The cookies need a grave

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Anyone else watch Hazbin Hotel... cuz I'm so happy for Sir. Pentious..... Also I'm listening to all the songs from it as I write this chapter....

Danny POV:

    As it turned out, Danny was not ready to meat the team.

    When he walked, trailing behind Tim and Jason, into the living area, a place with a large couch in front of a TV and a kitchen off to the side, Danny was immediately assaulted by the smell of burning. He made a disgusted face as Tim did the same. Jason rolled his eyes.

    "Megan, your cookies are burning again!" His older brother yelled.

    Suddenly a green girl came scampering in. She quickly got on oven mitts and took the burning cookies out of the oven. "I'm so sorry! I was trying to make you cookies to welcome you to the team." she said to Danny. "Wally told me that I could cook them at a higher temperature for less time so they would be ready for you sooner."

    Tim sighed. "Megan, you should never listen to Wally's advice. Ever. Expeshaly about cooking."

    Jason nodded.

    The group fell into silence, looking mournfully at the burnt cookies. When Megan managed to not burn the cookies, they were quite good, or so Danny was told.

"So," Megan started, "do you think you'll be joining the team?"

"Uhh, I kinda have to go home tomorrow. My parents don't really know about the whole, you know, me being a superhero thing. If there is anything that you guys need help with though, I'll be there."

    Megan nodded. "Well, you can come by the base anytime you want! Hopefully I'll make less burnt cookies next time..."

    Danny smiled. "I'll be counting on it."

    "So do you wanna meat the rest of the team?" Tim asked.


    The small group walked over to where Dick and Wally were sitting. "As you already know," Jason said, "this is Nightwing and Kid Flash."

    Wally smiled and waved.

    "So are you dating?" Danny asked.

    "Yep!!!" Wally yelled as Dick blushed.

    "How'd you know?" Dick asked.


    The boyfriends nodded in understanding.

    The group continued over to where Conner was watching static and introduced him.

    "So, are you superman's son or something?" Danny asked.

    "I'm his clone," Conner mumbled.

    "Oh, cool. I have a clone too. Her name is Dani."

    Superboy smiled. He was happy that this possible new team member accepted him.

    "Uhh, isn't that your name though..." Jason said.

    Danny gave him a disgusted look. "She's Dani with an 'i'."

    Jason rolled his eyes. "Oh, yeah, obviously."

    After a few hours of hanging out with the team, although Danny mostly hung out with Tim, talking about a multitude of topics from space to the correct way to fold a shirt, it was time to go back to the manor.

    When they got back to the Bat cave, they found Bruce at his bat computer. "Did you accomplish the mission?" Bruce asked.

"Huh?" Danny questioned.

"Friendship," Bruce clarified.

"Uhh, I think so."

Jason laughed. "No you didn't! You ignored everyone so you could flirt with Tim the whole time."

Danny and Tim blushed.

"Actually we were having a very sophisticated conversation about space," Tim said.

Jason rolled his eyes.

Danny cleared his throat. "Sorry, guys, but I gotta leave to fly home now. It's been nice staying with you all, but my parents will get home in a few"

Jason hugged his brother, "Bye, Danny. Visit soon!"

Danny nodded.

Tim and Danny gave each other an acward  hug. "I'll miss you," Tim mumbled.

Danny smiled. "Me too."

Then it was time to say goodbye to Dick and Damian.

Dick gave him a high-five and told him to come again soon and Damian asked if he could recommend another book. Danny gladly complied, telling him to read Good Omens.

Danny flew out of the house with a smile on his face. He was happy to have another family that accepted him for being how he was. He wished he could have the same thing with his adopted family. Although Jazz was fine with having a ghost as a brother, although she was a bit too protective in Danny's opinion, he knew that his parents wouldn't be so kind.

He had heard a discussion they had once about how fun it would be to dissect a ghost and Danny had mumbled, "What if it was someone you knew?" To which his parents replied that they wouldn't care who it was. Ghosts didn't have feelings according to them and they were sure that whoever was turned into a ghost would be happy that there dead sole was being put to good use.

Danny shuttered. If only he could stay with Jason and the rest of the Bat Family. Maybe he could even get a room next to Tim...

No, what was he thinking. He would just get in the way. And after his adopted parents had taken him in? He would just burden everyone by asking to move.

He sighed, feeling the cold wind as he rushed through the mid day air.

He had to get home soon, his parents would be home in less than an hour. He picked up the speed. Soon he could see the buildings on the out skirts of Amity.

Then he approached his house. And saw his parents van.

Oh shit.

SLEEP??!! Who's she, never met her......


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