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Who's ready for the angst!!!!!!!!

Danny POV:

Danny could do this. It wasn't like he hadn't snuck into his room before...His parents hadn't seen him then, why should they notice now? Even if it was midday and he had experience sneaking into his house at night, there were various times where he had to get away from school in broad daylight...

Taking a deep breath, he flew down into his room, intangible and invisible. He looked around. The door was closed, good, and there seemed to be no one in his room.

Danny regained visibility and transformed. He didn't notest his parents hiding in the corner before it was too late and there was already a ghost proof net surrounding him.

    He screamed. The net burned. What had they done to it? Everywhere the net touched him became an angry red.

Jazz came running in. "MOM, DAD!" She yelled. "What are you doing?! Let Danny go!"

    "No can do, Jazzy, your brother has been possessed by a dangerous ghost. We gotta get it out of him." Jack said, holding tightly to the net with Maddie's help.

    "No! Dad, he isn't possessed! He's Phantom. He's only been trying to help!" She started to cry.

    "Jazz!" Danny yelled, "Call the contact named Jason on my phone! He knows, he'll help!" Danny screamed again, the pain from the net becoming worse.

    "Shut up, monster!" Maddie yelled at him. "Jazz, don't listen to him! If he is phantom like you say, he hasn't had emotions for a long time. He's lying to you."

    Jazz ran to the phone on Danny's bed. "No, Jazz, don't listen!" Maddie yelled. But unfortunately for her, it was to late. Jazz was already running out the door and she was busy trying to keep Danny contained with Jack.

    "Uhh, Maddie, dear, do you think we should go after her?"

    "No, we got the ghost boy. We'll be able to stop who ever she calls."

Jason POV:

    Jason already missed his brother. He knew that they would see each other soon enough, but he had only gotten a few days with his brother after years of being apart.

    He sighed, placing a book mark in Fahrenheit 451, a book he had read multiple times but felt he always got something new out of it with every read. Couldn't Danny just call him already?

    Then, it happened. His phone started buzzing, Danny's name and face lighting up his screen. He quickly pushed the pick up button.

    "Hey, Danny, how are-"

    He heard sobbing from the other end of the call.


    "Please help!" A shaky voice said from the other end of the call. "Danny told me to call you, he- our parents, they got him! Please, you gotta help!"

    "Where is he?" Jason demanded.

    "I don't know!" The voice sobbed, "I thought they were gonna take him to the basement, but they put him in the van! They might be going to the GIW, but they could be anywhere."

    "What's the GIW?" Jason said, fearing the answer.

    "They're the Ghost Investigation Ward. They-they're a government agency that tries to investigate and hurt ectoplasmic entities. They think they don't have emotions and are supported by the Ecto-control acts. We've been trying to stop them but.."

    "Where was he last seen?" Jason said, urgently.

    "Our house, Fenton works."

    "I'll come as soon as I can." Jason hung up. A tear rolled down his face. He had just gotten Danny back and now he was gone again. He had to find him.

    He clicked on Bruce's name begrudgingly and texted, I'm coming over. Get everyone to the cave.

    He slipped on his helmet and his jacket and took off on his bike. He was going to get his brother back no mater what.

Danny POV:

All he could feel was pain. His parents had dropped him off into the hands of the GIW only a few hours ago, but he knew he had felt more pain in that small time frame then most felt in a life time.

His parents had explained there situation to the GIW when they first arrived, they had said that Phantom was possessing there son, but the GIW had concluded that he was Phantom. They found out his status as a halfa and had told his parents. He over heard there phone call.

His parents had been appalled that there son had been turned in to some thing and had been pretending to be alive for years now.

Danny cried. He thought that if he could have just explained they may have listened. He could have convinced them that he retained his humanity. No, that was just a lie he kept telling himself. His adopted parents were more interested in there work then anything else. He was sure that even if he was there biological son he would be in the same situation. Even if he told them about his halfa status from the start, he would still be in this situation. They didn't care. They only wanted to hurt him. They never had cared and never would.

Then the pain came. The GIW were excited to get a half ghost subject. They had never seen something like him before. They wanted to rip out his still beating heart and see how it worked, to study how he ticked. They wanted to know everything about him, expeshally weather he could feel pain, how he felt pain.

He screamed as they cut a Y shape into his chest, opening him up. He couldn't tell if he was in ghost or human form, although he wasn't sure if he would be able to have a human form for much longer. He was sure he was going to die, fully. He wondered if his pain truly would go away when he was fully dead. This was the only time he hoped one of  Jack and Maddie's theories were true. If only he could be a pain-immune, emotionless ghost. He screamed, wishing someone could hear him and would some to rescue him.

If only he had stayed with Jason. Jason would have protected him. He could have lived with Bruce and could have joined the Young Justice team. They would understand him. They would treat him as if he was human, as if he was alive.

He was sure he screamed Jason's name. He screamed for Jazz. He screamed for Tim. If only he could be in the caring boy's arms. He wished they could be sitting in a small coffee shop together, laughing, talking, or even just sitting in silence, enjoying each others presence.

He cried louder. Why couldn't anyone hear him?

Unfortunately, some one did hear him, however: Agent K.

Agent K walked into the room, smiling. He sat down on a chair next to Danny.

"Hey there, Phantom. I'm agent K. Resident toarture expert.  From the signals were getting, it seems you can feel some sort of pain. That makes my job so much more fun!" He got a vile of something red from his pocket. "Blood blossom extract. Seems to be a ghost repellent. I wonder what happens when it runs through your veins?" The agent laughed and Danny felt worse pain then he had ever felt.

He knew that there truly was a fate much worse than death.

Well that was depressing as fuck.......


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