The Team (Steve)

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You know how people say priests are married to the church? Like are they God's bitches or something?

Also... sorry for not updating...I will try to update more, but school keeps getting in the way...

Tim POV:

After breakfast, Tim and Danny headed down to the gym where they would measure Danny's powers and fighting abilities.

"Ok, lets first test out your more long range abilities." Tim pulled out a cardboard target. "How far can you hit this from?"

"Uhh." Danny backed up until he was over half way across the room. "Here, I think."

Tim scurried out of the way. "Ok. Blast it!"

Danny did so, leaving a smoking hole in the middle of the target. "Was that good?"

Tim stared at him, astonished. Danny had all this power and yet he was doubting himself? "Yeah, that was great!"

    The tests of Danny's powers continued on like that for around an hour, each time Tim being astonished and Danny being much to modest.

Tim found himself awestruck by not only Danny's power, but by Danny himself. Throughout the whole power testing session, Danny was nice to tim, occasionally making remarks on how good his analysis skills were. No one else he knew were impressed by his skill. Although the bat family found it useful, to them it was just that, useful. Danny, it seemed, truly valued the time and effort that Tim had put into his skill.

Tim wished there training session could go on forever.

    "Tim! Danny!" A voice yelled from the entrance to the gym. "I've found you! We've been looking everywhere, were you here the whole time?"

    They both nodded.

    "Oh," Dick said, sounding disappointed. Soon, however, he regained his cheery tone. "So, guess what?"

    "What?" Both boys looked at him expectantly.

    "B said we're gonna take Danny to the Young Justice cave!"

Danny POV:

Danny was told to change into his Phantom form and that he would be meeting the young Justice team, in case he wanted to join later. Danny had tried to explain that he would have to go home in a few days, but Bruce still said that it would be good to have options.

To get to the Young Justice cave, apparently Danny had to be registered for the zeta beam to work. Batman had to get a sample of his DNA and had to created a voice activated command for him to use when he wanted to travel through the Justice League's Zeta technology. The process took about ten minutes to complete and the Bat family plus Danny were off to the young Justice base.

The base was, from what Danny could see, very plain with most of the space being taken up by what looked to be a training center.

Batman called the team to there location.

"Why have you called us here, Batman?" A guy Danny recognized as Aqua lad said.

"There is someone you may want to meet. He is Red Hood's brother and the hero Phantom."

Danny stepped forward and waved awkwardly. "Hi."

An excited speedster in yellow ran towards him. "Hi! Dick told me so much about you! I'm Wally. Sowhatdoyoudo,Idon'tmeanforthattosoundoffencive,sorry,Canyoufly?Canyoublowstuffup?What'syourfavoritefood?"

Some how Danny had the ability to understand Wally. "I can fly and blow stuff up." Danny smiled shyly. He was trying to appear nice and have a good first impression after all. "And, uhh, I think my favorite food would be lasagna." (Not cannon or anything, I just like lasagna)

"Oh, Ok! That's cool!" Wally walked over to Nightwing and hugged his, what Danny assumed at least, boyfriend.

Batman cleared his throat. "I have to leave now for a Justice league mission. Hood, Robin, don't kill or hurt anyone. Red, no more coffee. And Nightwing, pay attention to everyone and make sure no one dies. Actually pay attention. Don't spend all your time with Wally."

All the batboys grumbled.

"Also, everyone be nice to Danny and you know, do, uhh, friendship." Batman said.

    Danny sighed. It was clear that Bruce had just as much trouble making friends as him, if not more. Honestly, he thought the popular billionaire would have a bit more social skills.

    Danny looked at the young justice team. How do you people again? He thought.

    Danny subconsciously stepped closer to Jason.

"So," Tim said from behind Jason, "you ready to meet the team?"

Sorry for the pathetic short chapter. I have to much homework and I don't sleep. Btw the chapters name is Steve and he wants your respect.

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