19. I Should Tell You What Happened That Day

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Ally, Normani, Dinah, Lauren and I finally reach the stage to start the final sound check before the show.

Everyone's busy. The crew are setting up some equipment, the band are practising on whatever space is free for them to do so and the directors are running around all over the place like headless chickens.

I carefully tread around some wires and head backstage. There's more space backstage and the rest of the acts performing with us will be waiting there too.


When I saw her didn't listen, I called him again, this time louder. He turned around, removing his earphones and smiled at me.

"Hey Camila."

"Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt." I take a couple of steps until I'm directly in front of him. "What are you listening to?" He didn't have time to answer when I picked up one earphone and brought it to my ear.

It's an orchestra of instruments. The piano, violin, trombone and basset horn all harmoniously meld together, forming a historic masterpiece.

"Requiem by Mozart. I like that one."

An impressed face told me he wasn't expecting me to know the piece. I don't know whether I should be insulted or pleased that he's still surprised with my slightly above basic understanding of classical music. He does know I work in the music industry, right?

"How are you?"

"I'm nervous but prepared. Ready for the show?"

I eagerly nod my head and grin. I couldn't be more excited to perform to my fans, it's been quite a while.
And who knows, maybe I'll see more familiar faces I recognise that came here to see Fifth Harmony.

"I'm glad we're both ready to get out there! These past few days have been quite life changing. It's been a pleasure getting to know you."

That was sweet of him. I hope we can stay in touch when this is all over.

"I have to say, it's been really nice getting to know you too Will. As much as I expected to dislike you, I couldn't find it in me to do so."

He rolled his eyes and smirked. "My charisma and charm make up for whatever people find is lacking - I'm surprised they find anything is missing in the first place..."

Now it was my turn to roll my eyes. But I'll miss his fake arrogance when he's gone.

"I'm glad you don't hate me." He said it with a smile and genuine eyes, but I wouldn't want him to ever thing I hated him.

"I would never hate you Will, I don't hate people. It's too much of a strong word to use for anyone... except maybe Trump."

"Then I'm glad you don't dislike me." We both smile, knowing that he wasn't exactly my favourite person to be around when we first met, to him now being one of my favourite people to spend the with.

"Never. What are you planning on doing after the show? Tour the world? Write some more music?"

"I don't have a plan as of now. I'll probably stay in the states and do a few gigs here and there. My managers pushing me to explore the pop side of the industry, but I'm not sure about it. If I'm being honest, I don't see myself doing this in 1 years time."

"What, music?"

"Yeah. I love to create and have complete control over my projects, this just isn't doing it for me. Don't get me wrong, I'm passionate about music and I love to sing and play, but I don't want to do it for the rest of my life. If I'm not 100% happy with where I am now, I sure as hell won't be in 12 months time."

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