The GIW are jerks.

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Tim POV:

Jason was sitting at the bat computer, nervously tapping his hand on his leg. It was making Tim scared. Anything that could cause Jason to have a reaction like this was to be feared. The last time he had seen an expression like the one currently on Jason's face was, well, when Danny was stolen by the Joker.

    "Jason," Tim said, he was beginning to become nervous. Was Danny ok? "What happened?"

    "I'll say when everyone gets here."

    Tim nodded, there was no use in arguing even if he would prefer to have answers as soon as possible, he really didn't want to start a fight with Jason now, it would make him a lot harder to work with if they needed to team up on whatever case was concerning Jason right now.

    Soon the whole bat family had arrived.

    Tim watched as Jason took a deep breath. "Danny is missing."

    "What?" Tim mumbled. He couldn't believe it. Hadn't Danny just been kidnapped like, yesterday. (its midnight ish and I have no concept of time, It was yesterday that he got kidnapped, right....) Tim felt his breath begin to quicken.

"His parents found out about his powers, and weren't to happy about it. They don't think that ghosts have feelings, and, well, they think the same about Danny."

"Where is he!?" Tim knew that he may have said that a bit to harshly, but he didn't care, Danny was in danger and he wouldn't let anything stop him from rescuing him.

"I-I don't know. His adopted sister called me and said that she tried to find him but he was no where in there house or there parents lab. She thinks the Fenton's gave them to the GIW."

    "GIW?" Barbra questioned from her position near the bat computer. The brothers had done there best to fill her in on what happened with Jason's brother previously.

    "Ghost Investigation Ward. They're horrible. What they do is in direct violation of the Meta protection laws. They say that ghosts aren't sentient and they, oh god, they do horrible things. We've gotta save Danny."

    Tim could see Jasons breathing become more and more rapid. He could feel his own breathing doing the same. His heart felt like it was going to jump out of his chest. How could the Justice League allowed something like the GIW to exist? How could he have let Danny fall into there hands?

    Although he knew it wasn't his fault, he wasn't even in the same state as Danny when he was captured, but he couldn't help but think, if only he had gotten to know Danny better and had realized the danger Danny was in he could have done something.

Tim took a deep breath, he couldn't change the past but he could try to save his his friend now. "When are we leaving?"

The whole family turned to Tim.

"Uhhh, Tim, are you ok?" Dick said.

He looked to Nightwing, confused. "What do you mean?"

"Usually you like to, you know, come up with a plan first."

Tim opened his mouth to reply but realized his brother was right. Why did he want to go so badly? It would be much more effective to make a plan to save Danny first, to gather information about his opponent instead of diving head first into battle. But, it seamed like none of that mattered. The only thing he could think of was saving Danny...

His family were staring at him now with looks of concern. He decided to try and play it off like he had a plan. "I know we need a plan but we have no idea what they're doing to Danny. We'll have to plan fast or when we get there it could be too late."

'Too late', he hoped that didn't happen. Despite only knowing Danny for a couple days, he couldn't help but feel a connection to him. He didn't know what he would do if Danny was gone. Jason would probably never talk to him again and he would feel horrible. He wished he had gotten to know Danny better.

"Do you know what state he's in?" Tim said, trying to regain his composure.

"Illinois," Jason answered.

"Ok. Everyone get in the Bat plane, research on the way."

The rest of his family nodded, grabbing there supplies and hopping into the plane.

Danny POV:

Danny couldn't breath. It was a good thing he was in ghost form or he would be dead. He had no idea how long he had been there, chest open so the Agents could do anything they wanted to him.

They had to believe he felt pain by now. His screaming, crying, should have clued them in. He was sure they just didn't care.

It didn't matter if he felt or not, they wanted to learn how he could be made into a weapon agains his own species, although he wasn't sure if that meant ghost or human. He wasn't even sure if he was human anymore at this point. With all the pain he was going through, he wouldn't be surprised to find himself stuck in ghost form forever.

Maybe if he was a full ghost he wouldn't feel anything. Even if it was a long shot...there was still a chance that being a full ghost would save him from this torture....

He could feel his core beating in his chest. He couldn't leave them, what would Jazz think, what would Jason think? And Tim...He couldn't leave him.

He closed his eyes. It didn't matter. He was going to be there forever, chest open and exposed to the elements, chemical mixtures made to torture him running through his veins.

Death would be a blessing that the GIW would never let him have. He was stuck feeling everything when everyone thought he felt nothing.

Sorry for the late update....I have a ton of homework to ketch up on....


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