I just learned that gala was spelled with only one "l"

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Anyone else watch ofmd (our flag means death) and want to cry about the cancellation with me?

Danny POV:

Danny couldn't believe what he was reading. After disappearing for over half a year, his brother had reappeared. The press had not been given any information about where he was, how he got back, or even any coverage of him, aside from a few blurry shots by clearly inexperienced photographers.

Bruce Wayne had only stated that Jason Todd had returned and took no questions; however, there was a gala in two months that Jason was rumored to be going to.

Danny thought about going to see his brother but his parents weren't going out anytime soon and he couldn't just leave his town unprotected. Yeah. That was his reasoning. Definitely not that he blamed himself for not saving his brother from there mom or his disappearance.

But what if he doesn't want to see me again? Danny thought. He never tried to reach out after getting adopted and he was probably happier with the Wayne family anyway.

He thought about mailing a letter to his brother, No, the Waynes probably got to much mail to look at some random kids letter. Maybe he could go to the gala with Vlad? No, that was definitively out of the question. The crazy froot loop would probably turn it into a date with his mother, and that was one of the least horrible outcomes. Danny shivered. Going to the gala with Vlad would be a living hell.

Maybe meeting up with his brother wouldn't be the best course of action, he would wait until, if by a small chance, his brother contacted him.

    He looked to his bed side table, there was a small framed picture of him and his brother that Jason had printed for him, it was the last gift Jason had ever given him. Even if he couldn't admit it, he really hoped to see his brother, as soon as possible.

Jason POV:

    Jason was extremely unhappy. Today was the night of the gala.

    He had been to galas before, ones even larger then the one he was about to be forced into, but he always had someone at his side for those, weather it be Bruce or Dick. Now he had Bruce who hated him for breaking his "no killing rule" a few to many times, Dick was in Blüdhaven, the replacement, who was still really angry about the whole "almost killing him thing", and the Demon Brat, who he was very glad he didn't almost murder. That kid scared him.

    He drove up to the gates of the mannor on his motorcycle and rung the door bell nervously, not that he would ever show it.

    Jason hadn't seen any one from the mannor since he stormed out a few days after he had "recovered" from the affects of the Lazarus Pit, claiming that he would "rather eat a snake and fuck the replacement" then stay at the manor. He apologized through texts to Alfred later.

    The door opened.

    "Hello, Master Jason," said Alfred. "Welcome home."

    Jason gave Alfred a small smile and begain to head to his room in the manor. In the hall, he passed the Demon Brat who stared at him judgingly and said "Tt".

    Jason rolled his eyes.

    On his bed, a smooth suit with a red tie was spread out. A small plate with a cookie lay beside it. He smiled and silently thanked Alfred. (Anyone wanna worship Alfred as a god with me?)

    Once his suit was on, he slowly walked through the hall, hoping that he would never make it to Bruce's office.

    He stood outside of the office, hoping the door would never open. Only a few days prior, he had been caught on camera mudering about 10 drug dealers who targeted kids. The video made its way to the press and there was soon a ton of news about the "New Vigilante Red Hood" being a mass murderer. Bruce was not going to be happy.

    Jason knocked. "Come in," Bruce grunted.

    Jason complied.

    "Jason-" Bruce started but was interrupted.

    "Save your lecture, I know what you're gonna say, B. 'Don't murder people', but they were selling drugs to kids, I couldn't not do something!" Jason said quickly.

    "I was going to say that, yes."

    Silence fell, the only noise in the room being the ticking from the large clock.

    "Would you consider using rubber bullets?"

    A look of confusion was drawn on Jason's face; Bruce was uposed to guns, but here he was, not asking for Jason to stop using guns, but just asking for him to stop killing.

    "Wow, your getting desperate."

    "Just consider it, ok, Jason?" Bruce pleaded with his eyes.

    Jason nodded and turned away, "Just don't count on it, old man."


    The ride to the gala was silent except for Tim arguing that there should be coffee at the gala, and Bruce saying that no one but Tim wanted coffee this late.

    Although the gala was much louder, it wasn't any less awkward. Every one stared at Jason and loudly gossiped about him. Every second, he was sure dozens of pictures were taken of him.

    Every thing was too loud. The gala was in the bottom floor of the Wayne tech building allowing the roar of the crowd to be amplified by there own echos.

    "I heard that he ran away!"

    "No, he definitely just stayed inside the Wayne house pretending to disappear for the drama. Gets the Waynes way more attention that way."

    "He was kidnapped, wasn't he?"

    They talked about him loudly, not trying to hid there intentions.

    He ran through the crowd, trying to find somewhere quite, he couldn't handle the noise.

    His ears were ringing as he pushed aside people from the crowd.

    He wasn't paying attention to where he was going but he knew he was trying to get away.

    He bumped into a kid, around the Replacements age with black hair. "Sorry," he mumbled, helping the kid up from the floor.

    "No-no," the kid stuttered, "I should have been looking where I was going." The kid looked up, eyes widening. "Sorry, I gonna go."

    The kid disappeared into the crowd.

    Jason saw the end of the crowd. There was a small hallway, only a few meters away.

    Only one more step. He lightly pushed a man out of the way.

    He was free.

    He took a deep breath, sliding to the floor.

    The kids face made its way into his mind; he had seemed familiar, he had definitely seen him somewhere, but features were hard to pick out in the dim lighting and his frantic state. Jason sighed, he had probably just passed the boy on the street somewhere, probably nothing important...


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