Miny demon and Phantom.

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I made a cover. It's not perfect...but I did it.

Danny POV:

Danny was expecting them to stare at him as if he was a dead man walking, because he was. He thought they would call the closest ghost hunters and have him exorcised. Maybe they would even attack him there selves. But none of that happened.

"Goddamn, all the Todd's are zombies," the small one said. His name was Damian, right? Danny thought. Danny felt like he had seen him before somewhere. He felt like Damian was someone he should be familiar with.

Dick gasped. "Language, Dami!"

"Don't call me a fucking zombie, Demon spawn!" Jason yelled.

"Zombie?" Danny asked.

Jason rubbed the back of his neck. "Well, uhh, I'm not really a prime example of a living person."

"When we said Jason had disappeared, what really happed was that he was killed by the Joker and was later brought back to life by the League of assassins."

"Tim!" Dick yelled. "You should have let Jason tell him!"

"No-no, it's ok." Jason shifted, looking uncomfortable. "I don't think I would have been able to say it that easy. It's better that he said it."

Danny was sure he looked shocked. Not only had the Batfamily accepted him with hardly even knowing him, something not even his parents would ever do, but they also didn't seem fazed by the fact that he was dead. They would treat him the same, weather ghost or human. But then Jason said he was dead as well. He should have been there to make sure Jason was never hurt. He could have somehow stopped Jason's death. He should have stayed.

Another tear ran down Danny's face, "Jason, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have left you."

"It's ok-"

"No it's not! I should have stayed with you and helped you with mom-"

"Danny. Listen to me. I am glad you got away from there. I wouldn't have let you stay, no matter how hard you tried."

"But you got hurt, you died!"

"Well, I'm still here thanks to the Lazarus pits, aren't I?"

"Wait. Can you say that again?"

"Uhh, ok, 'Well, I'm still here thanks to the Lazarus pits, aren't I?'"

"Fuck," Danny mumbled.

"What? Did I say something wrong?"

"No, it's just, I thought of where I heard 'Lazarus pits.'" (I almost wrote Lazarus piss) Danny grumbled, "I'm gonna kill Talia."

"Why did you say mother's name?" Damian said, defensively.

"Wait, she's your mom?" Danny said.

"Tt. Yes," damian replied.

"That's where I know you from!" Danny yelled.

Damian looked at him confused. "I don't remember meaning you."

"'Corse you don't. I looked different then. Wait. I can show you." He turned to Jason. "Don't freak out, ok?"

"Why do I feel like you're now gonna do something that will freak me out?" Jason mumbled.

Suddenly, Danny was enveloped in glowing white circles.

Tim POV:

Tim watched in shock as Danny was transformed by rings of white light. He was suddenly wearing a jumpsuit, a mask, and a utility belt that looked similar to theres. His hair and eyes also changed. His hair was white, like the tuft of hair Jason had, and his eyes were Lazarus pit green.

"Wait, you're phantom?!" He yelled. He was very up to date on all the newest hero's in other towns because the rest of his family could not be trusted with that responsibility. Bruce only looked for people trying to fight in his city and the rest of the family didn't even have the concentration to do that.

"How do you know me?"

"You literally have saved the Earth multiple times and have one of the highest rescue rates of any vigilante I have ever seen, well researched at least."

Danny started to blush. "It's nothing. I mostly just try to fix messes that I make, so..."

"What is happening?!" Jason yelled.

"I save people from ghosts and other stuff in my town," he mumbled.

Tim looked at him in shock. Was he really talking about his heroics as if it was nothing?! "Danny! You do so much good and that's all you have to save about it?! You have saved the planet multiple times, goddamn, from my research on you, you're one of the only people on Earth to have abilities on par with fucking Superman!"

Danny blushed harder. "Really, it's nothing. I'm just doing what anyone would do."

Tim looked at him in shock, how modest was this guy.

Tim finally looked back to his family. Damian had a shocked expression on his face.

"What is it, demon?" Tim asked.

"Phantom?" He asked quitely.

Danny nodded and Damian ran up to hug him. The whole family was shocked. Damian didn't even let Dick hug him often.

Damian POV:

Damian had met Danny a few years back. He had been there to warn his mother about the Lazarus Pits. They were filled with corrupted ectoplasm. It could damage a person if they used it. Danny had explained. His mother had soon agreed to stop using the Pits and to get rid of them. She never did though. So Danny came back. He told Talia that he would be watching her get rid of the pits this time.

His mother argued that it would take a long time to remove the pits, maybe even months, so Phantom had said that he would be checking in with her a few times a week. The visits could have been quick, only a few minutes each time, but when Danny took notice of him, the visits soon became longer. Danny had asked him why he was in the league and if he was ok there. No one had ever thought of him like that before. He had never met someone who actually cared.

Although he had never even let Phantom see his face, his mother required limited people to see him to help with steal missions, there relationship was the closest that he had ever had. It was his first friendship.

Every time Danny came, he would bring with him something new. One time he brought cards and taught Damian to play gold fish. Another, he brought a tablet and showed Damian his first movies. Although Damian would never admit it, Shark Boy and Lava Girl had a special place in his heart. After learning about Damian's love of reading, he brought him a book to read every trip. When Danny was there, it was the best time of his life, until his mother found his books.

His mother had told him that the books were telling him bad things, untruthful things, about the outside world when she found them stashed in a floor board. She had taken the books away and told Phantom that he couldn't see Damian anymore.

That night, Damian had cried for the first time in years.

"Hey miny demon," Danny whispered in his ear, "You ok? She didn't hurt you, did she?"

Damian shook his head. He was happy to be with his first friend again.

Guess who got a full nights sleep!? (Hint, it wasn't me)


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