Damian has a dramatic monologue

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Damian POV:

On the plane trip, a trip they were all taking with out his Father's permission of course, Damian decided to look up the so called GIW. He wasn't to concerned. Every time he saw Danny he felt as if the boy was indestructible. He could defy his mother and Ra's orders without a care in the world. Damian didn't know if even he had that kind of courage.

Then he looked up the GIW. The Ghost Investigation Ward. He couldn't believe his eyes. They were experimenting on any ectoplasmic entity with out a care for what they felt. Not only did it violate the meta protection laws, but they also went against common human decency.

Who the, excuse his language, frick would allow anyone to do this?!

As he researched more, he became increasingly concerned for his first real friend. The GIW not only had access to the most painful torture methods for ghosts but also were supported by Danny's own parents. He felt sick.

Even though he was sure even his siblings doubted it at times, he didn't enjoy violence. In the league it had been a normal part of life, any thoughts about how horrible what they did was pushed deep down to the back of Damian's mind. He couldn't think about the horrors he experienced, everyone else seemed just fine with it. Pain and suffering and hurting others was just how life was.

When Damian got to Wayne manor, however, things were the complete opposite. Hurting someone was a last resort and not the first action. All his siblings seemed just fine with this new set of rules so he tried his best to go along with it. He tried to only hurt others when necessary. But apparently stealing his cookie wasn't a cause for necessary violence. Ok, he had thought when the event took place, harming Grayson wont change the outcome. He understood that he shouldn't harm others for taking his cookie.

But then a little girl was kidnapped and killed. He found her on a patrol as Robin when Batman was investigating a drug deal.

Robin knew what he had to do. The punishment couldn't just fit the crime, it had to cause there to be no more events like it in the future so he slit the man's Achilles tendons. As he walked away he tried not to look at the girl bruised face. He didn't like violence, but sometimes you had to fight fire with fire.

And he would be happy to cause the GIW to burn.

Danny POV:

    When Danny was younger, Jason was his protector, the sole reason he was never harmed. Despite living in a city with an almost exaggerated amount of crime, in a neighborhood with an even worse reputation, the worst things to happen to Danny were scraped knees and blisters from the monkey bars.

Now his only wish was for Jason to come back and protect him like he once did.

Jason POV:

From the outside, the GIW base didn't look to intimidating, a simple bleached white office building, but he knew what true horrors it held.

Tim had recited a summary of the research he had acquired on the way and even Jason, a man who had died and come back to a world of suffering, felt sick. How could a human being hurt another creature like the GIW hurt ghosts? He knew they were just using the 'none sentient' label as a cover up. By there research, it seemed they were attempting to force many ghosts to submit to there plans. The GIW was willing to do anything to convince a ghost to help them grow there organization and further there plans to exterminate a whole dimension.

He took a deep breath as the bat plane began to descend. Danny was a few floors below the surface, in a hidden part of the company, not unlike the underside of Cadmus, in a special room the GIW had designed specifically to torture him, according to Tim.

He could do this, he just had to save his brother from what possibly might be his full death and then they could go back to how things were when they were little, Jason being Danny's shield, payed in return by the happiness and smiles Danny gave in there time together.

Everything would be ok. Danny could live at the manor, maybe even visit his apartment, and he could join the Bat family, officially. He could be one of the Bats of Gotham... or maybe Red Hood could even get a partner.

They could go out, just him and Danny, for special ice cream or other treats at an obscure shop where they could just be brothers and could laugh with the weight of the world lifted off there shoulders, even if it was only for the duration of time when they ate there ice creams.

The ramp of the Bat plane descended, all the boys rushing to get out.

If not for the seriousness of the situation he would have smiled. Danny would be safe and with a new family. His family. At least, if it wasn't to late...

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