Angst and shit but Tim realizes that he has a crush during the chaos

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I was being lazy...but DP 20th anniversary and all, I decided to be less lazy. (Also I sleeped less then normal sooooooo, who wants to read some real funky shit?!)

I also drew Danny again. YAY. (I have a problem) (Btw he's not trans in this story, but in many of my other ideas for stuff with him he is, sooooo.... Trans Danny drawing YAY)

Jason POV:

It didn't take long for the whole mission to go to shit. It only took the minute it took to walk from the bat plane to the unusually unguarded doors of the GIW facility in fact.

Once Jason had stepped through the doors, lights began to flash red accompanied by a beeping and a voice stating "A GHOST HAS ENTERED THE PREMISES. PLEASE REMAIN CALM. ALL AVAILABLE AGENTS ARE REQUIRED TO ASSIST IN ITS CAPTURE."

"So, did any of you bring a ghost in your pockets or something?" Dick asked.

Various replies of  "No?" Came from the bat brothers.

"Guys, it doesn't matter, we gotta find Danny." Tim said, visibly worried.

Jason smiled under his mask, it was good to know his brothers cared about Danny as much as he did.

"So, run in different directions and scream if we find Danny?" Jason asked.

His brothers nodded and began to search for the unofficial member of the bat family.

Tim POV:

The corridor Tim had chosen was oddly silent, with only one guard he had to take down. It worried him. The hall felt as if it wasn't even inhabited by ghosts, as if any who had tried to venture down it were met with a death more permanent then the one they had previously undergone.

Tim was one of the Bats, he should know how to keep his composure, he should know how to act like everything was fine, he should know how to block out emotions and focus on the mission. Still every breath he took was shaky and his legs trembled beneath him. What was so different about this mission? Was it his personal connection to the victim? No, he had rescued his family and friends from organizations and people much more powerful then the small government organization they were infiltrating now with out letting his emotions influence his productivity.

What was so special about Danny, what made him feel so much more then he could ever remember feeling before when he was around him? He thought back to what Jason had said earlier, You ignored everyone so you could flirt with Tim the whole time. Oh, Jason thought that Danny had a crush on him, maybe that's why he cared, Danny liked him so he had to return the favor. Wait, Danny liked him? He had to return the favor?!

Oh no. He liked Danny back as well, fuck, that was the reason for the stupid human emotions, he had a crush.

Jason POV:

    Jason's boots fell heavy in the echoing hall. He had run into a few of the agents, more of lower raked guards, he assumed because of there lack of training, intelligence, weapons, and, over all, they were just stupid, hardly above goons, and swiftly killed them. Despite what many, including his family members, thought, he did think killing people was a big deal. He had died and knew the experience wasn't all cupcakes and rainbows, but he couldn't find it in himself to value the GIW's lives even a little. They had taken his brother and done things to those like him that disturbed even him, a crime lord and murderer.

    The hall was coming to an end, just 100 more feet (30.5 m) when another alarm was tripped. "GHOST ENTERING EXAMINATION AREA." The speakers blared.

    Ghost, Jason thought, where?

    He wasn't allowed time to ponder where this ghost may be before Agents, ones with more powerful weapons and wearing more white somehow then the goon guards, came swarming in.

    "Detain the Ecto Entity before it gets to the hybrid!" One agent yelled.

    Jason growled, he knew his eyes were glowing green under his mask. These agents weren't gonna get away with hurting his brother. He was going to bring Danny justice.

Danny POV:

    Danny couldn't tell what was day and what was night. The lights never dimmed from there penetrating white glow and Danny was left with a cold sun stuck in his eyes when he closed them. At this point he longed for the warm glow of fire in hell or he would gladly take the darkness of the void of nothingness.

    He couldn't sleep. His chest had been cut open over and over. Three times. Had it been three days? More? Less?

    He had thought that his original death had been painful but this was on a whole new level. He was always awake. They never put him to sleep for there experimentations, instead giving him injections that caused sleep to be impossible.

    They didn't use the tools that would be the most effective for the job of vivisection, they used the ones that were the most painful, he should know, his parents lectured him on how they would make the ghost boy feel pain, how they would make him hurt beyond anything he had ever felt before.

    Death was nothing compared to this hell on earth.

    He heard a bang outside the dissection room. Another. Was that a gun? Not the kind that the GIW used but an actual medal bullet filled gun!? He never thought he would be so relived to hear gunshots. "Jason?" He murmured. His brother was here, everything was going to be fine, he would be safe, Jason would take him away and protect him.

    The door was kicked open.

    "Danny!" Red Hood yelled, "Oh my god, Danny are you ok!" He said more quietly.

    They had messily stitched up his chest, Danny knew it must look bad, if what he felt reflected the look.

    He had to show Jason he was ok. "I'm fine." He stuttered and attempted to sit up.

    "No-No," Jason said. "Don't get up. Stay down. I-" even through the voice modulator Danny could hear his voice crack. "I need you to be ok."

    Danny obeyed. It wasn't like he could have gotten up if he wanted to.

    Suddenly, he felt the strain of sitting up catch up to him. The world began to go fuzzy and the sounds became muffled. He would almost laugh, size seemed to loose all meaning. Why did Jason look so small?

    He closed his eyes and heard Jason's voice say. "I found him, head to..." Then the world faded away, leaving him to nightmares.

Do y'all have that thing where, right before you fall asleep, size gets fucked up or is it just me?


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