Love me a dead boy.

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This chapter will be shit. I haven't sleeped goodly in a very long time.

Also, have you ever thought, wow, having a bug collection would be so cool and then you remember that having a bug collection means having a ton of small corpses proudly displayed on your wall. Isn't that super fucked up?

I personally prefer collections of human corpses. Much yummier that way.

Please correct any mistakes. I need help. no sleep and dyslexia are not good for spelling.

Jason POV:

    Jason couldn't believe what he was hearing. He had willingly let his little brother get adopted by people who hardly cared for his safety.

    Danny shifted, looking uncomfortable.

    "Danny, are you ok?" Jason said gently.

    Danny laughed, seeming to be trying to hide his pain. "Sorry, Bad memory's."

    "What affects did this portal have on you." Batman said.

    Jason glared. He would have to teach Bruce on how to better handle a random traumatized child after this. Actually, when he got to thinking about it, he should have taught Bruce that much earlier. Hell, he should probably give the whole League some sort of training on the subject. Well, maybe he shouldn't teach them, but someone should.

    Danny began to breath more rapidly.

    "Danny, You're ok. Take beep breaths. You don't have to answer anything that makes you feel uncomfortable right now. Don't worry, we wont be mad. It's not your fault." Jason tried his best to comfort Danny, although he had no idea on how to do so. He tried to think of what he would want to hear when he had a similar reaction.

    "No-no, I'm ok," Danny mumbled shakily. "The portal, well, uhh, it infused by DNA with ectoplasm, the stuff that ghosts are made of. It sort of allowed me to have some of the abilities of a ghost." Danny looked down, seeming to be sacred of Jason's families reactions.

    Jason knew that look. It had been displayed on his face multiple times when he had tried to tell his family what had happened to him. The realization struck him hard. Danny though he was a monster, similar to how Jason felt. He probable believed that he, like Jason had thought, shouldn't have survived the accident.

    Jason knew what he had to do. He walked closer to where Danny was sitting on the floor, sat next to him, and gave him a hug. Danny tried to pull away, Jason held on tighter. He was not going to let his brother think that he didn't deserve to be loved. Danny's eyes started to water, he quickly wiped away his tears.

    "It's ok, Danny," Jason whispered in his ear. "You can talk about it when you're ready."

    Jason felt Danny nod.

    The brothers stayed like that for minutes that felt like hours.

    Jason's mind kept wondering to what ifs. What if he had protected Danny better? What if he never let him into the foster care system? What if they had waited just a little longer and got adopted by Bruce together? What if there dad had never died, leaving them with an abusive mother?

    "Jason?" Danny asked softly. "Are you ok?"

    Jason realized his eyes were watering as well. "Yeah. I just really want you to be save and happy, that's all."

    Bruce cleared his throat. "Do you think you can speak now, Danny?"

    Danny nodded. "I, uhh, I got special abilities from the accident, like." Danny sniffed and whipped his eyes. "Uhh, I can walk through walls, disappear, and fly. You know, like a ghost. I have a few other more, uhh, I guess personalized abilities? I have really good senses, I can shoot ecto blasts, and freeze stuff."

    "Damn, Elsa." Jason turned around. Tim stood there gulping down a coffee pot. "What? It's true."

    He turned to face Danny again who was holding in a laugh.

    Bruce sighed. "Sorry to be asky you all these serious questions, Danny, but your eyes glow because of your ghost powers, correct?" Danny nodded. "So is glowing green eyes a common symptom of those with some sort of powers relating to the dead?"

    Danny looked down, a tear escaping his eyes once again. "No."

    "Then what is it?"

    "When someone has eyes that glow green, uhh, it means, well, they're not really, you know, alive."

    Jason sucked in his breath. Fuck.

So... I forgot what a coffee pot was called. (That's what its called right? Like the thing before the mug for coffee in fancy coffee machines?) so I looked up what the thing before the coffee was in the cup was called and soon I was reading this artical from 3 years ago.

The artical was titled "Could Hackers Break Into Your Coffee Maker And Hold It For Ransom?".

sorry for the shortness. If someone gives me some of their sleepness i can wright longer chapters.


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