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Jason's POV:

When Danny and Jason got back to the apartment, Jason had gotten a text, and not just any text, it was a text from Alfred telling him to come to dinner tonight, he even said that he could bring Danny, how he knew about Danny Jason would never know, but he knew he couldn't refuse Alfred. Especially when he was promised cookies.

"Hey, Danny," Jason lightly (?) shouted, "would you want to go to dinner at the manor, Alfred makes the best cookies ever. And, uhh, there is more food then just ramen. But if your not comfortable going, we don't have to go."

"Am I invited?" Danny asked timidly.

"Yep, some how Alfred knew you were here, at this point, I'm convinced he's God."

Danny smiled, "Sure, but I will get back to eating uncooked ramen tomorrow."

Jason sighed. He was never going to stalk up on ramen again.

Damian POV:

Damian enjoyed dinners with his family, despite what he might say. He found how the Wayne family managed to almost mortally wound each other at every meal quite entertaining. Maybe he also enjoyed seeing his family together as well, but he mostly liked the almost killing each other part. Also, he learned many things at the dinner table. Grayson had recently taught him what the word "rizz' meant. He thought he had a lot of this so called "rizz".

This dinner was going to be special though, it was going to be first dinner with Jason, tension would be very high. He was excited. He did not plan on, however, Jason bringing a companion, a kid who he claimed was his brother. Damian wasn't too sure about that.

The kid claimed to be Danny Todd, Jason's brother, although his name was legally Danny Fenton, as he had been adopted. He was sure he had seen this "Danny Todd" somewhere before and he was sure it wasn't anywhere present.

Damian decided that the best course of action would be to watch Danny like a hawk, never letting him out of his sight. This proved to be more difficult then he thought.

Before dinner, Todd had decided to take Danny on a tour of the house, and both quickly disappeared, to Damian's astonishment. How could Todd and his inexperienced brother stay of his, the son of Batman and heir to the Demon head, radar?

Jason POV:

    After arriving at the manor, being greeted by Alfred, trying to get through the front hall without being surprise attacked by one of his brothers, and escaping the watchful eyes of the demon spawn, Jason began to give Danny a tour of the manor, compleat with his favorite details. Jason was just showing him the spot where he had almost killed Dick for stealing his cookie when, speak of the devil, Dick wandered into the room, looking lost.

    Dick walked towards them seeming to not notice there presence, until suddenly he looked up. "JAY BIRD!" He screamed.

    Danny put his hands over his ears and Jason glared. "Dick, could you turn the volume down just a fucking bit?"

    "Oh, sorry, Jay. I just really missed you."

    Maybe Danny was right, maybe Dick didn't see him as a cold hearted killer.

Dick gasped, "Oh my god, it's a tiny Jason!" Dick rushed over to Danny. "Jason, who is this? Alfred told us you were gonna bring a visitor but I thought he meant, like, Roy or something."

"Uhh, I'm Danny, Jason's brother."

"You have another brother? Jay, why didn't you tell me?!"

"That," Jason said, playfully glaring, "is none of your business. Also, go away. I need to take him on a tour!"

"Ooh, I can help!" With that, Dick successfully joined the tour.

Soon there tour ended, with Dick horribly trying to hide the fact that most of there story's had something to do with being superheroes. Jason and Danny found it quite amusing and decided to never correct Dick on the fact that Danny knew about there night jobs. The group made there way over to the dining room.

Danny POV:

Dinner was amazing, until it was interrupted. Danny not only loved the food, a whole well cooked turkey, (idk what rich people eat) but also loved the constant death threats the family constantly through at each other, while trying to not give there identity's as the Bat Family away. In other words, it was the best meal he had ever eaten.

Then, of course, someone had to interrupt his happiness, right before dessert as well!

Suddenly green smoke filled the room, accompanied by the sound of maniacal laughter.

"Fuck," he heard Jason mumble, it sounded like his brother and the Joker had some unresolved issues.

"You know, Brucie," said the laughing voice, "I wasn't informed you got another kid! Honestly, do you just adopt any black haired homeless boy at this point?"

Danny could feel the owner of the voice getting closer to him. He spun around, but was met with something metal and thin to the back of his head. Oh no, he thought, Kidnapped a third time in two days.

When Danny came too, he found that he was tied to a chair. He looked around, Ugg, not another wear house.

He herd a laugh from behind him. "Oh, look, the newest little Wayne boy has woken up!"

"Shut up, man. I have a horrible headache." Danny glared as the Joker started to walk in-front of him. "Oh yeah, it's all your fault, you dick."

The Joker laughed. "You know what, I like you. Really an upgrade from the last one."

"I know, you're talking about Damian, right? That kid scares me."

"Because I like you." The Joker smiled. "I'll make your death a little less painful than I originally planned."

"Nah," Danny said, starting to smile, "you won't kill me. But you know what?" Danny paused, smile growing wider, "I'll make your life fucking hell." Danny pulled his unbound hands our from behind him. "Ready for some fun, Joker?"


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