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If there are any doctor who fans here, what would happen if a tardis turned into a cookie. We know it would look like a cookie, but would it taste like one too... wait, shit, no, a cookie doesn't have doors...the doctor would be stuck...

Danny POV:

    When Danny started his day, he definitely did not expect it to end up like this.

    He currently sat in some amateurs "secret lair" (although, it was more of a generic run down where house. Honestly, they would just let any one be a criminal these days, you would think the other criminals would have some standards.) tied to a chair, being held for ransom, and was bored out of his mind.

    Apparently the criminal had mistaken him for Tim Drake, one of Bruce Wayne's many children. This criminal really needs to go back to school, Danny thought, Not every sleep deprived kid in a suit is Tim Drake.

    He sighed, how did he even get into this position in the first place?

    If only his parents hadn't planned a last minute ghost hunting "vacation", leaving him alone with too much temptation to go to Gotham to see even a glimpse of his brother at some stupid gala. After seeing his brother, worried that he would be recognized, Danny ran out a back door, straight into the grasp of some amateur kidnapper. He could have escaped the kidnapper easily, but he was distracted by what his brother would do if they met again, and the kidnapper hit him in the head, knocking him out.

    He could have escaped now that he had come too, but the kidnapper had already made it onto the news, saying that he had the supposed Tim Drake captured, and Danny really did not want the criminal to blabber of his escape to Batman, he got enough attention as it was from the news station in his town, insisting on calling him the name Inviso-bill, even though it had been made clear that he went by Phantom.

    Danny decided that he had enough of boredom.

    "Uhh, shitty criminal man? You there? Got like, I don't know, a bored game for us to play?"

    "No...uhh, I don't have one on me, sorry." The criminal looked around. "If you want to you can play a game on my phone?"

    "Yeah, sure, thanks," replied Danny.

    The criminal walked away, back to where he came from, Danny assumed he was guarding the door.

    What an idiot, Danny thought. He left his phone with me.

    With in seconds, Danny had contacted the police and let them know his location and with in minutes they arrived on the scene, arresting the criminal. Danny was a little disappointed that Batman didn't show, but staying off his radar completely was a plus.

    Wait, the police would make him give some sort of statement at the department and would probably want to contact his parents, parents who would be very confused on how there son got across several states in the few hours they were gone.

    He had to run, they still hadn't seen his face yet, he could escape.

    The officers were securing the criminal now, no one was looking his way. He ran. No one noticed a thing. And once he was out of sight, he flew, not home but just away. He could still stay in Gotham a few days longer after all, his parents wouldn't be back for a week.

Jason POV:

    The gala, in Jason's opinion, was worse then hell, and he should know, he had been there. Bruce had forced him to make a smalll speech about how he was glad to be back (he wasn't) and how he was looking forward to donating Bruce's money to cases like his own, a case that the public didn't even know the origins of. And after the bullshit speech, Jason had been forced to stay so Bruce could dedicate a toast to him latter that night.

    He was now glad to be gone, far from the screeching crowd and rich cloths and accessories. He was now doing what really mattered, patrolling the city. Although he would never admit it, he had stalked up on rubber bullets, and was making through the night just fine with them. He had already stopped multiple robberies and small muggings and had even been gifted a chocolate bar. He smiled, the chocolate bar was really good.

    Suddenly, Jason herd a thud and a "Fuck!". He ran to an alley to check out the commotion.

    It was the boy from earlier, or Jason assumed it was. He could hardly see in the dim light of the alley. "Hey, kid!" He yelled. The boy jumped, "what happened?"

    "Uhh," the boy stammered, "I, uhh, tore my suit, my moms gonna kill me, so I kicked that dumpster and it fought back, and now my foot hurts like hell."

    "Mhm," Jason started, "So you got a parent or something, kid? Don't think you sould be walkin' the streets of Gotham alone."

    "Nah, I'll be ok, I'll punch anyone who tries to ruin my lovely night time walk."

Danny POV:

    I just escaped that rip off criminal to have to deal with this? Danny thought. He was in an alley with the infamous vigilante Red Hood who was acting as if he was Danny's mother. Of course, he didn't have much of a problem with Red Hood, some situations called for desperate measures, even if that meant killing, but he really didn't want to deal with this tonight.

    He started to walk away, but suddenly his leg gave out, Damnit, he thought. the criminal must have hit his leg at some point and the adrenaline had prevented him from feeling it until now.

    "Kid, I don't think you should walk if your leg hurts so much."

    "I'm fine," Danny said forcefully. He tried to take another step and started to plummet downward. Red Hood caught him just before he hut the floor.

    "No, you're not. Let me take you home."

    "No-no," Danny said quickly, "I can make it home, I just need a second. You can go now, you have more important things to be doing."

    "No, I don't think I do," Red Hood said as he picked up Danny.

    "Ahh, what are you doing?!" Danny screamed.

    "Taking you somewhere safe. If you don't tell me where you live it's the best thing I can do." Red Hood began to walk down the street to an abandoned apartment complex.

    "Great," Danny mumbled, "kidnapped two times in one night."


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