Jokes on you!

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This chapter is a bit more violent then the others, so, uhh, yeah.

Jason POV:

    Fuck, fuck, fuckity, fuck. He took Danny, Jason thought as millions of nightmarish scenarios flooded through his head.

    The green smoke cleared. "Where did he go?!" Tim yelled.

    "He didn't do anything," Damian said, shocked.

    "No," Jason said, quietly, "He took Danny."

    The Bat Family ran to the Batcave. Tim sat in front of the Batcomputer, using a face detecting software to search for any sign of Danny or the Joker as the rest of the family began to change into there outfits.

"They were last seen going down from the manor, but then the cameras loose them," Tim said. "Where ever they went has no cameras up so I would guess its in the more abandoned side of Gotham."

Jason hopped on his motorcycle. "Well?" He asked as he noticed the rest of the family weren't doing the same. "We gotta go save Danny."

"Jason, as much as we want to save him," Dick started, "we have no idea where he is. We have to-"

"The Joker sent a video out," Tim interrupted. "Look."

The Bat family gathered around the computer. In the video, Danny was restrained to a chair in a dark room, they couldn't make out any details. A voice let out a cackle. Jason winced.

"If you want your precious little new addition to your family back," the Joker said, "you will pay me twenty thousand dollars before noon tomorrow or the boy dies. Tick tok Brucie!"

Danny groaned, starting to stir.

"Ooh! Look, he's waking up now! If you don't mind, Brucie, I may have a little fun with him before you send me the money." The Joker swung a crow bar in front of the camera. "See you soon!"

Jason's breathing became faster. "We gotta save him, NOW! I don't care if your coming or not!" He jumped onto his motorcycle taking off, the others following in suit.

Danny POV:

"Ooh, look at you, so intimidating, getting out of hand cuffs. I'm so scared! Don't use your hand cuff magic on me, little Wayne boy!" The Joker squealed sarcastically.

"You know, for some one named the Joker, you're one of the least funny people I have ever encountered." Danny sighed. "What a let down. I thought this would be a little more fun." He ran forward, punching the Joker in the jaw.

The Joker fell to the floor and Danny ripped the crowbar out of his hands.

"Hey, that was so rude! Don't steal my stuff! Just like a little rich brat to steal from the poor!"

"What the fuck, man," Danny said. "I'm not a Wayne boy. I'm just Jason's brother. Sorry, but I don't really get any of the rich dick benefits."

The Joker chuckled. "You say that now, but Brucie can't keep his paws off any little black haired boy!"

"Man, you have no idea how wrong that sounded, do you?" Danny stepped on the Joker's throat, holding him in place. "You know, from dead guy to dead guy, I think we both know that hell wont contain either of us, so I wont kill you, yet. I have a much better idea! I'll just bring hell right to you!"

"How you gonna do that kid?" The Joker choked out, still smiling.

Danny laughed, "You'll see!"

Jason POV:

Jason was starting to give up hope, they had looked everywhere, in every basement, old run down apartment, and abandoned store, but Danny was nowhere to be found. There was only one last hope, the docks.

The Bat family ran together, checking out every wherehouse on the docks, neither Danny or the Joker were anywhere to be found.

"Where the fuck did that basturde  take him?" Jason mumbled.

"I don't know," Dick whispered back. "But I promise we'll find him."

"Don't make a promise you can't keep." Jason whisper-yelled back.

The brothers continued to search for Danny in silence.

Suddenly, there was a scream. Not a child's scream, or even a teens, it was a grown man. The boys ran over to the direction of the scream, bursting into a wherehouse. It was dark, neither Jason or Dick could see anything.

"Hey, Jay!" A cheery voice shouted from the darkness, it was Danny.

A bloody figure ran up to Jason, hugging him. "Wha-Danny?! You-are you ok?!"

Danny looked down at himself. "Oh, yeah, I'm fine. The blood's not mine."

"Then," Dick said slowly, "who's blood is it?"

"Oh, it's his," Danny gestured into the darkness.

Dick walked into the wearhouse, turning on a flash light. "My god," he mumbled.

"Wing, what is it?" Jason said moving into the building, trying to see what Dick was talking about.

Jason sucked in his breath, the sight was brutal, even by his standards. "Danny, who did this," he looked at his brother fearing the answer.

"Oh, I did! Don't worry, he's not dead or anything. Just paralyzed from the waist down. I mean, even if I did kill him, your dad would just bring him back, right?"

"Jay! You told him our identity's?!"

"That's what your worried about?! Dick, the kid just torchered the Joker, and your biggest concern is that he knows our identities?"

"Well, I mean, he is your brother..."

The Joker stirred from his sleep, looking up at Danny in terror. "Get-get that thing away from me! Please, I don't care what you do to me, just get him away!" The Joker stuttered.

Danny stuck his tongue out. "That's so rude! I thought you said you liked me!"

"I'm gonna call B," Dick said, stepping away.

Jason glared at the Joker. "Don't you dare call my brother a 'thing' or I'm gonna rip of your arm as well."

"You don't understand!" Screeched the Joker, "He's not even human!"

Danny winced.

"What the hell do you mean by that," Jason said, stepping closer to the Joker.

"He's a demon!" The Joker gasped. "Don't let him near me!"

Danny stepped beside Jason. The Joker screamed.

"Don't call me that," Danny said, his voice cold. "After what you've done, I'm not even close to a demon." Danny kicked the Joker's head with his foot, causing the Joker to be knocked unconscious. Danny's eyes glowed green. A familiar green. Lazarus  Pit green.

Jason stared at Danny in shock. What had happened to his little brother?


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