Death and hot chocolate.

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Guys. I think I accidentally wrote this as, Idk, sort of Tim x Danny. Opinions? Should I let the ship burn in hell, or humor my accident?

Jason POV:

It was fair to say that Jason was surprised. Not only was his little brother dead, but he also knew Damian and, to top it off was a super hero. Jason could not believe it. He left his brother alone for a few years and he died and turned into a super hero. Ok, maybe Jason was a bit of a hypocrite. The same thing had happened to him.

    While Jason was thinking, an argument broke out, and not just any argument. The kind of argument that included swords and batarangs to be thrown. From what he could tell, the argument had started with Tim making fun of Damian for hugging Danny.

    He sighed. At this point, the arguing was much more comforting then his own worries so he decided to listen. Until he felt someone sit next to him.

    "Hey, Jason," Danny said.


    They sat silently, looking at the argument, avoiding the obvious elephant in the room. How could they begin to talk about what had happened to them? They both had experienced so much since they were living together. What could they say that would make the pain and suffering he other when through ok?

Danny spoke first. "I'm glad I hurt the Joker."

"Danny, as much as I am thankful that clown will have trouble hurting any one else, don't do that again, ok?" Jason couldn't stand to see his little brother with blood soaked hands.

"Sorry," Danny said. "There was just something off about him. I don't know. It was like I could feel he had done something horrible to someone I cared about. Turns out I was right."

Jason nodded in understanding and hugged Danny. "It's ok, you don't have to apologize. I understand."

"Masters?" A voice interrupted. "I'm sorry to ruin your," Alfred looked at Damian and Tim, "conversation, but you all need sleep. Including you, master Bruce."

Bruce grumbled as all the batboys sighed and started to comply with Alfred's wishes, no one dared disobey him. They could get cookie privileges taken away.

    "I assume Master Danny will be staying in your room tonight, master Todd?" Alfred said.

    Jason nodded. "We have cots in the closet next to Tim's room, right?"

    "That is correct," replied Alfred.

    With that, Danny and Jason made there way upstairs, following the rest of the family.

    Soon Danny and Jason were laying on a cot or bed respectively with the lights off.

    "Jason?" Danny mumbled quietly.


    "I-I want to see you more after this. I think, i don't know, maybe I could some how live with you on the weekends or something. I'm sorry if that's to much to ask but-"

    "I would love that, Danny."

    Jason smiled; his brother wanted to stay with him! Although the day may have been chaotic and, at times distressing, he would live the day over and over just for this moment. He heard Danny let out a light snore, it was good to know that his brother was ok.

Danny POV:

    When Danny woke up, he looked to the bed beside him to see Jason asleep. He smiled. It was nice to see his brother calm for once, he deserved it after the day he had just had.

He checked his phone: 8:13.

Danny carefully got off the cot, not making any sound, and tiptoed down stairs. Soon he was in the dinning room, after getting lost a few times.

Tim sat at the end of the table, doing something on his computer, a cup of coffee in hand.

"Hey, Tim," Danny said.

Tim jumped. "Oh my god, you're worse than Alfred!"

Danny looked at him, confused.

"He is really quite and always sneaks up on us."

Danny nodded and walked closer to Tim. "What ya doin'?"

Tim blushed and mumbled, "I was researching you."

Danny laughed. "You know I'm right here, right? You can just ask me!"

"Thanks! That'd be great, actually!" Tim closed his computer. "Do you want anything to eat while we talk?"

"No, but a hot chocolate would be nice."

"One hot chocolate coming up, Master Danny." Danny jumped, he saw what Tim meant by Alfred being sneaky.

Tim laughed. "So to start, Danny, what is your fighting style, do you rely on mostly your powers or do you have fighting skills as well?"

"Well, I do use my powers a lot, but that's mostly because it's the only way to hurt ghosts. I do have some fighting skills though, because my adoptive parents forced me to do a few types of martial arts. I also know how to work a lot of my parent's equipment, so that comes in handy as well."

Tim nodded. "Do you think we could test your powers later?"

"Yeah sure!"

Both boy smiled.

"So what about, how you died." Danny sucked in a breath. "You don't have to answer, if it's a difficult question."

"No, no, it's ok. So my parents were making this portal to the ghost zone and it didn't work. My friends dared me to go inside and try to find out what was wrong. A few of the cables weren't connected correctly, so I decided to fix it. I didn't know that there was power running through the portal, even if it wasn't working, and it turned on with me inside." Danny took a deep breath. "It-it hurt so bad. In one world, I was dying, and on the other, I was coming alive."

Tim gently pat Danny's shoulder. Although it was very awkward , the gesture still comforted Danny.

"When I was able to get out of the portal, I was in my ghost form. And, I guess, that's how I got my powers."

The two boys sat in silence until Tim said, "I'm sorry."

"No-no, it's ok. You have nothing to apologize for."

Alfred brought Danny his hot chocolate and Danny thanked him.

"So, do you want to hear about my powers?"

Tim loooked happy to change the subject. "Sure!"


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