13. Hang over

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"I swear to God, if you're dead..."

My dry throat manages to groan as I begin to feel the pounding in my head. The comfy pillow under it doesn't help. I could make the excuse and say it hurts because of Dinah, who I now feel slowly poke my temple. But the taste of alcohol still in my mouth suggests otherwise.

"Mila..." Dinah whispers, obviously noticing how fragile of a state I'm actually in. "How many fingers am I holding up?"

"Mhh?.." I manage to make another small sound as the rest of me begins to wake up. My hands slowly rub my eyelids, not yet opening my eyes, but protesting the dull morning sun that's still too much for me to handle.

"How many?" Dinah asks a little more forcefully.

Her panicked voice triggers my brain as I remember the events of last night. And that's when I really groan.

"Shit..." I swat away Dinah's hand before I even see it. "Where am I?"

"How many?!"

I huff, taking a deep breath in, realising that Dinah won't stop asking until I give her an answer.

"Ugh, I don't know - 4?"

"No, I had 5." She cups her hands around my face, and with that, my eyes open, revealing a very worried Dinah sitting on the edge of my bed. "I think you might have brain damage, Camila."

I push Dinah's hands from me again and finally lift myself off the bed, both my arms keeping me upright. And that's when I realise where I am. Dinah's hotel room.

"What's going on?" I ask, slowly getting out of bed. "Why am I here, Dinah?"

Dinah lays her hand on my shoulder to get me to stay put.

"You got really drunk last night." She chuckles but quickly clears her throat as she continues, a little more seriously. "Mila, you had a little too much to drink last night. I've never seen you like that."

Concerned, her eyebrows raise.

"Like enough to a point where Ally thought we should call a cab and take you to the hospital. But the blizzard was so bad that we couldn't even get cell reception to call anyone last night, not even the limousine." She adds a little regretfully. "Me, Normani and Ally had to carry you here." It's only a 5 minutes walk, but Camila, you couldn't even manage that. You passed out."

I know I feel bad right now, but I couldn't believe I got so drunk like that last night...

"Then we got here and tried calling again, but when we realised we couldn't do anything, I told them you could stay with me, and I'd keep an eye on you. I was thinking about how much you drank last night after you fell asleep - it doesn't add up. And the way you are right now confirms it for me. I think you got spiked.

I run my fingers through my hair, still feeling a little disoriented and confused about what happened a few hours ago. I can't pinpoint that ever happening, but it's just my luck I guess.

My eyes search for a clock on Dinah's night stand, but she beats me to it.

"It's 4 in the morning."

I groan again, realising now actually how lucky I was to have my friends beside me the one night I decide to be reckless and unintentionally get drugged.

"Thank you." I offer Dinah a sincere smile, which she eagerly returns. "Have you even slept?"

"Not yet."

I look at her sheepishly and she pats my thigh.

"It's okay."

Grateful for Dinah, I hug her, she gives me a tight one back and I do so too. When she squeezes a little too hard, I sense she's still got more to tell me.

"What's wrong?"

Dinah huffs and releases our hug, not in annoyance, though. More in a 'I really don't want to tell you this, but I'm going to have to' type of way.

"First, I want you to tell me what you done last night after I spilt my drink on you..."

My brain back tracks and to the moment I walk into the bathroom and suddenly remember the stranger I met last night. Shit.

"Ohh my God..." I run my hands through my hair, not ready yet to relive my choices last night. "I need to tell Megan."

She nods, looking at me a little more earnestly than before.

"I didn't know she was there... and when did Laur-" I stop myself when I see Dinah looking a little confused. I decide to ask her something else. "- Where did you find me?"

"You were almost passed out on the toilet. When me and the girls noticed you were gone for so long, that's when we went looking for you and found you."

I rub my neck, feeling a little more confused than I was before.

"So you didn't find me in a chair in that room... that was down all those corridors..."

"What room Mila?" Dinah asks, genuinely having no clue what I was talking about.

I decide that's a thought she can't help me with and reach for my phone, keen to message Megan. I'm not sure what I'd even tell her, but I don't get to decide to when Dinah rests a hand on my phone.

"Okay, you can't freak out."

Dinah picks up her phone instead, scrolling to something until she finds what she's looking for.

"There's something else I need to show you."

She flips over her phone, but before I look, I don't miss the apprehension on her face.

I first recognise the bathroom - it's from yesterday. And then I see it. It's me and that girl.

We're kissing.

My hand cups my mouth, not quite sure just how to process what I've read

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My hand cups my mouth, not quite sure just how to process what I've read.

I've been outed.

"Look at me." My eyes shift from Dinah's phone to her face. "I know this is bad. But they posted this less than half an hour ago. Megan still might not have seen it, so I suggest you call her and get ahead of the curve. Maybe she'll understand once you explain to her you got spiked, because I do."

I reach for my phone as I give my friend a grateful smile. She takes the hint and goes into the bathroom to shower.

My fingers quickly type my girlfriend's number in, not wanting to waste any time, and ring her. The call bounces back, but I assume it's maybe still some of the aftermath from the blizzard. I grind my teeth, frustrated that Megan might find out about this before I can tell her. But I decide there's nothing more I can do.

So I open my Twitter and begin tweeting a series of tweets explaining to the world how gross this is, but not confirming or denying anything, either. This is not how I'm going to come out...

I'm on my 3rd one when I get a call from an unknown number. Weird. I thought the phone lines weren't working. I hesitate whether to press the red button and instead call Megan, but heck, it may even be her. So I press the green button, figuring this must be important either way.


"Hey... umm, it's Lauren."


Lauren and Lucy get outed and now it's Camila's turn 😬 poor girl gets a drink spilt on her, gets drugged and now this!

This one was a short one but the next chapter will have something new - It'll be in Lauren's POV!

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