!"

Footsteps came from the other side of the room, near the small kitchen. "You ok, Danny?!" A voice said urgently.

He looked up. Standing in front of him was his brother, Jason Todd, wearing a Red Hood suit, minus the helmet. 

"What the fuck?! Jason?! Where did you come from?! And why are you cosplaying Red Hood?! Wait." Memories of the previous night flooded into Danny's mind. "Are you Red Hood?!"

"Uhh, yeah," Jason said, looking surprised that Danny made the connection between the two of them so easily.

"Why do you look so surprised at me knowing you're Red Hood, I'm not a fucking idiot!" Danny felt a little bad at yelling at his brother the first time they had properly talked to each other after so many years, but he was a little shocked...and was really grumpy from such a horrible sleep.

"Oh," Jason said, "I'm sorry. You have every right to be angry with me. I did ignore you. I should have come to see you when Mom died, but I thought you would be happier with out me. You don't have to forgive me or anything. Sorry."

Danny felt a sense of relief wash over him. He was worried that his brother would be too mad to ever see him again. "No-no, I'm sorry. I should have come to see you. I'm sorry for shouting and stuff, I was just surprised you were a fucking vigilante, that's all." 'That's all"? Danny thought to himself. You just learned that your brother was a nationally famous vigilante, like yourself, and you say "that's all?"

"You're not scared?" Jason mumbled quietly. "Most people aren't to happy to find out when there brother is a murderer of hundreds..."

"Meh, I don't really care. The people you killed were all dicks, right?"

"Uhh," Jason seemed at a lost for words. "I hope so?"

"Yeah, I'm good with it, being dead isn't to bad...even if, for most, it doesn't have good health benefits."

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